Questionnaire Text

Dominican Republic 2002
Guatemala 1981
Guatemala 1994
Guatemala 2002
Guinea 2014
Jamaica 2001
Mexico 2000
Venezuela 1981
Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_LEAVSCHL — Reason for leaving school
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For persons of 3 years old and more
[Questions 37-44 were asked of persons age 3+.]

39. What was the main reason why [the respondent] stopped studying? Read all options and mark just one.

[] 1 Does not/did not like studying
[] 2 Has/had to work
[] 3 Got married or went to live with partner
[] 4 Looking after/looked after younger brothers and sisters
[] 5 There is/was no school in the locality
[] 6 School is/was far away
[] 7 Does not/did not have economic means
[] 8 Does not/did not have birth certificate
[] 9 Appropriate grades are/were not available
[] 10 Lack of places
[] 11 Completed studies
[] 12 Left when pregnant
[] 13 Other reason
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For People Age 3 or Older

Question 39: What is the main reason (NAME) stopped studying?

Read clearly each possible answer to the question. In the case that the person declares more than one reason why he/she stopped going to school, fill in the corresponding bubble.
If the person answers option 13 (other reason), fill in the bubble of option 13.

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_SCHLREAS — Reason for not attending school
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VII. People in the census household

For those 7 years of age and older
[Questions 13 - 15 were asked for persons age 7+ old]

15. School attendance

Do you currently attend an institution of elementary, secondary or higher education? (For those individuals ages 7 to 14 who are not attending, ask the reason.)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
(Reason for not attending) ____
[] 9 Unknown
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C. Third block: educational characteristics (for those 7 years of age and older).

Questions 13 to 15 refer to the enumerated person's literacy and education completed or education being carried out. For this reason, only those persons 7 years of age and older are asked these questions.

The purpose of these questions is to discover the educational level of the population in relation to demographic, economic, and social characteristics.

Question 15: school attendance

1. How to formulate the question

Do you currently attend an educational establishment; primary, middle, or tertiary?

2. How to record the data

If the informant declares that attends a primary, middle, or superior educational establishment, the number "1. yes" is marked.

On the other hand, number "2. no" is circled.

If the informant does not know if the enumerated person attends a regular educational establishment, number "9. unknown" is marked.

If the enumerated person, between the ages of 7 and 14, does not attend a regular educational establishment, the reasons for not attending are requested and recorded in the spaces provided.

[p. 75]

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 15 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_SCHLREAS — Reason for not attending school
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VII. People in the census household

15. School attendance

b. What is the main reason for not attending?

For people from 7 to 14 years old

[Question 15. b was asked of people from 7 to 14 years of age who are not currently attending school.]

[] 1 There is no school
[] 2 Goes to literacy classes
[] 3 Lack of money
[] 4 Does not like it, does not want to go
[] 5 Has to work
[] 6 Household duties
[] 7 Parents do not want it
[] 8 Other reason (specify) ____
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Questions for persons aged seven and older only
If the person is less than seven, do not ask him/her question 13-24. Instead, go to the next person on the list.

15. School attendance
School attendance means consistently taking classes in any grade or level that is part of the official educational structure of the country while attending any regular and accredited school, public or private.

Ask, "Are you currently attending a pre-primary, primary or secondary school, or an institution of higher education?" and mark an X in the appropriate circle.

If the person you are enumerating is between the ages of seven and fourteen and does not attend a school, ask the main reason for not attending and mark the appropriate circle. If they answer is "other reason," specify the reason.

[A graphic of box 15, "school attendance" is reproduced on the right-hand side of the page.]

Information related to the reason persons aged seven to fourteen are not attending school is important in implementing education policy. If the person is between seven and fourteen and is not attending a school you must record a reason. Do not leave this question blank!

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_SCHREAS — Reason for not attending school
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For persons of age 7 years and older
[Questions 12 to 20 are for persons of age 7 years and older]

15. What was the main cause of school absenteeism?

For persons age 7 to 14 years old.

[Question 15 is asked of persons aged 7 to 14 years old who are not attending school. If person is not 7 to 14 years of age, proceed to question 16.]

[] 1 Lack of money
[] 2 Have to work
[] 3 No school available
[] 4 Parents did not want to
[] 5 Household duties
[] 6 Does not like it, does not want to go
[] 7 Has already finished the studies
[] 8 Other
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Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

Questions 12-20 are for persons aged seven or older.

15. Reason for not attending school
This question is only for person aged seven to fourteen.

Ask, "What was the main reason for not attending school?"

[A graphic of question 15, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_SCHLREAS — Reason for not attending school (never or no longer)
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III. Individual characteristics

Residents of 3 years or more
[Questions P16- P21 were asked of resident persons aged 3 years or older.]

P21. Reason for not attending or stopping

Why did [the respondent] never attend school or no longer attends school?

If 6-18 years old and P17 = 0 or 1.

Enter the appropriate code.

[] 0 No school / school too far away
[] 1 High cost of attending school / lack of support
[] 2 Repetition
[] 3 Repeated failures
[] 4 Lack of interest
[] 5 Learning a trade
[] 6 Priority to the Koranic school
[] 7 Helping parents
[] 8 Marriage / pregnancy
[] 9 Illness / disability

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_REASSCH — Reasons for not attending school
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1.15 Why are you not attending school?
[For persons between the ages of 4 and 13]

[] 1 Parent(s) cannot afford it
[] 2 Poor in studies/not interested in school
[] 3 Illness/disability
[] 4 To help with household chores
[] 5 To help in household business
[] 6 To work for wages/salaries
[] 7 Other
[] 9 Not stated

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5.52 Education
Questions on education are designed to determine current enrollment in educational programs and highest level of attainment. The categories indicated at Q1.14 are in recognition of the fact that persons need not be studying within an institution but may be involved in private study. The level of education is generally indicated by the type of institution attended, but there are instances where this might not be so. There may be for instance within a tertiary institution (like the university or a community college) a program for preparing students for CXC or GCE "A" level examinations, in which case the level would be secondary.

Please note the following:

(1) Persons on holidays from school are to be regarded as attending school. If however the person just completed the term and is not enrolled in any other program, score "No" at Q1.14.

(2) If a person has recently registered in a program of study but has not actually started, score "Yes".

(3) Study outside of Jamaica is to be included, assessing the level of attainment.

(4) Enrollment in a Jamal program is not to be included.

5.54 Question 1.15: Reason for not attending school
[Persons between the ages of 4 and 13 who are not registered in school]

The categories are self-explanatory. Pay particular attention to answers suggesting that the child is working. Probe to find out if the child is actually employed and is being paid wages.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_WHYLEAV — Reason for leaving school
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For persons five to twenty-nine years old

15. Reasons for dropping out of school

What was the main reason that this person stopped going to school? Circle only one answer.

0 Has never gone to school (Continue with question number 19)
1 Didn't want to or didn't like to study
2 Lack of money or had to work
3 Got married or formed a consensual union
4 School was very far away or there was no school
5 Family did not allow this person to study or because he or she had to help in the household activities
6 Finished studies
7 Other reason
_____Write the reason
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15. Reason for Leaving School

This question is only for those people, ages 5 to 29, who do not currently go to school.

Ask the principal reason for which a person between the ages of 5 and 29 left school and did not continue their studies.

When the person has never gone to school, circle code 0 and go on to question 19. Religion. Any other cause that does not match one of the options should be written out on the line Other reason.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_WHYNOT — Reason for not attending school
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(Only for those 5 years of age or older)

13. If between 5 and 24 years old, why are you not currently studying?

[] There are no higher grades
[] There is no school, high school, etc.
[] School is very far away
[] There are no places open in the school(s)
[] Without economic resources
[] Working
[] Finished studies
[] Other reason

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Question 13

-- If the person is between the ages of 5 and 24, why are they currently not studying?

[This includes those 5 and 24 years of age]

This question is designed to determine the causes limiting the studies of the population between 5 and 24 years of age. This question is presented only to those between 5 and 24 who are not studying in any type of education listed in question 12.

All of the alternative answers should be read to the enumerated person and only one answer, the most important to the person, should be marked.

[Page 72 contains cartoon-style graphics illustrating reasons for not attending school]