For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 15-16.]
Q18. Activity type:
Every person, man or woman, age 7 or older who declared at the census reference date that he/she has a professional activity, is considered to be "Active employed". According to this definition, individuals who have a certain job (farmers, individuals with periodical jobs), even if they were not practicing their activity during the census period are considered to be active employed. [This defintion] also includes individuals with a job but absent from their job during the census period because of annual leave, sickness, or accident.
1 Unemployed never worked before
Anyone age 15 or older, who declares that he/she has no job at the census reference date, but is looking for it is "Active unemployed". These individuals never worked in the past.
2 Unemployed who has worked in the past
"Active unemployed" is anyone age 15 or older, and declares that he/she has no job at the census reference date, but is looking for it. These individuals have worked in the past.
3 Housewife
Every girl or woman age 15 or older who does not practice any work but is taking care of the house and household members (cleaning, cooking, etc.). Not all women are to be automatically classified in this category. Enumerator should separate between housewife and woman that does some activities (weaving, agriculture, service) for money or in kind values. Therefore these women should be classified in the former categories according to their status during the census.
4 Student
Every individual whose primary activity is limited to going to school or professional training establishment during 2003-2004 school year, if he was not planning to attend next year. But, the student who finished his schooling is considered an actively occupied or unemployed depending on his situation.
If a student has a part time job, even if it was paid, he is still considered to be a student. In addition, a student civil servant is considered a student even if he is receiving a salary. However an employee who is a taking night classes or education to improve his skills is considered as occupied active.
5 Landlord or retired
He/she is not active. His earnings are from renting properties (apartment, farming land) or his earnings are from retirement plan from private or government establishments. But, if this person is practicing economic activities, then he/she should be considered occupied active.
6 Sick or handicapped
Sick or handicapped is every person whose handicap/illness prevents him from doing any job.
7 Child
Younger than 15, does not work and [is] not in school.
8 Other cases to be noted ____
Younger than 15, does not work and [is] not in school.