Questionnaire Text

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Section F. Housing characteristics and household possessions

33. Number and types of housing units

[Table modified.]

[] Rontabole _ _
[] Heisi _ _
[] Polata _ _
[] Malaene _ _
[] Optaka _ _
[] Apartment Houses _ _
[] Oher, specify ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
6. Part F of the questionnaire (housing)

143. Column 32 to 34: For column 32 circle only the main type of house and give number of housing units in column 33; eg If the household uses two rondavels and one polata and the Polata is considered the main type of house circle 3 in column 32 and enter 2 in column 33 against the rondavel row and if each rondavel has one room enter 2 under number of rooms in column 34. If there is only one polata enter 1 in column 33 and if this polata has 3 rooms enter 3 in column 34. Remember in column 32 it is main type of house that is important.
Examples of the type of housing units are shown on the following page of this instructions manual.