Questionnaire Text

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Section H. Housing characteristics and household possessions

63. How long does it take to get water?

[Skip this question if coded 1,5 or 9 in Question 62.]
State time in minutes. I.e. to go, get water and come back walking.

[] 1 00-14 Minutes
[] 2 15-29 Minutes
[] 3 30-44 Minutes
[] 4 45-49 Minutes
[] 5 50-59 Minutes
[] 6 60-119 Minutes
[] 7 120 plus minutes
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part H of the questionnaire
Housing Characteristics and Household Possessions (for the household head)

132. Column 63: How long does it take to get water?

Please record the minutes the household takes to get to the source of drinking water, get water and come back (walking).