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Q04: Residence status
[] 1 R.P. -- Resident present
[] 2 R.T.A. -- Resident temporarily absent

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Residence: resident is anyone living in a place or planning to live in it for at least 6 months. In the census context:
[] "Present resident" is anyone present at his usual place of residence during the census reference date.
[] "Resident temporarily absent" is anyone absent from his usual residence for a period of fewer than 6 months.
[] "Transit individual" is anyone living in a place different than his usual residence for a period fewer than 6 months. Transit individuals, whether living in hotels or ordinary households, are not counted towards the legal population.

4. Status of residence:

[] 1 "Resident present" is anyone present at his usual place of residence during the census reference date
[] 2 "Resident temporarily absent" is anyone absent from his usual resident for a period shorter than 6 months.