Questionnaire Text

France 1962 France 1999 Indonesia 1985 Uruguay 2006
France 1968 France 2006 Pakistan 1973
France 1975 France 2011 Poland 2002
France 1990 Indonesia 1976 Turkey 1985
France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_EMPSTAT — Type of activity
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Education and professional training

(For all persons born before January 1, 1952)
[Applies to questions 8 - 10]

Professional Activity

(For all persons born before January 1, 1948)
[Applies to questions 11 - 16]

If you are currently without work and you are looking for work, go directly to question 16.
If you are no longer working, go directly to question 17.

16. For persons who are currently without work and who are looking for work.

a. Have you ever worked?

[] yes
[] no

b. What is your profession?


c. For how long have you been seeking work?


France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_UNEMP — Unemployment duration
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Professional activity (for all persons born before January 1st, 1954)
[Applies to questions 12- 18]

17. If you are currently without work and if you are looking for some:

a. Have you already worked?

[] Yes
[] No

b. What is your occupation? ____
c. How long have you been looking for work?

[] 1 less than 3 months
[] 2 from 3 to 6 months
[] 3 from 6 months to less than a year
[] 4 a year or more

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Question 17: The case of the unemployed and those who are looking for work.
This question concerns all people having or having not already worked, who fulfill the following conditions simultaneously:
a) do not have a job:
b) are actively looking for work.
Do not apply to these people the label "unemployed" which is sometimes judged offensive and which has a slightly different connotation.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_DURUNEMP — Duration of unemployment
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For all people 16 years of age or older
[Applies to questions 8 -18]

17. If you are currently without work and if you are looking for some:

a. For how long have you been looking for work?

[] 1 less than 3 months
[] 2 3 to less than 6 months
[] 3 6 months to less than a year
[] 4 one year or more

b. Have you already worked?

[] Yes
[] No

c. What is your career? ____

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[Questions 8 - 18 are for persons age 16 or older]

Question 17: The case of the unemployed and those who are looking for work.
This question concerns all people having or having not already worked, who fulfill the following conditions simultaneously:
a) do not have a job:
b) are actively looking for work.
Do not apply to these people the label "unemployed" which is sometimes judged offensive and which has a slightly different connotation.

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_UNEMP — Period searching for a job during unemployment
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Questions 8 through 21 are only for those people 14 years old or more

If you do not work (or do not work anymore), answer questions 9-11

11. Are you looking for work?

[] 1 You are not looking for work
You have been looking for work since:
[] 2 - less than 3 months
[] 3 - 3 moths to less than a year
[] 4 - 1 year to less than 2 years
[] 5 - 2 years or more

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_JOBSKDUR — Length of job search
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Questions 9 through 24 are only addressed to people 14 years old or more
[Questions 9-24 were asked only of persons 14 years or older.]

11. What is your situation?

You work
[] 1 Check the box and continue to the back of the page (questions 15 to 24) including if you are on sick leave or maternity leave, if you help a member of your family in his/her work or if you are apprenticed under contract, or a salaried intern. [skip to question 15]
You don't work (or no longer work)
[] 2 Check the box and answer questions 12 to 14

[Questions 12-14 were asked of persons who do not work per question 11.]

13. Are you looking for a job?

[] 1 You are not looking for a job
You have been looking for a job for:
[] 2 Less than a year
[] 3 More than a year

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_SEEKWORK — Length of time looking for work
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

[12. If you are not currently working answer questions 13-16]

16. Are you looking for employment?

[] 1 Yes, have been looking for less than one year
[] 2 Yes, have been looking for a year or more
[] 3 No

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_WKSEARCH — Length of job search
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12) If you are not currently working, answer questions 13-16.

13) Have you ever worked?

[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No, tick then skip to question 16
16) Are you looking for a job?
[ ] 1 Yes, for less than a year
[ ] 2 Yes, for a year or more
[ ] 3 No

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_LOOKMO — Number of months looking for work
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D. Information on economic activity

Ask of household members age 10 or older. Ask questions person by person.

D10-12. Looking for work

[Questions D11-D12 was asked of persons age 10 or older who were looking for work during the past week.]

D11. For how many months have you been looking for work?

Write in number of months: _ _

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D. Economic activity

Questions for all columns in this section should only be asked to household members age 10 or older. For household members younger than 10, these columns should not be filled in at all.

Looking for work
Questions about looking for work should be asked to both those who work and those who are not working, but those who looked for work during the past week (D1 code "3") shouldn't be asked this question. Looking for work here means the respondent has ever made some effort to find work.
For example: Applied for work, contacted friends, etc.

Column (5) looking for work
This column is used to get information about those looking for work (D1 code 3 or D1O code Y).

Ask for question for column (5):

D11 "How many months have you been looking for work?"

What is the length of time he/she has been trying to find work? Fill in the number of months.

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_LOOKMNTHS — Months looking for work
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(Persons age 10 or older)
[Questions 1-17 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Q.11 How long [has the respondent] been looking for work?


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X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

Block VIII: Labor force (Persons age 10 or older)

Questions 11 -- 14: These questions ask the respondent about his/her search for work.

Question 11: Length of time respondent has been looking for work. The answer should be written in months in the space provided and in the boxes to the right.

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_LOOKWK — Time looking for work (months)
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For those who did not work for pay or profit last week
[Questions 20-21.]

(For those who answered yes to number 1 [able to work and looking for work] in column 20 only)
21. How long has he/she been looking for work?
Months _ _

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7.34 This question will be enquired to those people who told that they were able to work and looking for job and code 1 was entered in column 20. The man who is unemployed for days and looking for job, his total unemployment tenure will be written in months and years in column 21. This period (of unemployment) will be counted from that time when he was actually in search of a job until the date of survey. If an interval arises during the job searching period, then the latest tenure in which he has been searching for a job should be entered. For instance, [if] a man had a job for more than 14 days or stopped searching for a job and an interval is created between total periods [of unemployment], then in such case the period after the interval until the survey will be entered. It can be explained with an example that A and B are two persons who were employed in same factory and discharged themselves from the job since August 31, 1966. Thereafter they got a job on September 16, 1966 but again their jobs ended/expired on September 26 and September 30, 1966 respectively. In such condition, the period of unemployment of B since October 1, 1966 and of A since September 1, 1966 will be counted. Because A had got the job for less than 29 days this period is not considered unemployment interval. Therefore, counting of his [A's] unemployment period will be considered since September 1, 1966 instead of September 27, 1966 (although he was unemployed on September 27, 1966).

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_DURSEEK — Duration of seeking employment
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19. Did you perform any work providing earnings or income or did you help pay in a family business?
If the answer is: 1 or 2 - go to question 20; 3 - go to question 25; 4 - go to question 28

[] 1 Yes, go to question 20
[] 2 You temporarily didn't work due to illness, vacation, lay-off, strike etc., but you did have a job (did not concern contributing family members) in reference week (from May 13th to May 19th), go to question 20
[] 3 No, go to question 25
[] 4 Lack of response (concerns persons staying abroad), go to question 28
25. Are you looking for a job actively?
If the answer is: 1 - go to question 26; 2 - go to question 27; 3 - go to question 28.

[] 1 Yes, go to question 26
[] 2 No, you have found a job and have been waiting to start it, go to question 27
[] 3 No, go to question 28
27. How long have you been actively looking for a job?
Please, give the number of months: _ _
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Question 19. Did you perform any work providing earnings or income or did you help without pay in a family business? [p. 38]

page 11

1. Answer 1. yes concerns persons, who in the week of research -- 13 May to 19 May 2002 did for at least 1 hour any work providing earnings or income (in cash or in kind) or helped without pay in a family business or family agricultural farm.

Answer 1 concerns also persons serving in the army or being working abroad.

2. Answer 2. concerns persons who are employed (i.e. have a formal agreement with an employer) or have their own business, but in the week of research did not spend even 1 hour working due to: illness, taking care of an ill child or any other member of the family, maternity leave, holidays, strike, weather conditions preventing them from working etc.

3. Classifying a person as working (answer 1 or 2) the fat of having an agreement with an employer not the king of the contract should be taken into account. A working person is also a person that is doing the work without any formal agreement (grey area). Even if a person is registered as unemployed but did some work in the week of research, he/she should be treated as working.

4. Answer 3. no concerns also persons, who usually help in a family business but did not serve any help in the time between 13 May and 19 May 2002.

5. Answer 4. lack of response concerns persons staying temporarily abroad, especially in the case when no relevant information can be collected from the members of the family.

6. In case an employee stays on unpaid or parental leave, the length of the leave should be taken into consideration. If the leave (unpaid or parental) lasts up to 3 months answer 2 should be indicated, if the leave is longer than 3 months -- the correct answer is answer 3.

Question 27. How long have you been actively looking for a job? [p. 41-42]

1. Question 27 refers also to person who found the job but wait to start it (indicated answer 2 in question 25. In such case a question should be reformulated into: How long were you looking for a job?.

2. The number of months should be given as the answer (15 days or more should be calculated as a month). If a person is looking for a job for 14 days or shorter the correct answer is 0.

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_SEEKDUR — Duration of job search
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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

Employment status in the last week
(Ask persons age 12 or older)
[Questions 34-42 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

Ask those who answer "Didn't work" to question 34
[Questions 39-41 were asked of those who did not work last week, per question 34]

41. How long have you been looking for a job?

Ask those who answer "Yes" [looking for a job] in question 40.

[] 3 Less than one month
[] 4 1 to 6 months
[] 5 7 to 12 months
[] 6 Over 12 months

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

(Questions 29-42 are for persons age 12 or older)

Employment status within the last week (34-41)
(Persons age 12 and older)

Question 40: Are you looking for work?

(Persons who answered Question 39)

If the person being administered the census answers yes, place an "X" in the 1 "Y" box, and if no, into the 2 "N" box.

Question 41: How long have you been looking for work?

(Persons who answered "Yes" to Question 40)

If the person being administered the census answers less than 1 month, place an "X" into the 3 "Less than 1 month" box; if 1-6 months, into the 4 "1-6 months" box; if 6-12 months into the 5 "6-12 months" box; if more than 12 months, into the 6 "More than 12 months" box. No matter how the person being administered the census is looking for work (through an official institution or by their own means), consider the person as looking for work.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_SEEKWKS — Number of weeks looking for job
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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

64 Even though you did not work last week, do you have a job or business that you are going back to for sure?

[Question 64 was asked of persons age 14 or older who worked less than one hour last week, as per questions 62 and 63.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to section F.5)

F.5 Search of a job for those unemployed

108. How long have you been looking for a job?

[Question 108 was asked of unemployed persons age 14 or older who were looking for job in the last four weeks, as per questions 102 and 104.]

_ _ Weeks
If answered less than 24 week go to question 110.

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Job search of the unemployed

In this block of questions the interview continues with those people who are not working.

Unemployed: is any person who during the reference period considered (last week) is not working because of not having work, is actively looking for work, and is available to start working right now. By definition, those people who are not looking for work since they are waiting for the results of processes already started and those who begin working in the next 30 days are also unemployed.

[p. 55]

Inactive: is any person who, during the reference period considered, did not work and didn't carry out concrete steps or is not available to work right now.

108. How long have you been looking for a job?

Even though it is requested that the time is indicated in weeks, in some cases in can be that for the interviewee it is easier to remember in months, in this case note this number in the margin and later do the conversion multiplying by 4.

It's fundamental that when encountering prolonged search times, clarify to the interviewee whether or not he was doing concrete actions during all the time, that's to say that there were not interruptions in the search.

Concrete actions are understood as answering ads in the newspaper, consulting employment agencies, directly consulting the employer or with friends and relatives, doing paperwork, or working off loans in order to establish oneself, etc.