Questionnaire Text

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Section F. Housing characteristics and household possessions

47. Pigs

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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6. Part F of the questionnaire (housing)

149. Column 41: Fields and Livestock.
Circle 2 No, if the household does not possess the fields and the specified type of livestock.

150. Ask of the head of the household about the ownership of fields by members of the household. Include in this, fields fallowed for a continuous period of under 5 years, but exclude those left fallow for over five years.
Ask of the head or other knowledgeable member of the household if the household has the specified categories of livestock, even those kept at the cattle posts. Both adult and young stock should be listed. Include stock "mafisad" into the household but exclude "mafisad" out to other households. Thus all stock kept by the household regardless of ownership should be deemed as owned.