Questionnaire Text

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Section B. For all persons

9. Is (the respondent's) first or only spouse alive?

[Asked of those coded 2-6 in Question 8.]

[] 1 Alive
[] 2 Not alive
[] 9 Don't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
2. Part B of questionnaire
(Questionnaire concerning the individual members of the household) the questions are marked by numbers to be read from left to right.

The first two columns must be completed before entries are made anywhere else in the questionnaire.

116. Column 9: If ever married is first or only spouse still alive?
Please code the response according to the list of codes given. Enter NA if person was never married. Avoid code 9 'Do not know' if possible. Remember for a person who has been married only once in life, he/she answers for this only spouse; for a person who has been married more than once, the answer is for his/her first spouse.