Questionnaire Text

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Circle the code that applies or record the appropriate code in the space provided. If there is a plot occupied by a single household, use the characteristics of the main building (without including the number of rooms)

H9) Type of toilet

[] 1 Indoor private with flush
[] 2 Outdoor private with flush
[] 3 Communal to several household with flush
[] 4 Private latrine
[] 5 Communal latrine
[] 6 Nature/field
[] 7 Other, specify
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Type of toilet (Column H9)
The agent asks, "What kind of toilet does the household use?" Enter the code corresponding to the correct answer.

1 = Private interior with flush: Toilet located in the dwelling, with a bowl and a flush (usually going to a septic tank)
2 = Private outside with flush: Toilet located outside the dwelling (in the courtyard), with a bowl and a flush (usually going to a septic tank).
3 = Shared with many households with flush: Toilet located in the dwelling or the concession, with a bowl and a flush (usually going to a septic tank). It is a facility for many households (collective use).
4 = Private latrine: Latrine without slab covered by a ventilation shaft for the use of a single household
5 = Common latrine: Latrine without slab covered by a ventilation shaft for the use of several households
6 = Outdoors: Needs are relieved outdoors, in the bush or in the ruins of the house, etc.
7 = Other specify: Any other type of toilet not listed

For households with multiple types of toilets, consider the most used type of toilet.