Questionnaire Text

Austria 2011 Greece 2011 Mozambique 2007 Spain 2011
Botswana 1981 Ireland 1981 Netherlands 2001 Sudan 2008
Botswana 1991 Ireland 1986 Papua New Guinea 1990 Tanzania 2002
Botswana 2001 Ireland 1991 Poland 2002 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Botswana 2011 Ireland 1996 Portugal 1981 United Kingdom 1991
Burkina Faso 1985 Ireland 2002 Portugal 1991 United Kingdom 2001
Burkina Faso 1996 Ireland 2006 Portugal 2001 United States 2005
Burkina Faso 2006 Ireland 2011 Portugal 2011 United States 2010
Canada 1991 Italy 2001 Puerto Rico 2015 United States 2015
Canada 2001 Kenya 1979 Puerto Rico 2020 United States 2020
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Kenya 1989 Russia 2010 Zambia 1990
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Kenya 1999 Senegal 2013 Zambia 2000
France 2011 Kenya 2009 Slovenia 2002 Zambia 2010
Greece 1991 Malawi 1987 South Sudan 2008
Greece 2001 Mozambique 1997 Spain 1991
Austria 2011 — source variable AT2011A_NUTS3US1 — NUTS3 Region of usual residence one year prior to the census

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_PLACE1YR — Place of residence 1 year ago
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[This question were asked of all persons in present residents aged 1 plus]
9. Where did (the person) lived this time last year?
[] 0000 Not born
[] 0001 In this housing unit
[] 0002 Elsewhere in this locality
[] _ _ _ _ Elsewhere in Botswana (see list)
[] 77XX Other country (see list)
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Column [P9] migration
This question deals with the place where each person being enumerated was living a year before the census. Proceed as follows:
For children who are under one year of age at the time of enumeration, enter 0000.
For a person who is living in the same dwelling now as last year, enter 0001.
For a person who was living somewhere else in the locality enter 0002.
For a person who was living somewhere else in Botswana, write down the name of the place and also check the appropriate code from the village list. Enter the code below the name of the place you have just written.
For a person who was living outside Botswana a year before the census enter the code number for the country. See column P7 for the list of the country codes. If the country is not listed, write down the name of the country.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_RES1YR — Place of residence 1 year ago
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Section A

(All persons)

8. A year ago

Where did [the respondent] live this time last year?

[] 0000 Not born
[] 0001 In this housing unit
[] 0002 Elsewhere in this locality
[] _ _ _ _ Elsewhere in Botswana (see list)
[] 77XX Other country (see list)
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Column 8: Past Residence

Where did [the respondent] live this time last year?

This question deals with the usual place where each person was living a year before the census. Proceed as follows:


For children who are under one year of age at the time of enumeration, enter 0000 (because this time a year ago they had not been born).

For a person who is living in the same housing unit now as last year, enter 0001. For a person who was living elsewhere in the locality (as indicated on the top of the questionnaire) last year, enter 0002.

For a person who was living somewhere else in Botswana, write down the name of the place (as described for A7), and also look up the appropriate code from the Village/Country List as above. Enter the code below the name of the place you have just written.

For a person who was living outside Botswana a year before the census, enter the name and code number for the country, prefixing the code by 77, e.g. if Lesotho, enter code 7703.

Remember, this is the usual place of residence a year before the census - even if on the same night one year ago they were temporarily away (e.g. visiting friends/relatives, in hospital).

In the sample questionnaire in paragraph 103, James, Anne and Molelo were all living in this household a year ago, so they are coded 0001 in column AB. Since Mimi had not yet been born a year ago, she is coded 0000. Anthony was living at the boarding school in Francis town a year ago, so he is coded as he was in column A7. David was living in Gaborone last year, so "Gaborone" is written in the unshaded area and the code 0101 is entered in the shaded area. Thembe was living in South Africa, and she is coded as she was in column A7.

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_MIG1PLC — Place of residence 1 year ago
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A9. (A year ago) Where did [the person] live this time last year?

[] 000 Not yet born
[] 001 In this housing unit
[] 002 Elsewhere in this locality
[] Elsewhere in Botswana (state town/district) ____
[] 7XX Other country (see list)
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106a. Column A9: Place of usual living: a year ago

Q: Where did [the person] live this time last year?

This question deals with the usual place where each person was living a year before the census. If a person was temporarily away from home a year before the census, record the place where the person was living, not the place the person was temporarily visiting. For example, if someone living in Kgalagadi was away from home visiting friends or relatives in Jwaneng, or if someone was in hospital in Jwaneng, do not record the place of usual living a year ago as Jwaneng. Use the code for Kgalagadi instead. If a child was attending boarding school in Lobatse, a year ago was with his family in Central district during the school holiday, then the child's place of usual living a year ago was Lobatse; he was merely visiting Lerala at this time a year ago.

For children who are under one year of age at the time of enumeration, enter 000 (because this time a year ago they had not been born).

For a person who is living in the same housing unit now as last year, enter 001. For a person who was living elsewhere in the locality (as indicated on the top of the questionnaire) last year, enter 002.

For a person who was living somewhere else in Botswana, write down the name of the district (as described for A8), and also look up the appropriate code from the Village/Country List as above. Enter the district code preceded by a "6", below the name of the district you have just written.

For a person who was living outside Botswana a year before the census, enter the name and code number for the country, prefixing the code by 7, e.g., if Lesotho, enter code 703. In cases where the place of usual residence was not known a year ago write 999.

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_MIG1PLC — Place of residence 1 year ago
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A. Person Information

9. Where did [the respondent] live in August last year?

[] 0000 Not born
[] 0001 In this housing unit
[] 0002 Elsewhere in this locality
[] 66XX Elsewhere in Botswana [state town / district]
[] 7XXX Other country (see list)
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131. Columns A7-A12
These questions collect information about the place of birth, places of residence, and parental survival of the persons listed in column A1. This portion of the sample questionnaire is inserted on page 30 for easy reference.

134. Column A9: Place of usual living: 1 year ago
Q. Where did the respondent live this time last year?
This question deals with the usual place where each person was living a year before the census. If a person was temporarily away from home a year before the census, record the place where the person was living, not the place the person was temporarily visiting. For example, if someone living in Kgalagadi was away from home visiting friends or relatives in Jwaneng, or if someone was in hospital in Jwaneng, do not record the place of usual living a year ago as Jwaneng, instead write Kgalagadi. If a child was attending boarding school in Lobatse a year ago and was with his/her family in Central district during the school holiday, then the child's place of usual living a year ago was Lobatse; he/she was merely visiting Central district at this time a year ago.
For children who are under one year of age at the time of enumeration, enter 0000 (because this time a year ago they were not born).

For a person who is living in the same housing unit now as last year, enter 0001. For a person who was living elsewhere in the locality (as indicated on the top of the questionnaire) last year, enter 0002.

For a person who was living somewhere else in Botswana, write down the name of the census district (as described for A8).

For a person who was living outside Botswana a year before the census, enter the name of the country on the unshaded space. In cases where the place of usual residence a year ago is not known, write 9999 and 7999 if it is known that the person was outside Botswana although the exact country where the person was at that time is not known. Similarly if it was known that the person was somewhere in Botswana even though the exact location is not known, the code to use should be 6699.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_RES84 — Province or country of residence in 1984
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All persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked for all persons.]

8. Place of residence one year ago ____

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Column eight - place of residence one year ago:

Ask the question: "Where were you living in December 1984?"

For people whose place of residence one year ago is the same as their place of residence at the time of the census counting, record "HERE".

For people whose place of residence one year ago is not the same as their place of residence at the time of the census counting, record the name of the administrative center of the province in which they were residing at that time, if it was in a province of Burkina Faso.

For people whose place of residence one year ago was outside of Burkina Faso, write the name of the country.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_PROV1YR — Province of residence one year ago
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Entire Population
[Questions P01 to P14 were asked for all persons.]

Place of residence one year ago

P09. In which province and department, or in which country, did [person] live a year ago?

Write the name of the province and the department or country in which [person] lived one year ago.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_RES1YR — Country of residence one year ago
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Entire Population
[Questions P01 to P14 were asked for all persons.]

Place of residence one year ago

P09. In which province and department, or in which country, did [person] live a year ago?

Write the name of the province and the department or country in which [person] lived one year ago.

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_PROV05 — Province of residence 2005
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II. Individual Characteristics
Entire Population

P10. Place of residence one year ago

In which commune and province of the country did [the person] live a year ago?

Write the name of the commune and province if the person lived in Burkina Faso, or the name of the country if they lived outside of Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso 2006 — source variable BF2006A_CNTRY05 — Country of residence 2005
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II. Individual Characteristics
Entire Population

P10. Place of residence one year ago

In which commune and province of the country did [the person] live a year ago?

Write the name of the commune and province if the person lived in Burkina Faso, or the name of the country if they lived outside of Burkina Faso.

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_MOVER1 — Mobility status -- 1 year ago (Place of residence)
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STEP 10: Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over.

20. Where did this person live 1 year ago, that is, on June 4, 1990?

Mark one circle only.
[] Lived at the same address as now
[] Lived in the same province/territory, but at a different address
[] Lived in a different province/territory in Canada

Print name of province/territory ____

[] Lived outside Canada

Print name of country ____

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Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over, that is, for each person born before June 4, 1976.

In these three questions, the term "address" refers to the address of residence, not the mailing address (P.O. Box, etc.). Please be sure to base all answers on the address of residence.

Question 20: Mobility -- Place of residence one year ago

Mark only one of the four circles provided to indicate each person's usual place of residence one year ago (on June 4, 1990), even if the person was not at home on that date.
For persons who lived at the same residence on that date, mark Lived at the same address as now. For persons who lived at a different residence but within the same province or territory, mark Lived in the same province/territory, but at a different address. For persons who lived in a different province or territory in Canada on that date, mark that circle and print the name of the province or territory in the box provided.
For persons whose usual residence was outside Canada on that date, mark that circle and enter the name of the country according to present boundaries.

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_MOB1P — Mobility status - place of residence 1 year ago
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23. Answer questions 24 to 51 for each person aged 15 and over.

24. Where did this person live 1 year ago, that is, on May 15, 2000?

Mark "x" one circle only.
Note: For those who mark circle 03: Please give the name of the city or town rather than the metropolitan area of which it is a part. For example: Saanich rather than Victoria (metropolitan area); St. Albert rather than Edmonton (metropolitan area); Laval rather than Montreal (metropolitan area).
[] Lived at the same address as now
[] Lived at a different address in the same city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve
[] Lived in a different city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve in Canada. [Fill out 04, 05, and 06 below.] Specify name of:

City, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve ____
Province/territory ____
Postal code _ _ _ _ _ _

[] Lived outside Canada [Fill out next line]

Specify name of country ____

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Question 23
Only respondents born before May 15, 1986 should answer Questions 24 to 51.

Question 24 -- Place of residence 1 year ago

If the address has changed simply because the boundary or the name of the municipality or reserve/settlement has changed, mark circle 01 (Lived at the same address as now).
For persons who lived in a different city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve in Canada on May 15, 2000: mark that circle and print the name of the city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve, and print the name of the province or territory, and print the postal code.
For persons who lived outside Canada on May 15, 2000: mark that circle and print the name of the country according to its present boundaries.

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_DPTO1YR — Department of residence one year ago (in March of 1987)
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All individuals
[Question 17 through 28 were asked of all individuals]

24. Place of residence in March 1987

Ask the question, "Where were you residing in March 1987?" Write:

a) For people residing in Cote d'Ivoire, as applicable,
____ The name of the village with the name of the sub-prefecture or the municipality in which that village is located between ( )
____ The name of the sub-prefecture or municipality
b) For people residing outside of the CI [Côte d'Ivoire]:
____ The name of the country with urban or rural indicated between ( ), as applicable
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4.3.2 The inside of the questionnaire: data on the household

To complete the inside of the questionnaire, you must have:

- Read and fully understand the contents of this manual.
- If any points are unclear to you, ask your team leader for an explanation.
- Know the definitions perfectly and the meaning of the abbreviations used.
- The presence of the person you are surveying to obtain reliable information. If the head of the household is absent, speak with his representative to get the necessary information.


- Ask each person to be surveyed to present an identification document (national identification card, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, etc.) in order to quickly obtain answers to questions regarding first and last names, date of birth, etc.

Carefully follow all instructions you have been given, especially regarding how to ask the questions.

Question 24: Place of residence in March 1987

Ask the following question: "Where were you residing in the month of March 1987?"
Then ask: "Was that residence in Cote d'Ivoire or abroad?"

Below the coding table, write the following, depending on the surveyed individual's answer:

For the Cote d'Ivoire:

- The name of the village, with the name of the Sub-Prefecture or the Municipality in which that village is located at the time of the census, if the person resided in a village in March 1987;


- The name of the Sub-Prefecture or the Municipality, if the individual was residing there in March 1987.

For foreign countries:

- The name of the country, with "urban" in parenthesis, if the person was residing in a city outside of Cote d'Ivoire in March 1987. Example: France (Urban)

- The name of the country, with "rural" in parenthesis, if the person was residing in a village outside of Cote d'Ivoire in March 1987. Example: Burkina Faso (Rural)

Côte d'Ivoire 1988 — source variable CI1988A_REG1YR — Region of residence one year ago (in March of 1987)
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All individuals
[Question 17 through 28 were asked of all individuals]

24. Place of residence in March 1987

Ask the question, "Where were you residing in March 1987?" Write:

a) For people residing in Cote d'Ivoire, as applicable,
____ The name of the village with the name of the sub-prefecture or the municipality in which that village is located between ( )
____ The name of the sub-prefecture or municipality
b) For people residing outside of the CI [Côte d'Ivoire]:
____ The name of the country with urban or rural indicated between ( ), as applicable
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4.3.2 The inside of the questionnaire: data on the household

To complete the inside of the questionnaire, you must have:

- Read and fully understand the contents of this manual.
- If any points are unclear to you, ask your team leader for an explanation.
- Know the definitions perfectly and the meaning of the abbreviations used.
- The presence of the person you are surveying to obtain reliable information. If the head of the household is absent, speak with his representative to get the necessary information.


- Ask each person to be surveyed to present an identification document (national identification card, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, etc.) in order to quickly obtain answers to questions regarding first and last names, date of birth, etc.

Carefully follow all instructions you have been given, especially regarding how to ask the questions.

Question 24: Place of residence in March 1987

Ask the following question: "Where were you residing in the month of March 1987?"
Then ask: "Was that residence in Cote d'Ivoire or abroad?"

Below the coding table, write the following, depending on the surveyed individual's answer:

For the Cote d'Ivoire:

- The name of the village, with the name of the Sub-Prefecture or the Municipality in which that village is located at the time of the census, if the person resided in a village in March 1987;


- The name of the Sub-Prefecture or the Municipality, if the individual was residing there in March 1987.

For foreign countries:

- The name of the country, with "urban" in parenthesis, if the person was residing in a city outside of Cote d'Ivoire in March 1987. Example: France (Urban)

- The name of the country, with "rural" in parenthesis, if the person was residing in a village outside of Cote d'Ivoire in March 1987. Example: Burkina Faso (Rural)

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_DEPT1YR — Department of residence one year ago (in November 1997)
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All residents
[Question 21 through 25 were asked of all resident persons.]

21. Place of residence in November 1997

For the question: Where were you living in November 1997? Record for persons who were living in Cote d'Ivoire, as pertinent: the name of the village with, in parentheses ( ), the name of the sub-prefecture or commune to which the village belongs; the name of the sub-prefecture or commune_ _ _ _ _ _

For persons born outside Cote d'Ivoire, the name of the country. ____
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Question 21: Place of residence in November 1997
For any person living in the household, born before November 1, 1997 or more than one year old, ask the following question: Where did you live in November 1997, i.e. one year ago? Depending on the answer given, you write:
- 1) the name of the village, followed in parentheses by the name of the sub-prefecture or of the commune to which the village is administratively linked, if the person resided in a village in Côte d'Ivoire;

Example: a) Anno (SP/ Agboville), b) Diape (C/ Agou)

- 2) the name of the administrative center of the sub-prefecture or of the commune, if the person was living in the administrative center of a sub-prefecture or of a commune in Côte d'Ivoire;

Example: a) SP/ Bako, b) C/ Bouake

3 - The name of the country, if the person was living outside Côte d'Ivoire.

Example: a) Burkina-Faso, b) Congo-Brazzaville.

For children under one year of age, do not ask the question; instead, draw a slash through the column.

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_REG1YR — Region of residence one year ago (in November 1997)
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All residents
[Question 21 through 25 were asked of all resident persons.]

21. Place of residence in November 1997

For the question: Where were you living in November 1997? Record for persons who were living in Cote d'Ivoire, as pertinent: the name of the village with, in parentheses ( ), the name of the sub-prefecture or commune to which the village belongs; the name of the sub-prefecture or commune_ _ _ _ _ _

For persons born outside Cote d'Ivoire, the name of the country. ____
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Question 21: Place of residence in November 1997
For any person living in the household, born before November 1, 1997 or more than one year old, ask the following question: Where did you live in November 1997, i.e. one year ago? Depending on the answer given, you write:
- 1) the name of the village, followed in parentheses by the name of the sub-prefecture or of the commune to which the village is administratively linked, if the person resided in a village in Côte d'Ivoire;

Example: a) Anno (SP/ Agboville), b) Diape (C/ Agou)

- 2) the name of the administrative center of the sub-prefecture or of the commune, if the person was living in the administrative center of a sub-prefecture or of a commune in Côte d'Ivoire;

Example: a) SP/ Bako, b) C/ Bouake

3 - The name of the country, if the person was living outside Côte d'Ivoire.

Example: a) Burkina-Faso, b) Congo-Brazzaville.

For children under one year of age, do not ask the question; instead, draw a slash through the column.

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_CNTRY1YR — Country of residence one year ago (in November 1997)
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All residents
[Question 21 through 25 were asked of all resident persons.]

21. Place of residence in November 1997

For the question: Where were you living in November 1997? Record for persons who were living in Cote d'Ivoire, as pertinent: the name of the village with, in parentheses ( ), the name of the sub-prefecture or commune to which the village belongs; the name of the sub-prefecture or commune_ _ _ _ _ _

For persons born outside Cote d'Ivoire, the name of the country. ____
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Question 21: Place of residence in November 1997
For any person living in the household, born before November 1, 1997 or more than one year old, ask the following question: Where did you live in November 1997, i.e. one year ago? Depending on the answer given, you write:
- 1) the name of the village, followed in parentheses by the name of the sub-prefecture or of the commune to which the village is administratively linked, if the person resided in a village in Côte d'Ivoire;

Example: a) Anno (SP/ Agboville), b) Diape (C/ Agou)

- 2) the name of the administrative center of the sub-prefecture or of the commune, if the person was living in the administrative center of a sub-prefecture or of a commune in Côte d'Ivoire;

Example: a) SP/ Bako, b) C/ Bouake

3 - The name of the country, if the person was living outside Côte d'Ivoire.

Example: a) Burkina-Faso, b) Congo-Brazzaville.

For children under one year of age, do not ask the question; instead, draw a slash through the column.

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_PREVRES — Place of residence 1 year ago
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Individual form

5) Where were you living on January 1, 2013? [one year ago]
Children born after this date do not apply.

[ ] 1 In the same dwelling as now
[ ] 2 In another dwelling in the same municipality (or in the same district for Paris, Lyon, Marseille)
[ ] 3 In another municipality (or another district for Paris, Lyon, Marseille)
Indicate this other municipality ____
Municipality (and district for Paris, Lyon, Marseille), department, DOM (overseas department) number, country for aboard, territory for TOM (overseas territories)

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_RES90 — Place of residence 1 year ago
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11. In which Municipality, Commune, or Foreign country did he/she reside a year ago?

-Do not answer for children born after March 17, 1990.
-Do not fill in the spaces provided for subsequent coding, at the end of the question.

[] 1 This Municipality or Commune
[] 2 Other Municipality or Commune or Foreign country (specify)
___ Municipality or Commune
___ Province or Foreign country
_ _ _ _ _ _

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11. Which Municipality, Commune or Foreign country did he/she reside in a year ago?

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_RES00 — Place of residence 1 year ago
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12. Place of usual residence in March 2000
[] 1 At the place of enumeration
[] 2 Another place
___ Municipality or Commune
___ Nomos (or foreign country)

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Question 12: Not to be answered by children aged 12 months or less.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_PL1YR — Place of usual residence the year before the census
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[Question were asked of all persons with Greek citizenship]
8. In which Municipality are you registered?

Only for those whose country of citizenship is Greece.

[] 1 This Municipality
[] 2 Other Municipality (state)
____ Municipality
____ Regional unit
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Place of usual residence is where the enumerated individual spends most of his daily rest regardless of circumstantial absences for vacations etc. The implementation of this rule will not be a problem for most individuals. However, in special cases there might be problems.
In these cases, the following instructions to deal with the problems are presented:

a) For individuals working far from home during the week and come back in the family home on weekends, their family home is to be considered as the place of usual residence regardless of whether their place of work is elsewhere in the country or abroad.
b) For primary or secondary education pupils that stay far from home during school terms, their family home is to be considered as their place of usual residence regardless of whether their place of studies is elsewhere.
c) For higher education students staying far from home during their studies at college or university, their place of studies is to be considered as their place of usual residence regardless of whether this place is an institution (such as a hall) or a private home.
d) An institute [foundation] is considered as the place of usual residence of all boarders during the census taking if they have spent or intend to spend 12 months or more there. Such examples are patients of hospital or ecclesiastical hostels, borders of homes for the aged or convalescent homes, prisoners and boarders of correction centres for the under-age.
e) When an individual lives regularly in more than one dwelling during the year, the place where he spends most of the year is to be considered as his place of usual residence.
f) Conscripts as well as members of the national forces living in military barracks are considered to be usually residing in them, except the officers living outside the barracks.
g) For children living alternately in two households (after their parents divorced), the place where they spend most of the time is to be considered as their place of usual residence. In the cases where this time is spend equally with both parents, as their usual place of residence is to be considered the dwelling they were found during the night of the census taking.
h) For homeless, rovers and nomads, the place of enumeration is to be considered as the place of their usual residence.
Question 8 "Municipality or Commune registration"
This question will only be responded to by those who have the Greek citizenship and those who have the Greek and another citizenship.
As a general principle, every Greek citizen is written in the population register of the Municipal Unity [formerCapodistriaMunicipality or Community, according to the Municipal and Community Code 2006].
The question should be clarified because the identity cards are not always informed.
For those who state that they are registered in the population register, ''Her municipal unity'', where registered, put X in box 1. For those who state that they are registered in the population register "the Other Democratic Unity'', put X box 2 and write in boxes the Regional Union and Municipal Unit in registries which are registered. The geographic code will be completed by the Office.
Question 9 "Have you ever resided elsewhere in Greece"
The purpose of asking this question is to count the number of people relocated within the boundaries of Greece. The individual will be asked if, before settling in the village where he/she is resident in the Census, resided in another settlement of the country.
If the answer is "Yes", it should be completed in the corresponding boxes the date of setup in this settlement.
Subsequently, should be answered in the place immediately preceding habitual residence and supplemented the settlement, municipal / local community, municipal unit and the regional unit.
If the answer to question 9 is "No," the census will proceed to the next question 10 of the sheet.
Question 10 "Have you ever resided abroad"
The purpose of asking this question is to count the number of people relocated from abroad to Greece. It refers both to foreign migrants that have settled in Greece as well as to Greek migrants that returned home.
The question will be answered with an X in the appropriate box.
If the answer is 'Yes', then you should:
[] Indicate in the corresponding boxes the date that person permanently settled in Greece,
[] indicate in the space the place of the previous residence,
[] to give an answer with an X in the box corresponding to the main reason why the individual settled in Greece. If answer is 7 "other reason" it should be noted in the relevant space ratio.
In the case of persons with successive changes to habitual residence between Greece and abroad, the settlement date in Greece will note the date of the last settlement.
If the answer is "No" then the census will proceed to the next question 11 of the sheet.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_RESYRAGO — Region or country of usual residence 1 year ago
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Q.12 Usual residence one year ago ____
If the person's usual address one year ago was the same as that given at Q.11, write "Same". If not, write in full the usual address at that time. For children now younger than one year old, write "'Under 1".

Questions 11 and 12: Usual residence now; Usual residence one year ago

(i) If an address in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) is given, make sure that the county of residence is stated. In addition, if the address is in a town, the name of the town should be given. If it is in a rural area, the townland name should be given. In every case, the full address should be given.
(ii) If the address is outside Ireland, state the country of usual residence. For an address in Great Britain, state the county or shire also.
(iii) For school children who are away from home during term-time, the home address [rather than] the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(iv) For students at university, etc., who are away from home during term-time, the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(v) For persons temporarily in hospitals and other institutions, give the home address.
(vi) For persons with no settled address, write "None".

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Q.11 and Q.12: Usual residence now and usual residence one year ago
Where the address stated is in any part of Ireland, (including Northern Ireland) it is essential that it is given in full in accordance with the relevant Note. Only the name of the country need be stated in the case of a foreign address (with the exception of Great Britain, for which the county or shire is required).

[p. 36]

As it is a common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that, where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town and you should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true position in this regard. Where an address is given which purports to be in the same town as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should check that the address is, in fact, within the town boundary to be followed for Census purposes.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_RESNOW — Region or country of usual residence
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Q.11 Usual residence now ____
If the person usually lives at this address, write "Here". If not, write the usual address in full.

Questions 11 and 12: Usual residence now; Usual residence one year ago

(i) If an address in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) is given, make sure that the county of residence is stated. In addition, if the address is in a town, the name of the town should be given. If it is in a rural area, the townland name should be given. In every case, the full address should be given.
(ii) If the address is outside Ireland, state the country of usual residence. For an address in Great Britain, state the county or shire also.
(iii) For school children who are away from home during term-time, the home address [rather than] the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(iv) For students at university, etc., who are away from home during term-time, the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(v) For persons temporarily in hospitals and other institutions, give the home address.
(vi) For persons with no settled address, write "None".

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Q.11 and Q.12: Usual residence now and usual residence one year ago
Where the address stated is in any part of Ireland, (including Northern Ireland) it is essential that it is given in full in accordance with the relevant Note. Only the name of the country need be stated in the case of a foreign address (with the exception of Great Britain, for which the county or shire is required).

[p. 36]

As it is a common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that, where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town and you should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true position in this regard. Where an address is given which purports to be in the same town as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should check that the address is, in fact, within the town boundary to be followed for Census purposes.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_RESYRAGO — Region or country of usual residence 1 year ago
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Q.10 Usual residence one year ago ___

If the person's usual address one year ago was the same as that given at Q.9, write "Same". If not, write in full the usual address, at that time. For children now under one year old, write "Under 1". If the person lived outside Ireland (Republic) for a period of one year or more, please indicate

Questions 9 and 10: Usual residence now; usual residence one year ago

(i) If an address in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) is being given, make sure that the county of residence is stated. In addition, if the address is in a town, the name of the town should be given. If it is in a rural area, the townland name should be given. In every case, the full address should be given.
(ii) If the address is outside Ireland, state the country of usual residence. For an address in Great Britain, state the county or shire also.
(iii) For school children who are away from home during term-time, the home address [rather than] the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(iv) For students at university, etc., who are away from home during term-time, the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(v) For persons temporarily in hospitals and other institutions, give the home address. Homeless persons should be shown as having "No fixed abode".
(vi) For persons with no settled address (e.g. travelling people), write "None".
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Q.9 and Q.10 Usual residence now and usual residence one year ago
Where the address stated is in any part of Ireland, (including Northern Ireland) it is essential that it is given in full in accordance with the relevant Note. Only the name of the country need be stated in the case of a foreign address (with the exception of Great Britain, for which the county or shire is required).

As it is a common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that, where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town and you should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true position in this regard. Where an address is given which purports to be in the same town as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should check that the address is, in fact, within the town boundary to be followed for Census purposes.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_RESNOW — Region or country of usual residence
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Q.9 Usual residence now ___

If the person usually lives at this address, write "Here". If not, write the usual address in full. For homeless persons, write "No head abode".

Questions 9 and 10: Usual residence now; usual residence one year ago

(i) If an address in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) is being given, make sure that the county of residence is stated. In addition, if the address is in a town, the name of the town should be given. If it is in a rural area, the townland name should be given. In every case, the full address should be given.
(ii) If the address is outside Ireland, state the country of usual residence. For an address in Great Britain, state the county or shire also.
(iii) For school children who are away from home during term-time, the home address [rather than] the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(iv) For students at university, etc., who are away from home during term-time, the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(v) For persons temporarily in hospitals and other institutions, give the home address. Homeless persons should be shown as having "No fixed abode".
(vi) For persons with no settled address (e.g. travelling people), write "None".
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Q.9 and Q.10 Usual residence now and usual residence one year ago
Where the address stated is in any part of Ireland, (including Northern Ireland) it is essential that it is given in full in accordance with the relevant Note. Only the name of the country need be stated in the case of a foreign address (with the exception of Great Britain, for which the county or shire is required).

As it is a common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that, where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town and you should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true position in this regard. Where an address is given which purports to be in the same town as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should check that the address is, in fact, within the town boundary to be followed for Census purposes.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_RESYRAGO — Region of country of usual residence 1 year ago
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Q.11 Usual residence one year ago___

If the person's usual address one year ago was the same as the one given at Q.10, write "Same". If not, write in full the usual address at that time. For children now under one year old, write "Under 1". If the person lived outside Ireland (Republic) for a period of one year or more, please indicate:
Explanatory notes

Questions 10 and 11: Usual residence now; Usual residence one year ago

(i) If an address in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) is given, make sure that the county of residence is stated. In addition, if the address is in a town, the name of the town should be given. If it is in a rural area, the townland name should be given. In every case, the full address should be given.
(ii) If the address is outside Ireland, state the country of usual residence.
(iii) For school children who are away from home during term-time, the home address rather than the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(iv) For students at University, etc., who are away from home during term-time, the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(v) For persons, temporarily in hospitals and other institutions, give the home address.
(vi) For persons with no settled address, write "None".
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Appendix 1

Q.10 and Q.11: Usual residence now and one year ago
[If] the address stated is in any part of Ireland, (including Northern Ireland), it is essential that it is given in full in accordance with the relevant. Note: Only the name of the country need be stated in the case of a foreign address.
As it is a common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town and you should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true position in this regard.
Where an address is given which purports to be in the same town as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should check that the address is, in fact, within the town boundary to be followed for Census purposes.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_RESNOW — Region of country of usual residence
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Q.10 Usual residence now ___

If the person usually lives at this address, write "Here". If not, write the usual address in full.
Explanatory notes

Questions 10 and 11: Usual residence now; Usual residence one year ago

(i) If an address in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) is given, make sure that the county of residence is stated. In addition, if the address is in a town, the name of the town should be given. If it is in a rural area, the townland name should be given. In every case, the full address should be given.
(ii) If the address is outside Ireland, state the country of usual residence.
(iii) For school children who are away from home during term-time, the home address rather than the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(iv) For students at University, etc., who are away from home during term-time, the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
(v) For persons, temporarily in hospitals and other institutions, give the home address.
(vi) For persons with no settled address, write "None".
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Appendix 1

Q.10 and Q.11: Usual residence now and one year ago
[If] the address stated is in any part of Ireland, (including Northern Ireland), it is essential that it is given in full in accordance with the relevant. Note: Only the name of the country need be stated in the case of a foreign address.
As it is a common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town and you should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true position in this regard.
Where an address is given which purports to be in the same town as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should check that the address is, in fact, within the town boundary to be followed for Census purposes.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_RESYRAGO — Region or country of usual residence 1 year ago
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Q.9 Usual residence one year ago

If the person's usual address one year ago was the same as that given at Q.10, write "Same". If not, write in full the usual address at that time.
For children now younger than one year old, write "Under 1".
Explanatory notes

Questions 8 and 9 - Usual residence now; usual residence one year ago

  • If an address in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) is being given, ensure that the county of residence is stated. In addition, if the address is in a town, the name of the town should be given and if it is in a rural area, the town land name should be given. In every case the full postal address should be given.
  • If the address is outside Ireland, state the country of usual residence.
  • For school children who are away from home during term-time, the home address and not the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
  • For students at university and other 3rd level institutions who are away from home during term-time, the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
  • For persons temporarily in hospitals and other institutions, give the home address.
  • For persons with no settled address, write "None".
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Questions which cover all persons

Q.8 and Q.9: Usual Residence - Now and One Year Ago
Where the address given is the same as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should write in RED HERE (Question 8) or SAME (Question 9).
Otherwise, where the address stated is in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) it is essential that it is given in full. The name of the country is sufficient in the case of a foreign address.
As it is common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town. You should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true location of residence.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_RESNOW — Region or country of usual residence
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Q.8 Usual residence now ___

If the person usually lives at this address, write "Here". If not, write the usual address in full.
Explanatory notes

Questions 8 and 9 - Usual residence now; usual residence one year ago

  • If an address in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) is being given, ensure that the county of residence is stated. In addition, if the address is in a town, the name of the town should be given and if it is in a rural area, the town land name should be given. In every case the full postal address should be given.
  • If the address is outside Ireland, state the country of usual residence.
  • For school children who are away from home during term-time, the home address and not the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
  • For students at university and other 3rd level institutions who are away from home during term-time, the term-time address should be regarded as the usual residence.
  • For persons temporarily in hospitals and other institutions, give the home address.
  • For persons with no settled address, write "None".
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Questions which cover all persons

Q.8 and Q.9: Usual Residence - Now and One Year Ago
Where the address given is the same as that in which the person is being enumerated, you should write in RED HERE (Question 8) or SAME (Question 9).
Otherwise, where the address stated is in any part of Ireland (including Northern Ireland) it is essential that it is given in full. The name of the country is sufficient in the case of a foreign address.
As it is common practice to include the name of the postal town when writing a rural address, it is most important to ensure as far as possible that where an address includes the name of a town, the residence in question is actually situated within that town. You should ask any questions necessary to enable you to establish the true location of residence.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_RESYRAGO — Region or country of usual residence one year ago
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8 Where did you usually live one year ago?
Answer if aged 1 year or over.

[] 1 Same as now
[] 2 Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county________
[] 3 Elsewhere abroad, write in the country________

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The purpose of questions 5 to 9 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. This information will give us a picture of where people are moving to or from and who is moving in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, etc.
Location is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for population estimates and projections and determining electoral boundaries.

Comparing place of birth (question 5) and place of usual residence (question 7) indicates longer-term migration.
Likewise, if a person lived outside the country for a continuous period of one year or more.
By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the census (question 8) and their residence at census time (question 7), we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence.

8. Where did you usually live one year ago?

Answer if [the respondent] is age 1 or older

[] 1 Same as now
[] 2 Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland) write in the county _____
[] 3 Elsewhere abroad, write in the country ______

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_RESNOW — Region or country of usual residence
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7 Where do you usually live?
[] 1 Here at this address
[] 2 Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county________
[] 3 Elsewhere abroad, write in the country________

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The purpose of questions 5 to 9 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. This information will give us a picture of where people are moving to or from and who is moving in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, etc.
Location is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for population estimates and projections and determining electoral boundaries.

7. Where do you usually live?

[] 1 Here at this address
[] 2 Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland) write in the county _____
[] 3 Elsewhere abroad, write in the country ______

Comparing place of birth (question 5) and place of usual residence (question 7) indicates longer-term migration.
Likewise, if a person lived outside the country for a continuous period of one year or more.
By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the census (question 8) and their residence at census time (question 7), we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence.

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_RESYRAGO — Region or country of usual residence one year ago
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B. Person Form

8. Where did you usually live one year ago? Answer if aged 1 year or over.

[] 1 Same as now
[] 2 Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county:
[] 3 Elsewhere abroad, write in the country: ______
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[Questions 5-9]
The purpose of Questions 5 to 9 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. The resulting information will give us a picture of where people are moving to and from and their characteristics in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, etc.

Comparing a person's place of birth (Question 5) and his or her current place of usual residence (Question 7) gives an indication of the extent of longer-term migration. Likewise, if a person lived outside the country for a continuous period of one year or more (Question 9) it is possible to determine the person's country of origin and the period he or she took up residence in Ireland.
Nationality (Question 6) was asked for the first time in the 2002 census and is important in the context of a more culturally diverse Ireland. [Note: give a table of usual residents by main nationality groupings.]
Location (Question 7) is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for the annual population estimates and for population projections. It is also key in determining changes to electoral boundaries.
By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the census (Question 8) and their residence at census time (Question 7) we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence. The responses to this question are particularly useful in monitoring internal migration within the State.

8 Where did you usually live one year ago?

Answer if aged 1 year or over.
[] 1 Same as now
[] 2 Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county ______
[] 3 Elsewhere abroad, write in the country______

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_RESNOW — Region or country of usual residence
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B. Person Form

7. Where do you usually live?

[] 1 Here at this address
[] 2 Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in the county:
[] 3 Elsewhere abroad, write in the country:
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[Questions 5-9]
The purpose of Questions 5 to 9 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. The resulting information will give us a picture of where people are moving to and from and their characteristics in terms of age, sex, education, occupation, etc.

7 Where do you usually live?

[] 1 Here at this address
[] 2 Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland, write in the county _____
[] 3 Elsewhere abroad, write in the country _____
Comparing a person's place of birth (Question 5) and his or her current place of usual residence (Question 7) gives an indication of the extent of longer-term migration. Likewise, if a person lived outside the country for a continuous period of one year or more (Question 9) it is possible to determine the person's country of origin and the period he or she took up residence in Ireland.
Nationality (Question 6) was asked for the first time in the 2002 census and is important in the context of a more culturally diverse Ireland. [Note: give a table of usual residents by main nationality groupings.]
Location (Question 7) is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for the annual population estimates and for population projections. It is also key in determining changes to electoral boundaries.
By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the census (Question 8) and their residence at census time (Question 7) we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence. The responses to this question are particularly useful in monitoring internal migration within the State.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_CNTRY1YR — Region or country of residence 1 year ago
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8. Where did you usually live one year ago?
Answer if aged 1 year or over.
[Question 8 was asked for persons age 1+.]

[] 1 Same as now
[] 2 Elsewhere in Ireland (including Northern Ireland), write in your full address
[] 3 Elsewhere abroad, write in country
Question 8 -- Where did you usually live one year ago?
This question is for persons aged 1 year or over. The guidelines in relation to question 7 also apply to this question. If your place of usual residence one year before the Census was the same as now you should mark box 1 (same as now).
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Question 6-10. The purpose of questions 6 - 10 is to study migration patterns, both short-term and long-term. The resulting information will give us a picture of where people are moving to and from and their characteristics in terms of age, sex, education, occupation etc.

Comparing a person's place of birth (question 6) and his or her current place of usual residence (question 7) gives an indication of the extent of longer term migration.

[Examples omitted.]

Location (question 7) is a key characteristic that is used with other data to build an accurate picture of our population. It is the basis for the annual population estimates and for population projections. It is also used to determine changes to electoral boundaries.

By comparing a person's usual residence one year before the Census (question 8) and their residence at Census time (question 7), we get an indication of the extent to which people change residence. The responses also provide data on the extent of internal migration within Ireland.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_PROVSTED — Province of habitual residence one year ago
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For persons over 1 year of age

4.7 Indicate whether one year ago (21 October 2000) the person had a steady residence
[Question 4.7 was asked for persons over 1 year of age.]

[] 1 In the dwelling
[] 2 In this municipality, but in other dwelling or institutional household
[] 3 In another Italian municipality

____ Indicate which municipality
____ Indicate the abbreviation for the province
[] 4 Abroad
____ Indicate which foreign country

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Question 4.7
Anyone who, one year ago, lived in another Italian Municipality must indicate the current name of the Municipality where they lived. Indicate the name of the Municipality and not that of the place (fraction, inhabited area, etc.).
Anyone who, one year ago, lived abroad, must indicate the current name of the foreign country (in Latin alphabet and in Italian) where their place of residence is located at today's borders.

Kenya 1979 — source variable KE1979A_PREVRES — District or country of residence in August 1978
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For all persons

g. Previous residence: ____

Where was this person living in August 1978? State district if in Kenya or country if outside Kenya.

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Column (g): Previous residence

106. 'Where was this person living in August 1978?'

107. For persons who were living in Kenya, write the name of the district.
For persons who were living outside Kenya, write the name of the country.

108. If the person is under one year of age, write 'N/A' in this column.

109. A person who may have been absent from home temporarily for some reason such as visiting relatives or being in hospital, or who may have been overseas on a visit of less than six months, should be shown where they normally lived in August 1978.

110. It is necessary to make separate enquiry for each member of the household because a man does not always take his wife and children with him when he goes away to work, or he may only have some of his family with him and others may have been elsewhere at the time.

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_RESPREV — Previous residence
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P16. Previous residence:

Where was [the respondent] living in August 1988? State district if in Kenya or country if outside Kenya (Code 00 if under 1years) ____ _ _
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Column P16 - Previous residence

This question is applicable to people age one and older.

112. If the person is under one year of age, code '00' in this column.

113.'Where was this person living in August 1988?'

114. For persons who were living in Kenya in August 1988, write and code the name of the district (e.g., 'Kiambu' code 21,'Siaya' code 63, 'Kisii' code 61, etc). For persons who were living outside Kenya, write and code the name of the continent (e.g., 'European countries' code 94, 'Asian countries' code 95). Be sure to write the name of the continent, and not of the country or towns.

115. A person who may have been absent from home temporarily for some reason, such as visiting relatives or hospitalization, or who may have been overseas on a visit of less than six months, should be recorded as living where they normally lived in August, 1988.

116. It is necessary to make a separate enquiry for each member of the household because a man does not always take his wife and children with him when he goes away to work, or he may only have some of his family with him and others may have been living elsewhere.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_PREVRES — Previous residence
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P-17. Previous residence:

Where was [the respondent] living in August 1998? ____
Indicate district code if in Kenya or Country code if outside Kenya. (If aged under 1 year, write "000"). Mark X in the box if the same district as household district.

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Column P17: Previous residence

77. Where was this person living in August 1998? This question is applicable only to persons aged one year and above.

(a) If the person is aged below one year, code "000" in this column.

(b) For persons who were living in Kenya in August 1998, indicate the district code in column P17. For example persons whose previous residence is Kisii Central code "603".

(c) For districts which have been split, probe to find the actual district of residence in August 1998 and code the name by which it is currently known.

(d) Mark an "X" in the smallest box and leave the bigger three boxes blank if district of previous residence is the same as the district of enumeration.

(e) A person who may have been absent from home temporarily for some reason such as visiting relatives or in hospital, or' who may have been overseas on a visit of less than six months, should be shown where they normally lived in August, 1998.

(f) It is necessary to make a separate enquiry for each member of the household because a man, for instance, does not always take his wife and children along when he goes away to work. He may only have some of his family with him leaving the others behind.

(g) If the person was living in another country in August 1998, 'use the code pertaining to the specific country.

(h) Code "888" if district of previous residence is not known and' "999" for not stated.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_PREVRES — Country or district of residence one year ago
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A: Information regarding all persons
[Questions P-00 to P-23 were asked of all persons in conventional households or refugee camps].

Previous residence
P-19. Where was [person] living in August 2008? _ _ _

Write district code, if in Kenya, or country code, if outside Kenya. If aged under 1 year, write "0". The code list is provided.

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- Section A: Information regarding all persons. This information is contained in columns P00 to P23. Questions in this section will apply to all persons.

28. Column P19: Previous residence

Ask: Where was [the respondent] living in August 2008?

28.1 If the person is aged below one year, code "000" in this column.
28.2 For persons who were living in Kenya in August 2008, indicate the district code in column P19 (district codes are the same as for P18). For example, for persons whose previous residence was Kisii Central district code "614".
28.3 For districts which have been split, probe to find the actual district of residence in August 2008 and code the name by which it is currently known based on the list provided.
28.4 A person who may have been absent from home temporarily for some reason such as visiting relatives or in hospital, or who may have been overseas on a visit of less than six months, should be shown where they normally lived in August, 2008.
28.5 It is necessary to make a separate enquiry for each member of the household because a man, for instance, does not always take his wife and children along when he goes away to work. He may only have some of his family with him leaving the others behind.
28.6 If the person was living in another country in August 2008, use the code pertaining to the specific country.
28.7 Code "888" if district of previous residence is not known and' "999" for not stated.

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_MIGDIST — District or country of usual residence in 1986
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i. Migration - Residence during September 1986 ____
For persons aged 1 year or more
If same village/place, simply write "Same village" or "Same place"
If same TA/STA or town, simply write "Same TA", "Same STA" or "Same town"
In other cases, state district, and TA/STA or town
If outside Malawi, state country

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Residence in September 1986

48. This question refers to place of usual residence of each person age 1 year or older in September, 1986. For persons who were resident in Malawi in September, 1986 you are required to find out the name of the district, TA (Chief), STA (Sub Chief), village/place or town. For those who were resident outside


Malawi in September, 1986 you should ask only for the name of the country where they were resident.

Persons aged 1 year or more

[Question (i) is applicable only to persons age 1 year or older]
(i) Residence in September, 1986: Ask each member of the household age 1 year or older where he/she was residing during the month of September, 1986. When recording the answers follow the instructions below.

(i) If in September, 1986 the respondent was residing in the Village or place in which you are enumerating, simply write "Same village" or "Same place".

(ii) If in September, 1986 the respondent was residing in a village or place different from the one you are enumerating but in the same TA, STA or Town simply write "Same TA", "Same STA" or "Same town".

(iii) For those who in September, 1986 were not resident in the same TA, STA or town in which your EA falls, write down the names of the district of residence in September, 1986 above the dotted line and the name of the TA, STA or town below it.

(iv) For those who in September, 1986 were residing outside Malawi, write only the country of residence in September, 1986.

Leave columns 26-29 blank.

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_MIGREG — Region of residence in 1986
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i. Migration - Residence during September 1986 ____
For persons aged 1 year or more
If same village/place, simply write "Same village" or "Same place"
If same TA/STA or town, simply write "Same TA", "Same STA" or "Same town"
In other cases, state district, and TA/STA or town
If outside Malawi, state country

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Residence in September 1986

48. This question refers to place of usual residence of each person age 1 year or older in September, 1986. For persons who were resident in Malawi in September, 1986 you are required to find out the name of the district, TA (Chief), STA (Sub Chief), village/place or town. For those who were resident outside


Malawi in September, 1986 you should ask only for the name of the country where they were resident.

Persons aged 1 year or more

[Question (i) is applicable only to persons age 1 year or older]
(i) Residence in September, 1986: Ask each member of the household age 1 year or older where he/she was residing during the month of September, 1986. When recording the answers follow the instructions below.

(i) If in September, 1986 the respondent was residing in the Village or place in which you are enumerating, simply write "Same village" or "Same place".

(ii) If in September, 1986 the respondent was residing in a village or place different from the one you are enumerating but in the same TA, STA or Town simply write "Same TA", "Same STA" or "Same town".

(iii) For those who in September, 1986 were not resident in the same TA, STA or town in which your EA falls, write down the names of the district of residence in September, 1986 above the dotted line and the name of the TA, STA or town below it.

(iv) For those who in September, 1986 were residing outside Malawi, write only the country of residence in September, 1986.

Leave columns 26-29 blank.

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_PREVPROV — Province of residence one year ago
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]

11. Where was (the person) living on August 1, 1996?

For people aged 1+ only.
Province ________
District ________
City/Village ________
Foreigner ________
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions Only For People With 1 Year And Older

P11. Where did you reside at 1 August 1996?
This question aims to find out where the respondent had resided for one year before setting the current residence at this location.
Read the question and wait for the reply.
Keep in mind that:

- if the interviewee answers "Here" write down the name of the Province, District or City where you are enumerating;
- if the person was born in another location within the national territory, he/she shall indicate the name of the Province, District or City. The Enumerator should avoid writing the name of locations, administrative posts or settlements;
- if the person was born abroad, write down the name of the country.

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_PREVDIST — District of residence one year ago
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[Questions 6 through 31 were asked of usual residents of the household.]

11. Where was (the person) living on August 1, 1996?

For people aged 1+ only.
Province ________
District ________
City/Village ________
Foreigner ________
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions Only For People With 1 Year And Older

P11. Where did you reside at 1 August 1996?
This question aims to find out where the respondent had resided for one year before setting the current residence at this location.
Read the question and wait for the reply.
Keep in mind that:

- if the interviewee answers "Here" write down the name of the Province, District or City where you are enumerating;
- if the person was born in another location within the national territory, he/she shall indicate the name of the Province, District or City. The Enumerator should avoid writing the name of locations, administrative posts or settlements;
- if the person was born abroad, write down the name of the country.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_PROV1 — Province of residence 1 year ago
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[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For people aged 1+ only.

16. Where was (the person) living 1 year ago, in August 2006?

________ _ _ Province
________ _ _ District
________ _ _ City/Village
________ _ _ Foreigner
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Questions to people 1 year old and above only

P16. Where was (the person) living on August 1, 2006?

With this Question we intend to know the person's place of living one year prior to the start date of the Census, that is, August 1, 2006. Read the Question and wait for a response.

If the respondent mentions a district or village which is not consistent with the province, the Enumerator should make the corrections by talking to the respondent. In case the doubts remain, check the information with some member of the household or use the table of districts and villages in Attachment B.

Be aware that:

If the respondent answers HERE, write the name of the Province or District when it refers to a Rural Area or write the name of the Province and City/Village when it refers an Urban Area of the site you are enumerating;
If the person was somewhere else inside the national territory, they should indicate the name of the Province, District or City. The Enumerator SHOULD NOT write the names of Localities, Administrative Posts or Townships;
If the person was abroad, write the name of the Country.
Examples of how to fill it in:
If on August 1, 2006 the respondent was living in a rural area, indicate the names of the Province and District only.
[Illustration omitted]
If on that date the Respondent was living in an urban area, indicate the names of the Province and City/Village.
[Illustration omitted]
Finally, if they were living abroad, indicate the name of the Country.
[Illustration omitted]

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_DIST1 — District of residence 1 year ago
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[Question 6 through 36 were asked to the residents]

For people aged 1+ only.

16. Where was (the person) living 1 year ago, in August 2006?

________ _ _ Province
________ _ _ District
________ _ _ City/Village
________ _ _ Foreigner
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions to people 1 year old and above only

P16. Where was (the person) living on August 1, 2006?

With this Question we intend to know the person's place of living one year prior to the start date of the Census, that is, August 1, 2006. Read the Question and wait for a response.

If the respondent mentions a district or village which is not consistent with the province, the Enumerator should make the corrections by talking to the respondent. In case the doubts remain, check the information with some member of the household or use the table of districts and villages in Attachment B.

Be aware that:

If the respondent answers HERE, write the name of the Province or District when it refers to a Rural Area or write the name of the Province and City/Village when it refers an Urban Area of the site you are enumerating;
If the person was somewhere else inside the national territory, they should indicate the name of the Province, District or City. The Enumerator SHOULD NOT write the names of Localities, Administrative Posts or Townships;
If the person was abroad, write the name of the Country.
Examples of how to fill it in:
If on August 1, 2006 the respondent was living in a rural area, indicate the names of the Province and District only.
[Illustration omitted]
If on that date the Respondent was living in an urban area, indicate the names of the Province and City/Village.
[Illustration omitted]
Finally, if they were living abroad, indicate the name of the Country.
[Illustration omitted]

Netherlands 2001 — source variable NL2001A_RESPREV — Place of residence one year prior to the Census

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_RES1YR — Province or country of residence last year
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[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

8. Ever lived outside of this district

Circle one code only

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If "No", go to question 12.
Only for persons answering "Yes" in question 8.
[Questions 9-11 were asked of persons who ever lived outside of this district, per question 8.]

10. Place of usual residence at 1987 National Elections

If in Papua New Guinea, given province and district. E.g. ESP, Lumi; EHP, Lufa; NIP, Kavieng; etc. If outside Papua New Guinea, give name of country of residence, e.g. AUT, USA, NZ, FIJI, JAPAN etc.

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_USUALRES — Province or country of usual residence
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[The rural and urban census forms are identical for questions 1-17. Questions 1-17 are provided here in detail under the rural census form, and omitted in the urban census form.]

8. Ever lived outside of this district

Circle one code only

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

If "No", go to question 12.
Only for persons answering "Yes" in question 8.
[Questions 9-11 were asked of persons who ever lived outside of this district, per question 8.]

9. Duration of residence since last returned here

Give complete years, enter months is less than 1 year.

____ Months
____ Years

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_VOV1YR — Voivodship of residence one year ago

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_CNTRY1YR — Country of residence one year ago

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_RESP79B — Place of usual residence on December 31, 1979
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

13. Residence on December 31st, 1979

If you were born, please indicate what your usual place of residence was on December 31, 1979:

[] 1 In the municipality where you live
In other municipality, please specify: ____
[] 2 Macau
[] 3 Angola, Mozambique, Guiné-Bissau, Cape Verde, S. Tomé and Principe or Timor
[] 5 France
[] 6 Germany
[] 7 In other country of Europe
[] 8 United States of America and Canada
[] 9 Any other country in the world

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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Question 13 - What was your place of usual residence on December 31, 1979?

Only individuals who were already born on December 31, 1979 answer to this question.
Individuals who were born in 1980 or after do not answer this question.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_RES — Place of usual residence on December 31, 1989
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

14. Where was your place of usual residence on December 31, 1989?

[Question 14 was asked of individuals born on or before December 31, 1989]

[] 11 In the municipality where you live
[] 22 In other municipality, please write in: ____
[] 33 Macau
[] 35 Timor
[] 40 Angola
[] 42 Mozambique
[] 44 Cape Verde
[] 55 Brazil
[] 63 Spain
[] 66 France
[] 69 Germany
[] 77 Any other country, please write in: ____

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 14: Where was your place of usual residence on December 31, 1989?

Only individuals who were already born on December 31, 1989 answer this question.
Individuals who were born in 1990 or 1991 do not answer this question.

Note: The respondent has to choose one option identifying the municipality or country (according to each case) in questions 13 and 14, and if their answer is not there to select, she must write in the municipality or the country.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_RES — Place of usual residence on December 31, 1999
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

9. Where was your place of usual residence on December 31, 1999?

[] 11 Not yet born - End of completing
[] 12 In the parish where you live
[] 13 In other parish of the municipality where you live
[] In other municipality, please specify: ____
[] 15 Timor
[] 16 Macau
[] 17 Angola
[] 18 Mozambique
[] 19 Cape Verde
[] 20 Germany
[] 21 France
[] 22 Brazil
[] 23 Venezuela
[] Other country, specify: ____

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Question 9 - Where was your place of usual residence on December 31, 1999?

If the enumerated was living in Portugal he has to give us information in which municipality and parish.
If the enumerated was living abroad he has to identify the country where.

Note: for the individuals that weren't yet born the questionnaire ends here.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_RES1 — Place of usual residence 1 year ago
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Individual questionnaire

12. Where was your place of usual residence on December 31, 2009?

[] 01 Not yet born (End of questionnaire)
[] 02 In the same residence
In another residence:
[] 03 In the parish where you live
[] 04 In another parish of the municipality where you live
[] 05 In another municipality, please specify ____
[] 06 In another country, please specify ____
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 12- Where was your place of residence on 31 December 2009?
[There is an image of question 12]
If the individual resided in the same dwelling that they currently do you should choose the option "in the same residence".
If the individual resided in another dwelling you should choose the respective option depending upon whether or not it was in the parish where the individual currently lives- "in another parish where you live" in the first case, and in "in another parish of the municipality where you live" in the second case.
If the individual resided in another municipality you must indicate the respective municipality in the space provided.
If the individual resided abroad you must indicate the country of residence, according to the designation of the current country.
People that marked "not yet born" end here the filling out of the individual questionnaire.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_MIGRATE1 — Migration status, 1 year
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a. Did this person live in this house or apartment 1 year ago?
[] Person is under 1 year old - skip to question 16
[] Yes, this house - skip to question 16
[] No, outside Puerto Rico and the United States - print name of foreign country, or US Virgin Islands, Guam, etc, below, then skip to question 16 ______
[] No, different house in Puerto Rico or the United States
b. Where did this person live 1 year ago?
Development or condominium name
Number and street name
Name of city, town, or post office
Name of municipio in Puerto Rico or US county
Enter Puerto Rico or name of US state
ZIP code
_ _ _ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Answer person questions 7 through 17 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

15a. If the person did not live in the United States one year ago, mark the "no, outside the United States and Puerto Rico" box and print the name of the foreign country, or U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., where the person lived. Be specific when printing the name of the foreign country; for example, specify Czech Republic or Slovakia, not Czechoslovakia; North or South Korea not Korea. Specify the particular country, not region. For example, specify Jamaica, not West Indies; Kenya, not East Africa. Then skip to question 16.

If the person lived somewhere else in Puerto Rico or the United States one year ago, mark the "no, different house in Puerto Rico or the United States" box.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_MIGRATE1 — Migration status, 1 year
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15a. Did this person live in this house or apartment 1 year ago?

[] Person is under 1 year old -- Skip to question 16.
[] Yes, this house -- Skip to question 16
[] No, outside Puerto Rico and the United States -- Print name of foreign country, or U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., below; then skip to question 16. ____
[] No, different house in Puerto Rico or the United States

15b. Where did this person live 1 year ago?

Address, development or condominium name, number and street name ________

Name of city, town, or post office ________

Name of municipio in Puerto Rico or U.S. county ________

Enter Puerto Rico or name of U.S. state ________

ZIP Code _ _ _ _ _
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Person questions 12-18

P15.a. If the person did not live in the United States or Puerto Rico one year ago, mark the "No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico" box and print the name of the foreign country, or U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., where the person lived. Be specific when printing the name of the foreign country; for example, specify Czech Republic or Slovakia, not Czechoslovakia; North or South Korea, not Korea. Specify the particular country, not region. For example, specify Jamaica, not West Indies; Kenya, not East Africa. Then skip to question 16.

If the person lived somewhere else in the United States or Puerto Rico one year ago, mark the "No, different house in the United States or Puerto Rico" box.

Russia 2010 — source variable RU2010A_REGPREV — Region or country of residence 1 year ago
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12. Migration

12.2 Where did you reside in October 2009?

For those who have changed their place of residence between November 2009 and October 2010 [in question 12.1], ask Question 12.2.
Specify the name of the territory of the Russian Federation or the name of the foreign state. ____
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Section 12. Migration

Question 12.2. Where did you live in October 2009?
Write down the name of the subject of the Russian Federation (territory, region, autonomous region, autonomous district, Moscow or Saint Petersburg) or the name of a foreign state.
Do not fill the box for numbers after having written the previous place of residence in words.


After that fill the subquestion "In which settlement did you live before?": indicate the corresponding settlement type (urban or rural), in which the respondent lived in October, 2009. If he lived in the city or in the urban-type settlement (workers settlement or health resort area), put a relevant mark in "urban" box, if in rural settlement -- "rural". At this the administrative-territorial changes that were made after the respondent's departure from the previous place of permanent residence shall not be considered. For example, if the rural settlement, where the resident lived before the departure to this settlement, was later reformed to urban settlement or included within the limits of the city, it shall be marked as "rural".

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_REGION1YR — Region of residence 1 year ago
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B. Individual characteristics

B15. Place of residence 1 year ago

Population aged 1 years and older [Question asked only of persons age 1 or older.]
Where did [the respondent] live 1 year ago? If in Senegal, enter the name of the municipality or rural community, if known, or the name of the department or region if not. Enter the name of the country if born abroad.
____ Municipality or rural community
____ Department or region
____ Country [if abroad]
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B15: place of residence, one year ago
This question concerns people aged 1 year and older.
The place of residence (for at least 6 months) of a person one year ago is the place where that person lived a year ago; that is to say in October 2012 (if the collection is held in October 2013).
Ask the question ''Where was [the respondent] a year ago?'' (or: ''Where did [the respondent] live in October 2012?'' According to the answer, write legibly, if it is a locality of Senegal, the name of the municipality/rural community of residence 1 year ago if it is known or the name of the arrondissement of the department or region otherwise. For those who resided outside Senegal one year ago, enter the name of the country. This is the usual residence in October 2012.
Attention: Do not confuse ''place of residence a year ago'' and ''place of residence in the last 12 months''.
NB: On the PDA, you will choose the answer on a drop-down list.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_DEPT1YR — Department of residence 1 year ago
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B. Individual characteristics

B15. Place of residence 1 year ago

Population aged 1 years and older [Question asked only of persons age 1 or older.]
Where did [the respondent] live 1 year ago? If in Senegal, enter the name of the municipality or rural community, if known, or the name of the department or region if not. Enter the name of the country if born abroad.
____ Municipality or rural community
____ Department or region
____ Country [if abroad]
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B15: place of residence, one year ago
This question concerns people aged 1 year and older.
The place of residence (for at least 6 months) of a person one year ago is the place where that person lived a year ago; that is to say in October 2012 (if the collection is held in October 2013).
Ask the question ''Where was [the respondent] a year ago?'' (or: ''Where did [the respondent] live in October 2012?'' According to the answer, write legibly, if it is a locality of Senegal, the name of the municipality/rural community of residence 1 year ago if it is known or the name of the arrondissement of the department or region otherwise. For those who resided outside Senegal one year ago, enter the name of the country. This is the usual residence in October 2012.
Attention: Do not confuse ''place of residence a year ago'' and ''place of residence in the last 12 months''.
NB: On the PDA, you will choose the answer on a drop-down list.

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_RES1YR — Place of residence one year ago
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23. One year ago, that is on 31 March 2001, you lived
[] At the address entered under question 2
[] In the same locality, but at a different address
[] In another locality in Slovenia (write in):

____ Locality
____ Municipality

[] In a foreign country (write in): Country ____

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23 One year ago, that is on 31 March 2001, you lived

For most persons the data are collected from the pre-census database. The question will be answered mostly by persons who during the last year moved to Slovenia from abroad, i.e. were not living in Slovenia one year ago.

At the address entered under question 2 is marked by the enumerator for persons who did not move during the last year.

In the same locality but at a different address is marked by the enumerator for persons who during the last year changed their residence within the settlement in which they are enumerated.

In another locality in Slovenia is marked by the enumerator for persons who during the last year moved to the census settlement from another settlement in Slovenia. In this case the enumerator enters the entire name of the settlement in which the person lived on 31 March 2001 and the name of the municipality to which the settlement belongs.

In a foreign country is marked by the enumerator for persons who a year ago did not live in Slovenia but in a foreign country. In this case the enumerator enters the name of the country.

The question does not need to be answered for children born between 1 April 2001 and 31 March 2002.

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_MIGSTATE — Previous residence 1 year ago
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Details of persons in the household -- All household members
[Questions 1 to 14: All persons]

11. In what state did [the respondent] usually reside this time last year?

If foreigner less than 1 year, code "99". Use the state codes on the separate sheet.
_ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Q11 "In what state did [the respondent] usually reside this time last year?"
  • Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01"; ask "In what state did [the respondent] usually reside this time last year?"
  • If the person was residing in Sudan, identify the state where the person was living, write the state code in the boxes provided from the state code list and shade the appropriate numbers.
  • If the respondent states that he/she was not residing in Sudan, write and shade the numbers "99" to indicate that he/she was residing outside Sudan.

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_RES90 — Place of residence 1 year ago
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14. Place of usual residence one year ago (March 1, 1990)
[] 1 Not yet born
[] 2 Resided in this municipality, in this same housing unit
[] 3 Resided in this municipality, in a different housing unit
[] 4 Resided in another municipality in Spain:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[] 5 Resided in a foreign country
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_RES1PROV — Province of residence 1 year ago
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2. Where did he/she reside 1 year ago?
[] In this municipality (or he/she had not been born yet)
[] In another municipality _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Province _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[] In another country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
1.B.5 Place of residence 1 year ago

A necessary variable for recomposing recent migratory movements towards the current place of residence.

Categories of this variable:

List of countries (including the category Does not apply)
List of autonomous communities (include the categories Abroad and Does not apply)
List of provinces (include the categories Abroad and Does not apply)
List of municipalities (include the categories Abroad and Does not apply)

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_RES1MUNIC — Municipality of residence 1 year ago
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
2. Where did he/she reside 1 year ago?
[] In this municipality (or he/she had not been born yet)
[] In another municipality _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Province _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[] In another country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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1.B.5 Place of residence 1 year ago

A necessary variable for recomposing recent migratory movements towards the current place of residence.

Categories of this variable:

List of countries (including the category Does not apply)
List of autonomous communities (include the categories Abroad and Does not apply)
List of provinces (include the categories Abroad and Does not apply)
List of municipalities (include the categories Abroad and Does not apply)

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_MIGSTATE — Previous residence 1 year ago
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11. In what state did [the respondent] usually reside this time last year?
If foreigner less than 1 year, code "99". Use the state codes on the separate sheet.

_ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Q11 "In what state did [the respondent] usually reside this time last year?"
  • Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01"; ask "In what state did [the respondent] usually reside this time last year?"
  • If the person was residing in Sudan, identify the state where the person was living, write the state code in the boxes provided from the state code list and shade the appropriate numbers.
  • If the respondent states that he/she was not residing in Sudan, write and shade the numbers "99" to indicate that he/she was residing outside Sudan.

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_USTATE — State of usual residence
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9. What is [the respondent's] current usual state of usual residence? Where [the respondent] lived or intends to live for 6 months or more.
If foreigner less than 1 year old, code "99". Use the state codes on the separate sheet.

_ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Q9 "What is [the respondent's] current state and county/mahaliya of usual residence?"
  • The place of usual residence is where a person lives and sleeps at least 6 out of the last 12 months or intends to live 6 out of the next 12 months.
  • Write the two digit state codes in the first and second boxes and shade the corresponding digits.
  • Write the two digit county/mahaliya codes in the next two boxes and shade the corresponding digits.
  • If a person is a foreign visitor without a usual residence in Sudan, write "99" in both the state and county/mahaliya boxes and shade the corresponding digits.
  • Never assume that a person's state and county of usual residence is the place where they spent census night.
  • Please see annex 6 for the complete list of state and county codes.

[Below the text is a form showing questions 9-10 and a list of state codes. This illustration is omitted here]

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_RESID01 — Region or country of residence in 2001
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12. Place of residence in 2001
Where was [respondent] living in 2001?
Write codes for the region (if [respondent] lived in the country), or the code for the country (if [respondent] lived outside Tanzania)
For children aged "00" in question 05, write code "998".
_ _ _

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B. Questions for all the people
This part involves all people who slept in the household the night before census day. The questions in this part are also found in the short questionnaire.
The questions in this part must be asked to every person following the order set. You must follow the flow of questions as arranged and read the question as written in the questionnaire. For more explanation, refer explanations in part 3.7 (how to ask questions).
Part "B" of the questionnaire contains the following questions:

Question 12: Where were you living in 2001?
The aim of this question is to know where people lived in the past year (August 2001). These statistics help to determine the level of migration of people from place to place in the past 12 months. Those who are under one year of age shouldn't be asked this question, instead in question 12 write and shade code "998" meaning "not involved".
Codes used are the same shown in question 11.
[Illustration for question 12 is omitted]

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_MIG1YR — Lived at this address 1 year ago
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Section 2. Migration-For all persons

9. Address one (1) year ago

(a) Did (N) [the respondent] live at this address one (1) year ago?

[] 1. Yes [Skip to Q.10]
[] 2. No [Go to Q.9(b)]
[] 9. Not stated [Skip to Q.10]
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Section 2 - Migration

The main objective of this section is to determine the relative directions in which the local born population have tended to move over periods of one, five, and ten years. Migration is even more important when cross classified with age, sex, ethnic groups, levels or educational attainment and level of training.

Internal migration also provides vital information on the direction of the flow of the population from rural to urban areas. It also allows the determination of migration streams and volume of movement over time. Migration is also a major factor in population change and in the redistribution of population among geographic areas.

Questions 9 - Address one year ago and question 10 address 5 years ago

Where these questions do not apply i.e. in cases when the individuals are less than one (1) year old and less than five (5) years old respectively, put not applicable (N.A.) in the space for the address. Do not make any entries. If it is a foreign address, just note the name of the country.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_RESREG — Municipality or city of usual residence
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Section 2. Migration-For all persons

8(b) Address of place of usual residence

What is (N's) [the respondent's] place of usual residence?

____ Full Address
_ _ _ _
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Section 2 - Migration

The main objective of this section is to determine the relative directions in which the local born population have tended to move over periods of one, five, and ten years. Migration is even more important when cross classified with age, sex, ethnic groups, levels or educational attainment and level of training.

Internal migration also provides vital information on the direction of the flow of the population from rural to urban areas. It also allows the determination of migration streams and volume of movement over time. Migration is also a major factor in population change and in the redistribution of population among geographic areas.

Question 8(a) - Usual residence - All persons (both local and foreign born)

The response positions for this question are laid out in four categories:

1. This address
2. Elsewhere in Trinidad and Tobago
3. Abroad
4. Not stated

Please note the skip instructions.

If the response is 1 - This address, skip to question 9. Do not make an entry in question 8 (b).

If the response is 2 - Elsewhere in Trinidad and Tobago, go to question 8(b)

If 3 - Abroad, skip to question 9.

Use the ''not stated" box to refer to persons who refuse to state their usual residence, before skipping to question 9.

Question 8(b) - Address of place of usual residence

Although most persons will have no difficulty in stating their place of usual residence, some confusion may arise in a number of special cases where persons may appear to have more than one (1) usual residence.

These cases include persons:

Who maintain two or more residences-;

Who sleep away from their homes during the working week but return home for a few days at the end of the week.

Students living at a school away from their parental home;

Members of the armed forces living at a military barracks but still maintaining private living quarters away from the installation.

To avoid such problems take the place where the individual sleeps most nights of the week as his/her usual residence.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_REG1YR — Municipality or city of residence 1 year ago
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Section 2. Migration-For all persons

9. Address one (1) year ago

(b) What was (N's) [the respondent's] address one (1) year ago?

____ Full Address
_ _ _ _
Interviewer: Where the individual is less than one year old put N.A. in space for the address.
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Section 2 - Migration

The main objective of this section is to determine the relative directions in which the local born population have tended to move over periods of one, five, and ten years. Migration is even more important when cross classified with age, sex, ethnic groups, levels or educational attainment and level of training.

Internal migration also provides vital information on the direction of the flow of the population from rural to urban areas. It also allows the determination of migration streams and volume of movement over time. Migration is also a major factor in population change and in the redistribution of population among geographic areas.

Questions 9 - Address one year ago and question 10 address 5 years ago

Where these questions do not apply i.e. in cases when the individuals are less than one (1) year old and less than five (5) years old respectively, put not applicable (N.A.) in the space for the address. Do not make any entries. If it is a foreign address, just note the name of the country.

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_MIGRES — Region of residence 1 year ago

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_RESFORM — Area of residence 1 year ago
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14. What was your usual address one year ago?
If you were a child at boarding school or a student one year ago, give the address at which you were living during the school/college/university term.
For a child born after 29 April 2000, [check] 'No usual address one year ago'.

[] The address shown on the front of the form
[] No usual address one year ago
[] Elsewhere, please write in below ________
Post code _ _ _ _ - _ _ _

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_MIGRATE1 — Migration status, 1 year
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14. a) Did this person live in this house or apartment 1 year ago?

[] Person is under 1 year old --> Skip to the questions for Person 2 on page 10.
[] Yes, this house --> Skip to F
[] No, outside the United States, print name of foreign country, Or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc., below; then skip to F in next column. ____
[] No, different house in the United States

[Q14. b-c are asked if the person lived in a different house in the United States 1 year ago.]

b) Where did this person live 1 year ago?

Name of city, town, or post office: ____

c) Did this person live inside the limits of the city or town?

[] Yes
[] No, outside the city/town limits
Name of county ____
Name of state____
ZIP Code: _ _ _ _ _

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_MIGPLAC1 — State or country of residence 1 year ago
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14. a) Did this person live in this house or apartment 1 year ago?

[] Person is under 1 year old --> Skip to the questions for Person 2 on page 10.
[] Yes, this house --> Skip to F
[] No, outside the United States, print name of foreign country, Or Puerto Rico, Guam, etc., below; then skip to F in next column. ____
[] No, different house in the United States

[Q14. b-c are asked if the person lived in a different house in the United States 1 year ago.]

b) Where did this person live 1 year ago?

Name of city, town, or post office: ____

c) Did this person live inside the limits of the city or town?

[] Yes
[] No, outside the city/town limits
Name of county ____
Name of state____
ZIP Code: _ _ _ _ _

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_MIGRATE1 — Migration status, 1 year
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15. a) Did this person live in this house or apartment 1 year ago?

[] Person is under 1 year old -> skip to question 16.
[] Yes, this house -> skip to question 16
[] No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico - Print name of foreign country, or U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., below; then skip to question 16. ____
[] No, different house in the United States or Puerto Rico

b) Where did this person live 1 year ago?

Address (Number and street name) ____
Name of city, town, or post office ____
Name or U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico ____
Name of U.S. state or Puerto Rico zip code ____

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_MIGRATE1 — Migration status, 1 year
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15. a) Did this person live in this house or apartment 1 year ago?

[] Person is under 1 year old [Skip to question 16]
[] Yes, this house [Skip to question 16]
[] No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico. Print name of foreign country, or U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., below. [skip to question 16]________
[] No, different house in the United States or Puerto Rico

15. b) Where did this person live 1 year ago?

Address (Number and street name) ________
Name of city, town, or post office_________
Name or U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico________
Name of U.S. state or Puerto Rico _________
ZIP Code _ _ _ _ _
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Answer person questions 7 through 17 for all persons on pages 2, 3, and 4.

Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

15b. Include the house or structure number; street name; street type (for example, St., Road, Ave.); and the street direction (if a direction such as "North" is part of the address). For example, print 1239 N. Main St. or 1239 Main St., N.W., not just 1239 Main. If the person lived in Puerto Rico, the address should also include the name of the development or condominium.
If the only known address is a post office box, give a description of the residence location. For example, print the name of the building where the person lived, the nearest intersection, the name of a military base or installation, or the nearest street where the residence was located, etc. Do not give a post office box number.
Print the name of the U.S. County or the name of the municipio if in Puerto Rico. If the person lived in Louisiana, print the parish name in the "Name of U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico" space. If the person lived in Alaska, print the borough or census area name, if known. If the person lived in New York City and the county name is not known, print the borough name. If the person lived in an independent city (not in any county) or in Washington, D.C., leave the "Name of U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico" space blank.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_MIGRATE1 — Migration status, 1 year
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15a. Did this person live in this house or apartment 1 year ago?

[] Person is under 1 year old -- Skip to question 16.
[] Yes, this house -- Skip to question 16
[] No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico -- Print name of foreign country, or U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., below; then skip to question 16. ____
[] No, different house in the United States or Puerto Rico

15b. Where did this person live 1 year ago?

Address, development or condominium name, number and street name ________

Name of city, town, or post office ________

Name of U.S. county or municipio in Puerto Rico ________

Name of U.S. state or Puerto Rico ________

ZIP Code _ _ _ _ _
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Person questions 12-18

P15.a. If the person did not live in the United States or Puerto Rico one year ago, mark the "No, outside the United States and Puerto Rico" box and print the name of the foreign country, or U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, etc., where the person lived. Be specific when printing the name of the foreign country; for example, specify Czech Republic or Slovakia, not Czechoslovakia; North or South Korea, not Korea. Specify the particular country, not region. For example, specify Jamaica, not West Indies; Kenya, not East Africa. Then skip to question 16.

If the person lived somewhere else in the United States or Puerto Rico one year ago, mark the "No, different house in the United States or Puerto Rico" box.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_RES1YR — District or country of residence one year ago
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P-11 Where was [the respondent] staying in August last year?
State district if it is in Zambia and country if outside Zambia _ _ _
(Enter district name and 3-digit code from list of provinces and districts.)
Is this part of the district rural or urban?

[] 1-Rural
[] 2-Urban
[] 6-Not applicable (Outside Zambia or child less than 1 year old)
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P - 11 Where was [name] living 12 months ago? (i.e last August)
24. In this question you are to ask the respondent his place (district) of residence 12 months ago and whether that place was an urban or a rural area. This is not over the duration of the last 12 months; rather it is about this time 12 months back, i.e in August the previous year.

25. Write the name of the district in which this person was residing 12 months ago and then enter the appropriate code in the boxes provided. This can either be the district where he is now residing or another district. In case the person lived outside Zambia 12 months ago, write the name of the country where he was residing at that time and then enter the appropriate country code. For infants born less than 12 months ago, enter 888 in the boxes.

26. Find out whether the place where the person was living 12 month, ago was a rural or an urban area. Enter code -1' for rural or code '2' for urban area. The list of urban areas and townships is given in Appendix 3 on page 89. For infants born less than 12 months ago and for those who were living outside Zambia at that time enter 8 in the box provided..


27. If a person is not sure of the district, then ask him the name of the Chief in whose area he was/is living. From this information you can find out the name of the district (see Appendix 2 on page 79).

28. If a person seems uncertain about the period "12 months ago" then ask the question "Where was living this time last year?"

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_PREVRES — District or country of residence 1 year ago
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11. Migration
Where were you living before August of last year?

District Number: __ __ __
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P11: Where was [the respondent] staying in August last Year?

In this question you are to ask the respondent his/her place (district) of residence 12 months ago and whether that place was an urban or a rural area. This is not over the duration of the last 12 months; rather it is about this time 12 months back, i.e in August last year.
Write the name of the district in which this person was residing 12 months ago and then shade the appropriate code in the boxes provided. This can either be the district where he/she is now residing or another district. In case the person lived outside Zambia 12 months ago, write the name of the country where he/she was residing at that time and then enter the appropriate country code. For infants born less than 12 months ago, shade 888 in the boxes. If a person is not sure of the district, then ask him/her the name of the Chief in whose area he/she was living. From this information you can find out the name of the district (see Appendix 5).
Find out if the place where the person was living 12 months ago was a rural or an urban area. Shade the appropriate space for rural and urban areas. The list of urban areas and townships is given in Appendix 4. For infants born less than 12 months ago and for those who were living outside Zambia at that time, shade the space for Not Applicable (N/A).

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_MIG — Country or district of residence 1 year ago
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P14. Where was [the respondent's] residing in October 2009?
Record code for district or code for foreign country ____ _ _ _
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P - 14: Where was [the respondent] residing in October 2009?

In this question you are to ask the respondent his/her place (district) of residence in October 2009.

Write the name of the district in which this person was residing 12 months ago and then write the code in the boxes provided. This can either be the district where he/she is now residing or another district (see appendix 1). In case the person lived outside Zambia 12 months ago, write the name of the country and enter the appropriate country code (see appendix 5). For infants born after October 2009, enter 888 in the boxes. If a person is not sure of the district, then ask him/her the name of the Chief in whose area he/she was living (see Appendix 4). From this information you can find out the name of the district.