Circle the code that applies or record the appropriate code in the space provided. If there is a plot occupied by a single household, use the characteristics of the main building (without including the number of rooms)
H6) Main method of lighting
[] 1 Electricity (EDM) [##translator note: EDM is the company, Electricity of Mali]
[] 2 Rural electrification/multifunction platform
[] 3 Generator
[] 4 Gas
[] 6 Petroleum lamp
[] 7 Gas lamp
[] 8 Flashlight (batteries)
[] 9 Other, specify Main mode of lighting (Column H6) 1= Electricity (EDM) [national energy company in Mali] Household with a permanent lighting system whose wires are connected to a source of electricity distribution (Energie du Mali)
2 = Rural Electrification / Multifunctional platform: This is a source of energy by battery systems (AMADER, etc.). [Malian Agency for Domestic Energy Development and Rural Electrification]
3 = Generator: Household with its own generator
4 = Solar Panel: Household with solar panels to supply the lighting
5 = Gas: This type of lighting is an installation supplied by gas
6 = Kerosene Lamp: Household is light by kerosene lamps, whatever its shape, size ...
7 = Oil Lamp: Traditional mode of lighting with shea butter usually called Fiténé Bambara
8 = Flashlight (batteries): All lighting installations requiring batteries
9 = Other specify: Can be Firewood, none...
[pg. 43]
The question allow for collection of information on the lighting mode used by the household. The agent asks the following question: "What is the mode of lighting used by your household?." He records the code corresponding to the response provided. When the agent records code "9," he writes out in full letters the exact response. Depending on the response, refer to the definitions above.
Instructions: When there are multiple lighting modes, the agent must take into account the main lighting mode.