Questionnaire Text

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E1. In the last 5 years, have there been any members of your household who moved abroad and currently live there (emigrated)?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If yes, get the number of emigrants in the household in E2, record each person?s name in E4, record their age in E5, Circle the code corresponding to the emigrant?s sex in E6, record the month and year of departure in E7, record all the letters of the destination country in E8.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
6.2.5 Part V: International Emigration

The questions in this section apply only to "ordinary" households (sedentary and nomadic).
The purpose of these questions related to emigration is to collect information on Malians living abroad (outside of Mali). These are household members who currently reside abroad (for more than 6 months or who intend there to stay longer than 6 months) and who left within the last five (5) years.

[Omitted example]

Instructions: Anyone person who is a Present Resident or an Absent Resident cannot be identified as an emigrant.

[pg. 38]

The objective is to collect the emigrants who were members of the household at the time of departure. The agent must be careful to explain that the household is not emigrants from the family, but household members who have emigrated in the last five years.

A visitor can also be identified as an emigrant in his original household.

A person who, during the year crossed the border several times and had a combined length of absence exceeding six months, will be counted as resident in the household and not as an emigrant. (BARRY?s situation in Example 5). Identification of emigrants (Column E1)
The agent asks the question: "In the five (5) years, have there been any people in your household who have emigrated and who now live abroad?" If there are emigrants ("Yes"), circle code "1." Otherwise, circle "2" ("No"), cross out with a line the table and go to Part VI of the questionnaire (questions on housing).