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1. Types of house/ger:
[] 1 House
[] 2 Ger [skip to question 11.]

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House: This includes apartments, houses and non-living quarters. On the census days, houses by the purposes should be counted, thus these need to be registered in advance.
Ger: All types of gers irrespective of number of their walls should be registered. Huts as those used by Reindeer-People should be included as a ger.
Dormitory: This includes dormitories for employees, students, school pupils and other dormitories. As well, military divisions, prisons, remand centers and places of detention should be listed as dormitory.
Other: This should include something different from the above mentioned living quarters.

1. Type of housing

The enumerator should clarify how many people live in that household and the type of housing. If the person answers this question as "Ger-2 ", skip to question number 11.

If the family owns more than two dwellings and gers or both of them, the enumerator should enumerate the house that is used in the winter time.

If a family owns more than two dwellings that they built themselves without a construction plan, it will be enumerated as one dwelling. The type of heating, water supply, waste disposal and outside toilets will be included in the infrastructure.