Questionnaire Text

Cameroon 1987
France 1962
France 1968
France 1975
France 1982
France 1990
France 1999
Laos 1995
Laos 2015
Cameroon 1987 — source variable CM1987A_PROV10YR — Province of residence in 1976
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Population of 11 years and older (born before April 1976)
[Questions 23-26 were asked of persons 11 years old or more.]

P23. Place of residence during the April 1976 census________

Where was [the respondent] residing during the April 1976 census? Put the subdivision or the district if it is known, or the name of the locality and the division in brackets, if it is in Cameroon. Put the country if it is abroad.

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Columns P23 to P25: Population of 11 years and older (born before April 1976)
Note that these columns concern only persons who are 11 or more years old, in other words persons born before April 1976.
1) For persons who are less than 11 years old, put a dash in columns P23, P24 and P25.
2) For persons who are 11 or more years old. Fill in the following columns in compliance with the instructions below.

Column P23: Place of residence during the 1976 census
This requires the sub-division in which the person lived by the time the April 1976 census was conducted in Cameroon.

a) Persons who were living in Cameroon. Write the name of the subdivision or district in which the person was living, if given.
If the person does not know the subdivision in which he was living in April 1976, write the name of the locality followed by the division, in brackets, in which the locality of his residence was found.
b) Persons who were living out of Cameroon. Write the name of the country in which the person was living.

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_SPREVREG — SAPHIR region of previous residence
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Place of residence on January 1, 1954

(Year of the last general census)

7a. Where were you living on January 1, 1954?

If you were in the armed forces, a boarding-school student or receiving treatment in a health-care facility, indicate your personal residence on that date, and not the address of the establishment (barracks, boarding school, sanitarium, etc.)

[] In the same city or town (or the same district within Paris [arrondissement]) as now.
[] In a different city or town (or a different district within Paris [arrondissement]).
Indicate the other city or town (or district within Paris): ____
and the state [departement] (or country): ____

7b. In the case of a child born after January 1 1954, indicate the residence of the parents at the time of the child's birth:

City or town:____
State [departement] (or country):____

7c. If, on January 1, 1954, you were living abroad or outside of metropolitan France, in what year did settle (or re-settle) in metropolitan France?


France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_SPREVREG — SAPHIR region of previous residence
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7. Where were you living on January 1st, 1962? (for all people born before January 1st, 1962).
City (for Paris, Lyon, Marseille, include the city neighborhood) ____
Department (or country, for overseas territories and abroad) ____

If, on January 1st, 1962, you were living in the same address as now, indicate, "same address".
If you were in the military at that time or a boarding student or undergoing treatment in a care facility, indicate the address of your personal residence at that date and not that of the establishment (barrack, boarding school, sanatorium, etc.).
If, on January 1st, 1962, you were living in an overseas territory or abroad, when did you come (or return) to live in Metropolitan France?
Month ____
Year ____
196 _

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5.6.3 Question 7: Residence on January 1st, 1962.
This question is dedicated to the study of migrations to the inside of France in the period of 1962- 1968. This information will inform researchers about the immigration of the foreigner or of the countries located outside of Metropolitan France.
Make sure that the people who were living outside of France on January 1st, 1968 have correctly indicated the year of their arrival in France. This applies as well to French citizens as well as foreigners who were living outside of Metropolitan France on January 1st, 1962.
In the situation where some people would have made several visits since 1962 in France, it will be necessary to indicate the corresponding year at the beginning of the current visit. However, you should keep track of the absences from Metropolitan France which have lasted more than 3 months.
Example: A house servant who was living in Spain on January 1st, 1962 came to work in France during the whole year of 1963. Returning to Spain at the beginning of 1964, she comes back to France in September 1966. She has spent her vacation of 1967 (August) in Spain. In this situation, answer: 1966.
[Footnote] (1) However, you will not count a foreigner who has nothing in France but a secondary residence (country home, vacation home, etc.) His secondary residence will nevertheless be counted, as pointed out in paragraph 4.2.7.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_SPREVREG — SAPHIR region of previous residence
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5. Date and place of birth

Born : (day, month, year) ____
in (city): ____ (for Paris, Lyon, Marseille, specify the district)
County: ____ (country for foreigners, territory for the T.O.M.)

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Question 7: Residence on January 1st, 1968.
Make sure that the answer is complete.
The people who have not changed dwellings since January 1st 1968 do not have to check anything but box 1. However, if boxes 1 and 2 have been checked, you should not make any correction to the forms.
Keep track of the people who were living outside of France on January 1st, 1968 have correctly indicated the year of their arrival in France. This applies as well to French citizens as well as foreigners who were living outside of Metropolitan France on January 1st, 1968.
In the situation where some people would have made several visits since 1968 in France, it will be necessary to indicate the corresponding year at the beginning of the current visit. However, you should keep track of the absences from Metropolitan France which have lasted more than 3 months.
Example: A house servant who was living in Spain on January 1st, 1968 came to work in France during the whole year of 1968. Returning to Spain at the beginning of 1970, she comes back to France in September 1972. She has spent her vacation of 1973 (August) in Spain. In this situation, answer: 1972.

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_SPREVREG — SAPHIR region of previous residence
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7. Where were you living on January 1, 1975?

(For all persons born before January 1, 1975)

If you were in the armed forces or a boarding-school, or receiving treatment in a health care facility on January 1, 1975, indicate the address of your personal residence on that date, and not the address of the establishment (barracks, boarding school, sanitarium, etc.)

[] 1 In the same dwelling as now
[] 2 In the same city or town (For Paris, Lyon and Marseille, indicate the district within the city [arrondissement])
[] 3 In a different city or town (For Paris, Lyon and Marseille, indicate the district within the city) [arrondissement]).

Indicate the other town or city:
Town or city: ____
(For Paris, Lyon and Marseille, indicate the district within the city [arrondissement])
State [département]: ____
(Country for aliens, or Overseas Territory for those from an overseas territory)

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_SPREVREG — SAPHIR region of previous residence
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7. Where were you living on January 1st, 1982?
(for all people born before January 1st, 1982)
If, on January 1982, you were in the military or a student intern, indicate the address of your personal residence on this date and not that of the establishment (barracks, boarding school)
[] 1 In the same dwelling as now
[] 2 In another dwelling of the same county, or the same city neighborhood [arrondissement] if in Paris, Lyon, or Marseille)
[] 3 In another county (or in another city neighborhood if in Paris, Lyon, or Marseille)
Indicate this other county
County (for Paris, Lyon, Marseille specify the city neighborhood) ____
Department (country for foreigners, territory for the TOMs) ____

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_RESPRR — Region of previous residence
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8. Where were you living on January 1st, 1990?
For every person born before January 1, 1990.
If, on January 1, 1990, you were in the military or a boarding school student, indicate the personal residence at this date and not that of the institution (barracks, boarding school)
[] 1 In the same residence as now
[] 2 In another residence in the same city (in the same city sector if in Paris, Lyon or Marseilles)
[] 3 In another city (or another city sector)

Indicate this other city (specify the city sector)
City ____
County _ _
(Country for the foreigner, territory for TOM) ____

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_PROV10YR — Province of residence in March 1985
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B. For all persons
[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons]

1. Persons in the household: Who was a member of this household on September 26, 1994?

List the name and surname of all persons who were members of the household on September 26, 1994, whether they were present or absent.

Enter the person who was heading the household as person number one.

Name and surname ____
[Note:] It is very important that all persons who were members of the household on March 1, 1995 are listed.

If there are more than 10 members in the household, use additional questionnaire(s). When this is necessary, tick the box in the bottom right corner and change the person number (1, 2, 3 ... in column a in the questionnaire) to 11, 12, 13 ... in the second questionnaire, 21, 22, 23 ... in the third questionnaire, etc.

Regarding the routines for collective households, see the enumerator's manual.

6. Where was [the respondent] living at last census in March 1985?

Enter district or country code _ _ _ _
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Section B: For all persons

Question 6: Where was [the respondent] living at last census in March 1985?
The purpose of this question is to get a measure of "inter-censal" migration.

Enter Province/District code if the person was living in Lao P.D.R. in March 1985, otherwise the country code. A list of the districts and countries is shown in Appendix 2 and at the back of each questionnaire.

For children below the age of ten, record N/A. For not known, use code "9999".

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_DIST10YR — District of residence in March 1985
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B. For all persons
[Questions 1-10 were asked of all persons]

1. Persons in the household: Who was a member of this household on September 26, 1994?

List the name and surname of all persons who were members of the household on September 26, 1994, whether they were present or absent.

Enter the person who was heading the household as person number one.

Name and surname ____
[Note:] It is very important that all persons who were members of the household on March 1, 1995 are listed.

If there are more than 10 members in the household, use additional questionnaire(s). When this is necessary, tick the box in the bottom right corner and change the person number (1, 2, 3 ... in column a in the questionnaire) to 11, 12, 13 ... in the second questionnaire, 21, 22, 23 ... in the third questionnaire, etc.

Regarding the routines for collective households, see the enumerator's manual.

6. Where was [the respondent] living at last census in March 1985?

Enter district or country code _ _ _ _
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Section B: For all persons

Question 6: Where was [the respondent] living at last census in March 1985?
The purpose of this question is to get a measure of "inter-censal" migration.

Enter Province/District code if the person was living in Lao P.D.R. in March 1985, otherwise the country code. A list of the districts and countries is shown in Appendix 2 and at the back of each questionnaire.

For children below the age of ten, record N/A. For not known, use code "9999".

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_PROV10YR — Province of living in the last census 2005
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D. For persons 10 and above
[Questions Q22-Q26 are asked of persons age 10 and above only]

Q22. Place of living at last census in March 2005

[] 1. Same district as living now
(Mark ''X'' in box 1 below)
[] 2. Different district as living now
(Enter province and district codes in box 2 below)

_ _ Province
_ _ District
[] 3. Another country
(Enter the country code in box 3 below)

Code list:
[] 01. Cambodia
[] 02. China
[] 03. Myanmar
[] 04. Thailand
[] 05. Vietnam
[] 06. Other Asian
[] 07. Europe
[] 08. Africa
[] 09. Americas
[] 10. Australia/Oceania
[] 11. Other
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4.5. Section D: For all students aged 10 and above
Section "D" is related to the question about labor and employment, the questions in this section are for people aged 10 and above.

Question Q22: On March 2005, where did you live?
This question is to gather information on the migration of citizens since the previous survey from 2005 to 2015.


- If in March 2005 the household members lived in the same district as the current district, they should highlight in black the box of code 1;
Note: If the house is still located in the old place, but the name of the district or village has been changed due to the division of the authorization area, village consolidation, village separation, or village dissolution, it is considered to be in the old place (no migration).
- If on March 2005, the household member lived abroad, write the country code in the box of code 3 (the country code, it is written on the back of the questionnaire).

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_DIST10YR — District of living in the last census 2005
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D. For persons 10 and above
[Questions Q22-Q26 are asked of persons age 10 and above only]

Q22. Place of living at last census in March 2005

[] 1. Same district as living now
(Mark ''X'' in box 1 below)
[] 2. Different district as living now
(Enter province and district codes in box 2 below)

_ _ Province
_ _ District
[] 3. Another country
(Enter the country code in box 3 below)

Code list:
[] 01. Cambodia
[] 02. China
[] 03. Myanmar
[] 04. Thailand
[] 05. Vietnam
[] 06. Other Asian
[] 07. Europe
[] 08. Africa
[] 09. Americas
[] 10. Australia/Oceania
[] 11. Other
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4.5. Section D: For all students aged 10 and above
Section "D" is related to the question about labor and employment, the questions in this section are for people aged 10 and above.

Question Q22: On March 2005, where did you live?
This question is to gather information on the migration of citizens since the previous survey from 2005 to 2015.


- If in March 2005 the household members lived in the same district as the current district, they should highlight in black the box of code 1;
Note: If the house is still located in the old place, but the name of the district or village has been changed due to the division of the authorization area, village consolidation, village separation, or village dissolution, it is considered to be in the old place (no migration).
- If on March 2005, the household member lived abroad, write the country code in the box of code 3 (the country code, it is written on the back of the questionnaire).