Questionnaire Text

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Section A. Identification

District _ _
Ward _ _ _
Zone ____
Urban/Rural ____
EA Number _ _ _ _
Village Number _ _
Household Number _ _ _
Name of Village ____
Principal Chief ____
Area Chief ____
Village Chief ____

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Geographic identification particulars
88. District: Record here the code of the district under which the village is administered. You will get this information from your supervisor.

89. Zone: Record here the code of the zone under which the village falls which could be lowland, foothills, Senqu River Valley or mountain. The village list provided will have this information.

90. Ward: Record here the code of the ward under which the village falls. You will get this information from your supervisor.

91. EA number: Record in the appropriate space the Enumeration Area to which you will be assigned by the office. The village lists provided will also have this information.

92. Village/institution/cattle post: If you are enumerating a village you will write the name of the village in the space provided. If it is a cattle post, fill in the cattle post questionnaire. Use an institution [pg. 128] questionnaire for the institution. If a private household or households fall in the premises of an institution, use the household questionnaire and record the name of the village where the institution is located.

93. Record all the names by which the village is known, beginning with the one which appears more permanent than the others, e.g. .if a village is called after the name of its present headman, such a name is not very permanent because it may die with that headman. So try to find out if there are no other names of a more permanent nature.

94. Be careful about villages which share a common area name. An example of this phenomenon will be found in villages which surround Oeme Plateau. Such villages should be clearly distinguished from one another by local names. e.g. Oeme, Ha 'Mantsebo, Oeme, Ha Mpo, Oeme Ha Ramorakane etc. If it is a town, write the name of the township e.g. Ha Hoohlo in Maseru, Lisemeng in Hlotse and Mampoboleng in Moyei'i.

95. Urban/Rural: Record here whether the area is urban or rural. This will be made known to you by your supervisor. If it is urban delete rural and write code 1, if it is rural delete urban and write code 2 in the appropriate box.