Questionnaire Text

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Section D. For all persons aged 10 years and above

23. Location of employment

[] NA Not applicable
[] 11 Same Village
[] 12 Different village/ town same district
Other districts
[] 1 Butha- Buthe
[] 2 Leribe
[] 3 Berea
[] 4 Maseru
[] 5 Mafeteng
[] 6 Mohale's Hoek
[] 7 Quthing
[] 8 Qacha's Nek
[] 9 Mokhotlong
[] 10 Thaha-Tseka

[] 13 Republic of South Africa
[] 14 Other countries
[] 99 Don't know
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4. Part D of the questionnaire

133. Column 23: Location of Place of Work
Section 231 of column 23 refers to the place of work of an individual. Code 11 when the individual works in the same village or town of enumeration. E.g. Code 11 if a person lives in Maseru West and works in Maseru West. Code 12 if an individual works in a different village or town but in the same district of enumeration; e.g. code 12 for commuters from Maseru to Roma for instance.

Code according to list for persons employed at different district from where they are enumerated. Code 01 for Butha-Buthe, Code 13 for RSA etc.
Section 232: Location of employment in Urban Areas.

Code NA if a person works in the rural areas.
Column 24: Ever or presently working in RSA.
Code NA if not applicable
Code 1 if never worked in RSA.
Code 2 if worked in the past.
Code 3 if presently working in the RSA.

Column 25: If ever worked in the RSA, how long has he/she worked in the RSA. Please code according to the list, write NA to persons who either have never worked at all or never worked in RSA. It will be difficult to get data on persons presently working outside Lesotho, try to get some information, but do not spend too much time on this question.