Questionnaire Text

Bolivia 1976 Fiji 1996 Kenya 2009 Peru 2017
Bolivia 1992 Fiji 2007 Laos 2015 South Africa 2001
Bolivia 2001 Greece 2001 Lesotho 1996 South Africa 2007
Bolivia 2012 Greece 2011 Lesotho 2006 South Africa 2011
Brazil 1980 Guatemala 1973 Mexico 2000 South Africa 2016
Brazil 1991 Guatemala 1981 Mexico 2010 Switzerland 2000
Brazil 2010 Guatemala 1994 Mexico 2015 Uganda 1991
Chile 2017 Guatemala 2002 Mexico 2020 Uganda 2002
Colombia 1973 Haiti 1982 Myanmar 2014 Uganda 2014
Colombia 1985 Haiti 2003 Nicaragua 1995 Uruguay 2006
Colombia 1993 Honduras 1974 Nicaragua 2005 Uruguay 2011
Colombia 2005 Honduras 1988 Panama 1980 Venezuela 2001
Dominican Republic 1981 Honduras 2001 Papua New Guinea 1980 Vietnam 1989
Dominican Republic 2002 Indonesia 1976 Paraguay 1972 Vietnam 1999
Dominican Republic 2010 Indonesia 1980 Paraguay 1982 Vietnam 2009
Ecuador 2010 Indonesia 1990 Paraguay 1992 Vietnam 2019
El Salvador 1992 Kenya 1969 Paraguay 2002 Zimbabwe 2012
El Salvador 2007 Kenya 1989 Peru 1993
Fiji 1986 Kenya 1999 Peru 2007
Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_LASTBIRY — Year of last child born
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D. Fertility Information

Only for women 12 years of age and older


c) What are the month and year of birth of your last child born alive?

____ Month and year of birth

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E. Fertility information

Question 16 refers to Fertility Information. You should ask it only to women 12 years and older.

c) In what month and year was your last child born alive born?

Write down the month and the year in which the last child of the interviewed woman was born.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_LASTYR — Year of last live birth
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Only for women who have had daughters or sons who were born alive

[Applies to questions 21-23.]

23. In what month and year was your last child born alive?

Month and year of birth of last child born alive

____ Month
_ _ Year

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D. Only for women 12 years of age and older

Questions 20 to 23 should only be asked of women 12 years of age and older, including unmarried women. These questions are not asked when the person being enumerated is a man. Instead cross out part D of the Form with a diagonal line.

These questions are of great importance for the demographic analysis. Take special care to ask them verbatim without excluding unmarried women.

Question 23. In what month and year was your last son (daughter) born alive born?

All women 12 years of age and older who have had any son (daughter) born alive will be asked for the date on which their last child was born, whether they are alive at the time of the Census or have passed away. Record the month in written form in the spaces provided for month, and for the year, the last two digits.

Example: April 89, March 90, January 92, etc.

Important: That this piece of information be obtained with the greatest possible precision, primarily in the case of children who were born in recent years, for example: in 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, or 1992.

There may be some cases where the mother doesn't remember either the month or year, or both of these pieces of information, in which case you should clarify in observations and estimate this data as closely as possible.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_BTHYEAR — Year of birth of last child born alive
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Chapter H. Only for women, fifteen years old or more.
[Questions 50-55 were asked of women aged 15 years or older.]

53. In what month and year was your last daughter or son born alive?

Month ______
Year ______

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Chapter H. Only for women 15 years of age or older

If the person is a woman who is 15 years of age or older, question 50 is presented; if not, the interview is ended and the next person is interviewed.

Question 53. What was the month and year of birth of your last child born alive?

The question is presented and the month and year of birth of the last child born alive are recorded, irrespective of whether the child is alive or not at the time of the census.

For example:

Elena says that her last daughter was born the 16th of September of 2000.

The form is filled out as follows:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with month and year of birth written in the boxes.]

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_LSTBYR — Year of most recent live birth
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F5. Only for women at least 15 years old

48. In what month and year was your most recent live birth?

Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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F5. Only for women at least 15 years old

Fertility and mortality

The questions about fertility and mortality, asked only of women at least 15 years old, deal with and help provide basic data for estimating fertility and infant mortality rates.
Live birth refers to any child who, upon birth, shows any sign of life such as breathing, crying, or moving, even if the child then dies.

48. Date of most recent live birth
In the appropriate boxes, note down the month and year of the most recent live birth, regardless of whether the child is alive or died before the date of the census. This information makes it possible to document live births that occurred in the year before the census and will be a basis for fertility estimates.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_YEARBTH — Year of birth of last child born alive
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The following questions are only for women 15 years and older
[Applies to questions 50 - 57]

56./57. Month and year of birth of last child born alive

month _ _
year 1 _ _ _

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The following questions will be filled out only for women age 15 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1965.
[Applies to questions 50 - 57]

Questions 56/57 - Month and year of birth of the last child born alive

Record the month and the year when the respondent had her last child born alive. Do not record the day.
If the month being expressed has only one digit, complete with one zero to the left. Record only the last three digits in the information regarding the year.
If the person does not know the date of birth, make an estimate for the year and record 20 in the boxes referring to the month.
If the respondent has not had any children born alive, record zeros in all the boxes of these questions.

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_AGELSTCH — Calculated age of last child born alive
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Questions 35 - 44 are to be answered by women (if had children of only one gender, mark 00 in the box corresponding the other gender)

43/44. Sex, month and year of birth of last live birth

[] 7 don't have
_ _ month and _ _ _ _ year
_ _ month and _ _ _ _ year

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Questions 35 to 44 will be filled out only for the women.
[p. 72]
When the number of sons or daughters is expressed with a single digit, complete with a zero to the left.
If the person has children of only one sex, mark the field corresponding to the other sex with two zeros (00).

Question 43/44 - Sex, and month and year of birth of the last child born alive
If the woman had one or more children born alive, record the month and the year of birth of the last child, according to sex. If the enumerated woman does not know the month and/or year of birth, record 20 in the field referring to the month, and the presumed age in the Year field.
If the number of the month is less than 10, complete with a zero to the left. Record only tens in the Year field.
Example: Year of 1985, record 85.
If the person had no children born alive, mark Box 7 - Does not have.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_LBTHAGE — Age of the last child born alive on July 31, 2010
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6. Resident characteristics

For women aged 10 years or more
[Questions 6.63 to 6.69 were asked for women aged 10 years or more]

6.66 What is the month and year of your last live birth until July 31, 2010? If you do not know, fill in only the box for presumed age.

6.661 Month _ _
6.662 Year _ _ _ _
6.663 Presumed age on 07/31/2010 if month and year of birth are unknown _ _

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For female residents 10 years of age or older

6.66 - What is the month and year of birth of the last child born alive before July 31, 2010? (If unknown, record child's age).

Age of the child on 07/31/2010:

Record the month and year of birth of the last child born alive before July 31, 2010.

[page 288]

In case that is not possible to obtain the month and year of birth and after exhausting all efforts, record the age that the child would have on the date of reference, and if he/she is alive or deceased.
If his/her age is less than 1 (one) year, record 0 (zero).

Chile 2017 — source variable CL2017A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child born alive
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D. Personal information

Only for women aged 15 aged years and over
[Questions 19-21 were asked of women age 15 and over.]

21. In what month and year was your last live-born child born?

[] January
[] February
[] March
[] April
[] May
[] June
[] July
[] August
[] September
[] October
[] November
[] December
_ _ _ _ Year
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Questionnaire section D: "Personal information"
Interview each member of the household using one page for each person. The order in which you must conduct the interviews is the same as you entered on question 6.c. Therefore, person No. 1 will correspond to the head of household, while person No. 2 will be the person you entered on the second row, and so forth.
It is very important that you follow the order as entered on question 6.c for conducting the interviews in section D. This way, you will avoid leaving someone out without being recorded for the census.

[Question 19, live-born children]
Attention: this question has a filter and a go to. The question must be asked only to women aged 15 years and over.
Live-born child: All children who breathe or move at the time of birth are considered as such, regardless of whether the child later dies for any reason.
[p. 42]
[Questions 20-21, children alive]
These questions address an especially sensitive topic, since they may bring up the death of a son or daughter. You must therefore be level-headed in waiting for the response.
In the event that the recorded woman indicates that she has a missing son or daughter and does not know the child's whereabouts, it is the informant herself who must provide the response as to whether or not the child is currently alive.
[Figure omitted, image of questions 20 and 21 from the questionnaire]

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_LSTBYR — Year of last live birth
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D. Fertility characteristics (only for females fifteen years old or more)
[Applies to questions 20 -22]

22. When did you have your last child (live birth)?

(Only for women who are 15 to 49)

Year: 19 __ __

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Section D. Fertility characteristics

These questions will be asked to all women 15 years old or older. It does not matter if they are single, married, united, widowed or separated.
[Applies to questions 20 -22]

Question No. 22. Date of birth of the last child

This question will be asked to all women, understood to be between 15 and 49 years of age, it does not matter if they are single, married, united, widowed or separated.

[Below the text is a form.]

Write down the number of the month and year in which the woman had her last child born alive, in the corresponding spaces.

When the woman has not had children or is older than 50 years, leave the corresponding spaces blank.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_LSTBYEAR — Year of the last live birth
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E. For women fifteen years old or older.
[Applies to questions 46 - 50]

50. When was your last child born (live-birth)?

Month _ _
Year 19 _ _
[] 98 Does not know

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E. Only for women 15 years old or older

(Questions 46 to 50)

Take into account that this part of the form is directed only to women and that it should only be filled out for women who are 15 years old or older, even if they are single.

Question No. 50 Date in which the last child born alive was born

[Below the text is a form.]

[p. 52]

Write in the open boxes the number of the month in which the last child born alive was born, taking into account the following table that you find on the first page of the form.

[Below the text is a form with numbers corresponding to months of the year. January 01, February 02, etc.]

Write in the open boxes the last two numbers of the year in which the last child born alive was born, since the first two numbers are already written.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_LSTBYEAR — Year of birth of last child
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F 4. Ask these questions of all women who are twelve years old or more.

43. In what year was your last child born (live birth)?

19 _ _ year of birth

[] 1 January
[] 2 February
[] 3 March
[] 4 April
[] 5 May
[] 6 June
[] 7 July
[] 8 August
[] 9 September
[] 10 October
[] 11 November
[] 12 December

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F4. Ask these questions to all women 12 years old or older

43. In what year and month did [the respondent] have her last child born alive?

Write in the box "year of birth" the last two digits of the year in which this last son or daughter was born and mark with "x" the month of birth.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_LASTKYR — Year the last child was born alive
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For women 12 years old or more (generated by the DMC)
[Questions 55-58 were asked of women age 12+.]

57. In what year and month did [the respondent] have her last son/daughter that was born alive?


[] 1 2005
[] 2 2004
[] 3 2003
[] 4 2002

[p. 27]

[] 5 2001
[] 6 2000 or earlier


[] 1 January
[] 2 February
[] 3 March
[] 4 April
[] 5 May
[] 6 June
[] 7 July
[] 8 August
[] 9 September
[] 10 October
[] 11 November
[] 12 December

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Child born alive

It is every newborn child who shows signs of live after birth, like moving, breathing or crying.

If when being born the baby shows any of these signs and a little later died, it is a child born alive. Therefore, it should be included in the number of children had and excluded from the number of surviving children.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_LBIRTHYR — Year of birth of last child born alive
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For women 12 years of age and older [Applies to questions 66-72.]

D. Fertility Characteristics

67. What was the date of the birth of your last child born alive, regardless of whether this child is currently alive or dead?

____ Month
____ Year
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For women 12 years of age and older

Question 67: What is the date of birth of your last child born alive, whether or not the child is currently alive?

The day, month, and year of birth of the last child born alive are recorded and the circles corresponding to the month and year are filled in.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_LBIRTHYR — Year of birth of last child born
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For women of 15 years old and more
[Questions 64-67 were asked for women age 15+.]

66. What is the date of birth of [the respondent]'s last live-born son or daughter?

Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Questions 64-67 should only be asked to women who are 15 years old or older.

Question 66: In what month and year was the last child born alive of (NAME)?

Record the month and year of the birth date of the last child.

Use two digits to record the month. For example, 01 for January 02 for February 03 for March and so on.
Use four digits to record the year. For example: 1999.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_LCHYR — Year of birth of last child born alive
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For women age 15 and older (check from questions 27 and 29)

58. In what month and year was the last child born alive of [the respondent]?

Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Question 58. In what month and year was [the respondent]'s last child born alive?
This question refers to the respondent's last female or male child born alive, independently of the date of birth. Record the month and year for the date of birth of the interviewee's last child in the corresponding boxes.
Remember that female or male children born alive can include those who were born alive, but died a few minutes or hours after being born.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_LSTBYEAR — Year of last birth
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Women twelve years old and older
[Questions 36-40 were asked of women 12 years and older.]

39. In what year and month was the last child who was born alive born?

[Questions 39 was asked of females 12 years and older who had had at least one child born alive.]

Year _ _ _ _
Month _ _
[] 99 Does not know

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[Section 4]

Step 16: Continue with section 4, information about the population, / F: Fertility and mortality.

  • Follow the sequencial order of the questions.
  • Remember that the questions are only for women 12 years old and older.
  • All of the questions should have an answer, if the informant does not know, mark x as corresponds.
  • If the woman has never had children, mark x in 0 (none) and continue with the next person.
  • Pay attention to the leaps in questions 36 and 40.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child born
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V. Information on members of the household

4. Women age 12 or older
[Questions 22-28 were asked of women age 12 or older]

[Questions 23-28 were asked of women age 12 or older who have ever had children, as per question 22.]

27. What was the date of birth of your last child?

Day ____ / Month ____ / Year ____

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Females age 12 or older
This series of questions will be made exclusively to women age 12 or older. Girls under this age and all men of any age will skip questions 22 to 28, making a diagonal in each square.

27. Date of birth of the last child
What was the date of birth of your last child?

The day, month and year of when the last child born alive was born should be recorded in numeric form whether that child is still alive or is deceased. For example, if they were born on the 5th of March, 1945, this is recorded: "5" "3" "45"
With regards to the year, this will be recorded with only the last two digits.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last born child
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[Questions 25-30 are for females age 12 or older]

29. What was the date of birth of your last child?

Day /_/_/
Month /_/_/
Year /_/_/_/

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[Questions 25-30 are for females age 12 or older. For all girls younger than this and for males, cross out questions 25-30 with a diagonal line]

Question 29: What was the date of birth of your last child?

Write in numeric form the day, month and year in on which the last child was born, regardless of whether the child is still alive or has died. For example, if the child was born on January 10, 2001, write it as follows:
Day: "10"
Month: "01"
Year: "2001"

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_LASTBYR — Year when the last child born alive was born
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For all women born in 1971 or before
[Questions 18-22 were asked of all women born in 1971 or before]

21. When was the last child born?


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176. The next set of questions, 18 to 22, applies to all women born in 1971 or before.

177. An answer is required of all women in this category whether or not they are married, whether or not they are still attending school, and whether or not you think they may have borne children.

178. If the person is male or is a girl born 1972 to 1986, write 'N/A' on line 18 and leave the rest of the column blank.

179. If possible speak to the woman herself. She will know about the children she has borne and will be able to answer the questions more accurately than anyone else.

180. The census is concerned with all the children a woman has borne. Include children who have grown up and left home, children borne by the woman to other men as well as to her present husband, her children who are living away from home and children who have died even if they died shortly after birth. Be careful to include very young babies.

181. Do not include adopted children, step children or children who may be staying in the household but were not borne by the woman herself.

182. We are concerned with the number of children the woman has borne alive. '0' is a number. If the appropriate number on any line is '0', then write '0'. Do not leave lines blank and do not use any other symbol.

183. A child born alive is one who cries after being born. The census is concerned with children born alive. Do not include still births -- that is, children who did not cry.

184. Ask, "Has this woman borne any children?"

185. If the woman has never borne any children alive, write '0' for boys and '0' for girls.

186. If the woman has borne a child or children, ask: "How many were with her on census night?"

187. Write the number of boys and the number of girls who were in this household on census night on line 18. If the answer is 'none', write '0' in the appropriate box.

188. "How many were elsewhere on census night?"

189. Write the number of boys and the number of girls whom the woman has borne who were not in the household on census night. If the answer is 'none', write '0' in the appropriate box.

190. "How many have died?"

191. Write the number of boys and girls whom the woman has borne alive but who have since died. If the answer is 'none', write '0' in the appropriate box.

[p. 21]

192. You have recorded details of all the children the woman has borne alive. You are next required to record particulars of her most recent live birth -- that is, of the last child she had borne alive.

193. "When was the last child born?"

194. Whenever possible record the day, month and year.

195. If the day is not known, record at least the month and year for all children born between 1980 and 1986 even if it takes time to establish the month by questioning the mother and other members of the household.

196. For children born before 1980 it will be enough to record the year of birth.

197. "Is the child still alive?"

198. Write 'yes' or 'no' as appropriate.

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_LASTBYR — Year of last birth
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For all women born in 1981 or before
[Questions F1-F5 were asked of women born in 1981 or before.]

F4. When was the last child born?

Day ______
Month ______
Year ______

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Children ever born

To women born in 1981 or before

The next set of questions, F1 to F5, apply to all women born in 1981 or before.

163. An answer is required of all women in this category whether or not they are married, whether or not they are still attending school, and whether or not you think they may have borne children.

If the person is male or is a girl born 1982 to 1996, write 'N/A' on line F1 and leave the rest of the column blank.

If possible speak to the woman herself. She will know about the children she has borne and will be able to answer the questions more accurately than anyone else.

The census is concerned with all the children a woman has borne. Include children who have grown up and left home, children borne by the woman to other men as well as to her present husband, her children who are living away from home and children who have died even if they died shortly after birth. Be careful to include very young babies.

Do not include adopted children, step children or children who may be staying in the household but were not borne by the woman herself.

We are concerned with the number of children the woman has borne alive. '0' is a number. If the appropriate number of any line is '0', then write '0'. Do not leave lines blank and do not use any other symbol. It is just as important to record women who have not given birth as it to record those who have.


A child born alive is one who cries after being born. The census is concerned with children born alive. Do not include still births - that is children who did not cry and were born dead.

Question F4

168. Ask,
'When was the last child born?'

Whenever possible record the day, month and year.

If the day is not known, record at least the month and year for all children born between 1990 and 1996 even if it takes time to establish the month by questioning the mother and other members of the household. It is important that we know the exact birthdate of children aged 5 years and less.

For children born before 1990 it will be enough to record the year of birth.

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_LASTBYR — Year of last birth
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For all women born in 1992 or before
[Questions F1-F6 were asked of women born in 1992 or before.]

F4. What is the date of birth of [the person's] last child born alive?

(Including a child that may have died later)
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_LSTCHYR — Year of birth of the last child
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Questions 15-26 below should only be completed for persons born in 1990 or earlier

Questions 25 and 26 are only for women

25. How many children have you given birth to?
(Do not include stillbirths.)

___ Number of children
___ Year of birth of 1st child
___ Year of birth of 2nd child
___ Year of birth of last child

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Question 25: Write down the total number of live births regardless of a woman's marital status. If she hasn't any live-born children, put dashes (--).

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child
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[Only for females age 10 and over]
Those born dead should not be included.

21. How many children have you ever born alive?

Year of birth of last child: _ _ _ _

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Question 21 "How many children have you ever born alive?" Question to ask only from females. Do not include stillborn. This question will be asked of all females 10 years and over, regardless of their marital status (unmarried, married, widowed, divorced, etc.). In the first sections of the question, you will write the number of children has given birth until today. If a woman has not given birth to children, she enters "00" in the boxes corresponding to the "number of children". In the following questions will be completed the year of birth of her first child and the birth of the last child.

Guatemala 1973 — source variable GT1973A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child
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E - Fertility characteristics
(For all women ages 15 and older)
[Questions 20 to 23 were asked of women age 15+ years old]

22. What was the date of birth of your last child (born alive)?

[] 0 Has not had children
[] Day ____
[] Month ____
[] Year 19 ____

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E. Fertility characteristics (for all females aged 15 and older)

The purpose of question 20-23 is to obtain information allowing research on fertility and relevant characteristics related to population growth. They are also designed to obtain information about the level of and past trends in mortality rates in the population of Guatemala.

To investigate such important questions requires you to be sensitive and extremely clever during the interview.

Ask question 20-23 of all females aged 15 years or older, regardless of their civil status.

[p. 82]

If possible, ask these questions of the girls and women directly. They may sometimes forget to declare live-born children who died, and those who are still alive. Keep this in mind to avoid any omissions.

Important: It has been noted that some enumerators assume that unmarried women do not have children and thus they do not ask them the pertinent questions. This approach is incorrect and results in poor-quality data that cannot be used to study population growth.

Question 22: what was the date of birth of your last live-born child?
Ask this question of all females aged 15 years or older regardless of their civil status.

[p. 84]

1. How to ask the question:
Ask, "What was the date of birth of your last live-born child?"

2. How to record the answer:
For girls and women who have had one or more live-born children, write the day, month, and year of birth of the last-born child.

For girls and women who have not had "live-born" children, mark an "X" in box 0, "has not had children."

If the respondent does not know the date of birth of the last live-born child, do everything you can to obtain at least the month and year of birth. As a last resort, if you cannot get the month, try to obtain the year of birth.

If the respondent does not know even the year of the birth of the last live-born child, mark an "X" in the space next to the word "year."

3. Example:
[This box contains question 22 of the section VI, "people in the census household."]

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child born alive
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VII. People in the census household

Only for women 15 years of age and older
[Questions 21 - 24 were asked of women age 15+ old]

23. Date of birth of last child

What was the date of birth of your last child born alive, even if he/she later died?

[] 0 Has not had children
[] [If any child born alive, write date of birth]
_ _ Day
_ _ Month
_ _Year
[] 9 Unknown
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E. Fifth block: fertility and mortality characteristics (for all women 15 years of age and older)

Questions 21-24 are designed to obtain information to allow estimations of levels and trends in fertility, mortality, and population growth.

The adequate investigation of this question requires that the enumerator be delicate and extremely diligent in the request for information. Questions 21-24 should be presented to all women 15 years of age and older, irrespective of their marital status. If possible, these questions should be presented directly to each woman. Women sometimes forget to declare children born alive who have passed away, children who are alive but living in another place of residence, and also newborns. This should be kept in mind to avoid omissions.

It has been verified that certain enumerators suppose that unmarried women do not have children and therefore do not present the pertinent questions to them. This is inadequate and leads to the collection of poor quality data.

Question 23: date of birth of last child

This question is presented to all women 15 years of age and older, irrespective of their marital status.

1. How to formulate the question

On what date was your last child born, even if passed away thereafter?

2. How to record the data

The day, month, and year of birth of the last child born alive is recorded in the spaces provided.

If the informant does not know the date of birth of the last child born alive, the enumerator should do everything possible to find out at least the month and year of birth or, as a last resort, the year of birth. When the date of birth is unknown, the category "99. unknown" is marked.

If the enumerated woman has not had any children born alive, the number "0. has not had children" is marked.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 23 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child
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VII. People in the census household

For women 12 years old or older
[Question 20 - 24 were asked of women age 12 years old or older]

24. Date of birth of last child

What was the date of birth of your last child born alive?

_ _ Day
_ _ Month
_ _ Year
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Questions for females aged 12 and older
The purpose of questions 20-24 is to obtain information that allows estimates as to the level and trend of fertility, mortality, and growth of the population.

[p. 68]

The enumerator must be dedicated and careful in order to obtain the appropriate information in this important question set. Ask all females older than 12, regardless of their marital status.

If possible, ask girls and women directly. They may forget sometimes, and state that children who have died were live-born, or are alive living elsewhere, and newborns. Keep this in mind so as to avoid missing anyone.

Note that information about live-born children should include all children that the girl or woman has had, either as the result of a marriage or cohabitation, or from a current or former marriage.

Remember that the following questions are to be asked of all girls or women aged 12 and older, regardless of their current marital status.

24. Date of birth of last child
Ask, "What was the date of birth of your last live-born child?" Ask this question even if he/she later died or is now living elsewhere. Record the answer in the appropriate grid spaces, using two digits for the day, two for the month and two for the year.

[A graphic of box 24, "date of birth of last live-born child," is reproduced on the left-hand side of the page.]

If the respondent does not know the last live-born child's date of birth, do everything possible to get this information.

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_LSTBYR — Year of the birth of the last child
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Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For women 12 years and older
[Question 22 to 25 are for women 12 years and older]

24. What is the date of birth of your last child born alive?

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

Questions 22-25 are for females aged 12 and over.

Note that they may have or have had children even if they are single or minors.

Ask these questions directly of each female. Try to make sure that they do not forget to include live-born children who have since died, those who are still alive and living elsewhere, and recently born children.

[p. 71]

24. Date of birth of the last live-born child
Ask, "What is the date of birth of the person's last live-born child?"

[A graphic of question 24, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

[p. 72]

Write the day, month and year of birth of the last child born living. Do not forget to include those who died immediately after being born or who live elsewhere.

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_BIRTHYR — Year of last live birth
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E. Fertility
For women 15 years and older.
[Questions 22-25 were asked of women 15 years of age and older.]

23. Date of last birth: Indicate the date of last live birth, even if the child is no longer alive.

Date_ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

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E) Fertility

[Questions 22-25.]

Questions 22 to 25 are given exclusively to women ages 15 and older.

Question 23: Date of birth
84. If the answer is "yes" to question 22, ask for the date of birth of the last child born alive, even if he is no longer alive, and record the day, the month and the year of birth in the place indicated on the questionnaire.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_LSTBYR — Year of last live birth
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F4. Female population aged 13 and older
[Questions 29-34 were asked of women who were 13 years of age or older.]

32. What is the date of birth of the last child who was born alive?

Month _ _
Year_ _ _ _

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child born alive
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D. - Fertility Characteristics

(For all women 15 years of age and older)

Date of birth and survival of last child born alive

20. What was the date of birth of your last son or daughter (born alive)?

Year 19____
[] 99 Unknown
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D) Fertility Characteristics (For all girls and women aged 15 and older)

Question set 20. What was the date of birth of your last live-born child?
Ask this question of all girls and women aged 15 and older who stated that they had children in question set 18.

What was the date of birth of your last live-born child?

In the case of women who have had one or more live-born children, write the day, month and year of birth of the last live-born child.

If the respondent does not know the date of birth of the last live-born child, do everything possible to get at least the month and year, or at least the year, in which the child was born. Write an "X" in box 99, "Unknown," if the respondent doesn't know the date even after you have exhausted all possible means of obtaining it.

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child
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For women 12 years of age and older
[Questions 26-30 were asked of female aged 12 years or older]

27. What was the date of birth of your last child?

(whether currently alive or having passed away)

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year 19_ _

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27. What was the date of birth of your last child born alive? (whether currently alive or having passed away)

Record the day, month, and year of birth of the last child born alive, independently of whether the child had passed away by the time of the census. (If the number of the day or month is less than 10, a zero is placed in the first box. E.g.

Day: 04
Month: 02
Year: 1986

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child
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Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For women 12 years old or more
[Questions 18-22 were asked of only females aged 12 years or older]

21. On what date was your last son or daughter born alive?

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
For women 12 years old and older
[Questions 18-22 were asked of women aged 12 years or older]

Question 21: On what date was your last daughter or son born alive?
Write with numbers:

-The day of birth of her last daughter or son born alive.

-The month of birth of her last daughter or son born alive.

-The year of birth of her last daughter or son born alive.

The date should be registered independently of whether the last daughter or son is currently alive or has died. If the last delivery was twins, the date of birth is the same. The numeration of the months is the following:

January 01
February 02
March 03
April 04
May 05
June 06
July 07
August 08
September 09
October 10
November 11
December 12

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_LSTBTHYR — Year of last live birth
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E. Marriage and fertility
Ask of all ever-married women. Ask questions person by person.
[Questions E1-E11]

[Questions E6-E11 were asked of women who have ever married and who have ever had a live birth, as per question E1.]

E9. Date of last live birth

In what month and year was your last child born?

Fill in month and year of marriage in the Western or Islamic/Javanese calendars or other ____.

Western_ _
Other ____

Western_ _
Other ____

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E. Information on mother's fertility
Ask these questions to women who have ever been married, that is, currently married, widowed or divorced

This part of the questionnaire contains questions about marriage (how many times married), number of children, and some questions about family planning.

Column (6) through (11): The questions for these columns are special ones that are asked about the last baby born (born alive) and only asked to women who have ever given birth (column (2) not 0).

Column (6) through (9) Month and year of birth of last child

"What was the month and year of the birth of your last child?"

Fill in the answer from the respondent using the Christian calendar or the Islamic.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_YRLSTBTH — Year of birth of last child
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IX. Ever married women
[Questions 43-49.]

48. Month and year of birth of last child

Month ____
Year 19 _ _

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_YRLSTBTH — Year of birth of last child
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VIII. Women with status of married, divorced, widowed
[Questions 39-46 were asked of women who indicated being married, divorced, or widowed, as per question 5.]

45. Month and year of birth of the last child born alive

Month ____
Year ____

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F. Block VIII. Women who are married, divorced, or widowed

Question 45: Month and year of birth of the last child born alive
In the case of twin children who were born alive, the first born child will be written as the last child born alive. Write down the month and year of the last child born alive. The last child born alive is not always the same as the [last] child still alive. To make it clear, pay attention to the following examples.


a. First child was born in October 1982 and until the enumeration time is still alive.
b. Second child was born in December 1985 and die at the age of 2 month.
c. Child was born in November 1987, but was a stillbirth
From the example above, the last child is the second child.

Kenya 1969 — source variable KE1969A_LASTBYR — Date of last live birth
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To be asked of females aged 12 and over only
[Questions k-o were asked of females aged 12 and over.]

Date of the last live birth:

n. Year ____

o. Month ____

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_LSTBYEAR — Last birth, year
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D. Females aged 12 years and over

Particulars of her last live birth

When was [the respondent's] last child born?

P47. Year ____

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The questions in columns P40 to P51 apply to all women and girls aged 12 years and over

146. Answers are required of all women in this category. It does not matter whether or not they are married, single, divorced or separated; whether or not they are still attending school; or their relationship to the head of the household: you must ask the questions of all women and girls aged twelve years and over. The first thing to do is check column P00 to identify all those to whom these questions should be addressed.

147. For males and for girls under twelve years of age, leave columns P40 to P51 blank.

148. Many women do not like answering questions about their children. There are various reasons for this, but it is your job to obtain the answers. It will require firmness, politeness and tact.

149. Ask of all females age 12 and over whether they have borne any live children.

150. A child borne alive is one who cries after birth. The census is concerned only with children borne alive. Do not include stillbirths; that is, children who were born dead and therefore did not cry at the time of birth.

151. If the woman has never borne any live children, write '00' in each of columns P40 to P51.

152. If the woman has borne live children, ask, 'of the children she has borne alive, how many are living in this household?'

153. Write the number of boys who are living in the household in column P40 and the number of girls in column P41. If none of the boys or girls are living in the household, write '00' in the appropriate columns. You should be able to verify this information from column P00. If, for example, the woman has only two boys and two girls, you should write '02' in column P40 and '02' in column P41.

154. Next, of the children borne alive, ask her how many are living elsewhere?'

155. Write the number of boys who are living elsewhere in column P42 and the number of girls in column P43. If none of the boys or girls she has borne alive are living elsewhere, write '00' in the appropriate columns.

156. Include in these columns all the children she has borne alive who are living elsewhere. It may be that they have grown up and married, or have gone off to work, or are living with relatives, or are in a boarding school, and so on. Make sure that none of the children she has borne alive are missed and ask further questions to probe the matter fully, such as, 'are any of your children away, at work, or with relatives?'

157. Then ask, 'of the children you have borne alive, how many have died?'

158. Many people do not talk of the dead and many others find it painful. It is best to ask this question in a matter of fact way and without embarrassment. Please refer to item 150 above for the definition of a live birth.

159. Write the number of boys who have died in column P44 and number of girls in column P45. If none of the boys and girls she has borne have died, write '00' in the appropriate columns.

160. If, in-spite of your best efforts, you cannot obtain this information about the children who have died, code '99' in column P44 and P45. Do not leave any of these columns blank.

161. Before proceeding to columns P46 through P51, probe to know whether the number of children given in columns P40 through P 45 is correct by asking the woman again how many children she has given birth to. If this number differs from the total number in columns P40 through P 45, adjust your entries accordingly.

162. Ask, 'in what year was her last child born?'

163. Record the year of birth in column P47. For the years 1970 to 1989 state the year, but if the child was born before 1970 and the year is not known you may write '1969'. Code the last two digits of the year (e.g., 70 for 1970, 79 for 1979, and so forth).

164. If the child was born in 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 or 1989, ask, 'in what month of the year was the child born?'

165. Code the month in column P46. Use '01' for January, '02' for February, etc. If the child was born in 1984 or before, you need not code the month of birth. However if the month is known, even for years before 1984, you may code them.

166. Then ask, 'was it a boy or a girl?'

167. Code the sex of the last borne child in column P48. Code '1' for males and '2' for females. If they were male twins, code '3', if female twins code '4', it twins with one of each sex, code '5', code '6' for other multiple births.

168. In column P49 indicate whether the child is still alive. If in column P48 it was indicated that they were twins or multiple births, preference will be given to dead children. If all the children of the above birth categories have died, preference will be given to the one who died latest. If the last born child is alive, and is living with the mother in the household, check that the year of birth agrees with the age of the child given is in column P12. If the dates do not agree, find out what has gone wrong and make the necessary corrections. If the child has died (see column P49), code the month and year of death in columns P50 and P51, respectively.

Kenya 1999 — source variable KE1999A_LBYEAR — Last birth, year
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When was your last child born?
P-48. Month ____
P-49. Year ____

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Columns P40-51: Particulars of all live births

88. The questions in columns P40 to P51 apply to all females aged 12 years and over

89. Answers are required of all females in this category. It does not matter whether or not they are married, never married, divorced or separated; whether or not they are still attending school; or what their relationship to the head of the household is. You must ask the questions of all females aged twelve years and over. First thing to do is check in column P11 and P12 and then identify all those to whom these questions should be posed. Make sure you make your entries in the correct serial numbers for the eligible women.

90. For all males and for girls below twelve years of age, leave columns P40 to P51 blank. Also, if a female aged 12 years and above has, for some reason, declined to respond to the questions, leave columns P40 to P51 blank. However, this will not be tolerated. For childless women, code "0" in the appropriate bigger boxes.

91. Many women do not like answering questions about their children. There are various reasons for this, but it is your job to obtain the answers. It will require firmness, politeness and tact.

92. Ask of all females aged 12 years and over "Have you borne any children alive?"

(a, A child borne alive is one who shows one or more of the following signs of life immediately after birth:
(i) Crying or similar sounds
(ii) Movement of the limbs or any other parts of the body
(iii) Any other tangible signs of life.
The census is concerned only with children born alive. Do not include stillbirths, that is, children who were born dead and therefore did not show any sign(s) of life as above at the time of birth.

(b) If the woman has born any child alive, write the number of boys in the bigger box in P40 and the number of girls in P41 if it is a single digit. However; mark an "X" in the smaller box and then fill in the last digit for 1019. The following are examples:

93. If the woman has born children alive, ask, "of the children you have born alive, how many usually live with you in this household?" Write the number of boys who usually live in the household in column P42 and number of girls in column P43. If none of the boys or girls she has borne alive are living in the household, write "0" in the appropriate boxes. For female headed households, you should be able to verify this information from column P10 and P11. If for example the woman has only two boys and two 'girls then you should write "2" in column P42 and "2" in column P43, leaving the smaller boxes in each sub-column blank.

94. Next ask, "of the children you have born alive, how many usually live elsewhere?"

(a) Write the number of boys who usually live elsewhere in column P44 and the number of girls in column P45. Fill in a single digit in the bigger box under the appropriate column if less than ten (10); for 10 and above mark an "X" the smaller box and fill in the last single digit in the bigger box. If none of the boys or girls she has borne alive live elsewhere, write, "0" in the appropriate bigger boxes, leaving the smaller boxes blank.

(b) Include in these columns all the children she has borne alive who usually live elsewhere. It may be that they have grown up and married, or have gone off to work, or are living with relatives, or are in a boarding school etc. Make sure that none of the children she has borne alive are missed out. Ask further questions to probe the matter fully - "are any of your children away?" "at work?" "with relatives?", etc.

95. Then ask, "of the children you have born alive, how many have died?"

(a) Many people do not want to talk of the dead and many others find it painful to talk about their dead children. It is best to ask this question in a matter of fact way and without embarrassment. Please refer to paragraph 92(a) above for the definition of a live birth.

(b) Write the number of boys who have died in column P46 and number of girls in column in P47 using the same procedure as in 94 (a). If none of the boys and girls she has borne alive has died, code "0" in the appropriate columns.

(c) If, in spite of your best efforts, you cannot obtain this information about the children who have died, leave columns P46 and P47 blank. However, you should not encourage this.

96. Before proceeding to columns P48-P51, probe to know whether the number of children given in columns P42-x'47 is correct by comparing with the entry in columns P40 and P41. If these totals differ, probe further and adjust your entries accordingly.

97. Ask, "in what year and month was your last child born?" Record the month and year of birth in columns P48 and P49 respectively. Code the month in column P48 i.e. "01" for January, "02" for February, "12" for December. Code the last two digits of the year i.e. "80" for 1980, "89" for 1989 in column P49 etc.

98. Then ask, 'was it a boy or a girl?' Write the sex of the last borne child in column P50. Code "1" for male, "2" for female, "3" for male twins, "4" for female twins, "5" for twins with one of either sex, and "6" for other multiple births.

99. In column P51 indicate whether the child is still alive. If the last live birth is alive and living with the mother, check that year of birth agrees with the age of the child which is in column P12. If the dates do not agree, find out what has gone wrong and make any correction that is necessary. For single births code "1" if the child is still alive and "2" if dead. For twins code "3" if both twins are alive and "4" if only one of the twins is alive. For multiple births, code "5" if all the multiples are alive, "6" if two of the multiples are alive, "7" if only one of the multiples is alive and "8" if none of the multiples is alive. Write "9" if the survival status of the last birth is not known.

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_LBCHYR — Year of birth of the last child born alive
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B: Information regarding females aged 12 years and above
[Questions P-24 to P-36 were asked of females age 12+ only.]

Particulars of last live births

P-32, P-33. When was your last child born?

Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

If date of birth is not known code "99" for month and "9999" for year.
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- Section B: Information regarding females 12 years old and above. This section covers columns P24 to P36. It pertains to live births and should be asked of all females aged 12 years and above and make appropriate entries for each. As much as possible, obtain the information directly from the female concerned. Information should only be obtained from someone else if the respondent cannot be reached.

[Questions 32 to 36 were asked of females 12 years old and over with at least one live birth.]

31.6 Columns P32 to P36: Particulars of last live births

31.7 Columns P32?P33: Last child born

Ask, "When was your last child born?"
Record the month and year of birth in columns P32 and P33 respectively. Code the month in column P32, i.e. "01" for January, "02" for February, "12" for December and the year in column P33 i.e. "1980" (for 1980), "1989" (for 1989). This question should be asked regardless of the age of the last born child (he or she could be an adult by now).

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_LSTBYR — Year of last live birth
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E. For women aged 15-49 years old (Directly ask female)

Particulars of last live births

Q33. Date of last live birth
_ _ Month
_ _ Year
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4.6. Section E: For women aged between 15-49 (ask women directly)
The purpose of section E is to collect information on the fertility of women aged between 15-49 years. They will be interviewed about giving live births, age at first birth, and last birth. Surveyors should ask these questions directly to women. In case the target female interviewee is not at home, the surveyor can ask the head of the household instead.

Question Q33, Q34, Q35: The last-born child
The objective of this question is to obtain information about the last-born child of each woman in the interviewed household which includes the following information:

Q33: Month and year of birth
Month and year of birth of the last born child of the woman in the household. The surveyor must write the 2-digit answer in the two boxes, code 1 is to write the month and the two boxes of code 2 is to write the year of birth in two numbers by writing the last 2 numbers of the year of birth.

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_LSTBYR — Year of last live birth
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Section E. For women aged 12 years and over

28. When was (the respondent's) last live birth?

[Enter NA if not applicable.]
Enter month (MM) and year (YY). Enter 99 if don't know.

_ _ Month
_ _ Year
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5. Part E of the questionnaire

Columns 26 to 30 should be asked only of women aged 12 years and over

139. Column 28: When was [the respondent] last live birth?
Record the particulars of her last child born even if the child lived for a few minutes and died.
Record here the month (mm) and the year (yy) when the last birth occurred. (Khoeli le selemo seo ngoana oa mosali eo ho botsoang ka eena oa ho fela a hlahileng ka tsona). Enter NA not applicable for women who have never had children. Write DK if the respondent does not know the month and the year the child was born only if nobody else in the household knows.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_LSTBYR — Year of last birth
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Section F. Women aged 12 to 49 years (Fertility)

36. When did you give your last live birth?

Enter month and year

Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Part F of the questionnaire
For women aged 12 to 49 years (fertility)

106. Column 36: When did you give your last live birth?

Enter month and year of the most recent live birth (include those who were born alive and later died).

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_BYR — Year of last birth
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For women who are twelve years old or more

35. Date of birth

In what month and year was the last son or daughter born (live birth)?
Write the month and year

____ Month
____ Year

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35. Data of birth, 36. Survival, and 37. Age at death

[Depictions of these three questions on the enumeration form]

With these questions you obtain the date of birth of the last daughter or son who was born alive, if this daughter or son is currently living and, if they've died, their age when they died.

If, for the date of birth, the person only remembers the month but not the year, record a 9 in each of the boxes for month and year. If they remember the year but not the month, record the complete year and 99 in the boxes for month.

[P. 86]

When the last daughter or son is deceased, ask their age at the time of death and only record one piece of information, whether it be in days, months, or years. If the informant doesn't remember at what age this daughter (son) passed away, record 99 in the boxes for days.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_LSTBYEAR — Year of birth of last live-born child
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For females age 12 or older
[Questions 36-41 were asked of females age 12 or older]

39. Date of birth
What was the month and year of birth of [the respondent's] last live-born child?

[Question 39 was asked of females age 12 or older who have had live-born children, per question 36.]

Write the month _ _
Write the year _ _ _ _

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For women age 12 or older
[Questions 36-41 are for women age 12 or older]

39. Date of birth, 40. Survival, 41. Age at death
The questions investigate some facts about the last daughter or son born alive, like the date of his/her birth, if he/she lives currently, and in the case of death, the age when he/she died.

Remember that these types of dates can be sensitive. Support the informer with, if necessary, related events like: baptism, intervals of the ages of the children, births of children or relatives, lactating periods, and other events that are useful.

In question 41 "Age at death", record only one response in days or months or years.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_LSTBYEAR — Year of birth of last live-born child
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45. Date of birth
In which month and year was the last son or daughter born alive by [the respondent]?

[] Month _ _
[] Year _ _ _ _

[Record the month and year]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
45. Date of birth, 46. Survival, and 47. Age at death
These questions allow you to know some information about the last child born alive, such as the date of birth, if this person is still alive, and his/her age when he/she died case of death.

[Figures are omitted]

If necessary, support the informant to remember those dates related to events such as: baptisms, intervals in the ages of the children, births of other relatives, lactation periods, and other situations that are useful the required dates.

In Question 45 "Date of birth" record the two-digit month and the four-digit year. Do not register as last child born alive if he/she suffered fetal death, i.e., if stillborn.

If the last child survived, circle code 1 in question 46 "Survival" and continue with the next person or skip to Section IV "Other Income and Land".

In Question 47 "Age at death" take into account the following considerations to register age:

[] Only record an answer in days, months, or years.
[] Record age in days if the child died before reaching 30 days old.
[] Record age in months if the child was younger than one year.
[] Record "00" days if the child lived only few hours.

At the end the question 47 "Age at death", continue with the next person or skip to Section IV. "Other Income and Land".

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_LSTBYEAR — Year of birth of last live-born child
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47. Date of birth: In what year and month was the last living child of [the respondent] born:

Write the month _ _
Write the year _ _ _ _
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15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

47. Date of birth, 48. Survival, 49. Identification of the last daughter or son, and 50. Age at death.
These questions ask about the last child born alive, such as the date of birth, whether the child is currently living, whether the child resides in the same housing unit as the mother, and, if the child is deceased, the age of the child at the time of death.

Please note that these questions only apply to women who have had one or more live-born children.

Date of birth
Read the question verbatim and note the date stated by the respondent.

[Figure omitted: image with text] 

[p. 399]

Record the month with two digits and the year with four digits. Do not consider the last child if they suffered fetal death, i.e., stillbirth.

If necessary, support the respondent by remembering the date with related events, such as baptisms, age intervals of children, births of children or relatives, breastfeeding periods, and other useful events.

This question is presented to the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: images with text]

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_LSTBYR — Year of last live birth
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Ever married women (aged 15 and above) (25 through 31)
[Question 25 through 31 were only asked of ever married women age 15 and older.]

29. Date of last live birth

_ _ Month
_ _ _ _ Year
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Births to Ever Married Women Section (Fertility)

186. The questions on births and children related issues will be asked to ever-married women aged 15 and above. Many women may be reluctant to answer questions about their children. There are various reasons for this, but it is your duty to obtain the answers. It will require firmness, politeness, tact, understanding and, for some questions such as death, sympathy.

187. Only females above 15 years who have ever married should respond to the questions on births. Use Q4 - sex, Q5 - age, and Q6 - marital status, to determine eligible persons for this section. These questions will be used to estimate fertility and childhood mortality levels in Myanmar. The information would also be used to undertake population projections required for future planning purposes.

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_LASTBYR — Year of birth of last live-born child
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For women age 14 or older
[Questions 19-25 were asked of women age 14 or older]

22. What is the date of birth of the woman's last live-born child (day/month/year)? _ _ / _ _ / _ _

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Questions only for women who are age 14 or older
This series of questions will only be asked of women age 14 or older. For the case of all of the females younger than 14 and all males of any age, you will annul the questions from 19 to 25 by making a diagonal line through each of the boxes.

Question 22: What is the date of birth of the woman's last live-born child?
You should note, in numerical format, the day, month, and year in which the last child was born alive whether or not the child is alive or has died.

For example, if the child was born on the 28 of October, 1958, you will note it like this: 28/10/58

In regard to the year, you will only note the last two digits.

Note: In this question, the informant can confuse the youngest son or daughter that is currently alive. You should clearly make the distinction that this is the date of the last child that was born alive even if this child is deceased.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_BTHYR — Year of birth of last live-born child
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[Questions 32-38 were asked of women age 13 or older]

35. What was the date of birth of [the woman]'s last live-born child?
(day / month / year) _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

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For females age 13 or older (Questions 32-38)

This information is extremely important and should therefore be answered directly by each girl or woman as much as possible.


This is a child who showed some sign of life at birth (breathing, crying, muscular movement or heart beat), even if s/he later died.

Question 35. What was the date of birth of [the woman]'s last live-born child?

The informant may confuse information about the youngest child who is currently living and the last live-born child. In this case read the question again and clarify that it relates to the date of birth of the last live-born child, even if the child later died.

Use two digits to indicate the day and month and four digits to write the year of birth of the last live-born child, regardless of whether this child is currently living or has died. For example, if the child was born on June 21, 2003, write the following:
Day: "21"; Month: "06"; Year: "2003"

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_LASTDYR — Year of birth of last child
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28. On what date was your last born-alive child born?
Write the response given by the respondent.

Day ____
Month ____
Year ____

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For women 15 years of age or older
(Apply to questions 26-29)

Question 28 On what date was your last born-alive child born?

Write down in the corresponding space the day, month and year in which was born your last child born alive.

Papua New Guinea 1980 — source variable PG1980A_LSTBYR — Year of last birth
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For all females 15 years of age and older (born in 1965 or before)
[Questions 15-16 were asked of females age 15+.]

16A. What is the date of birth of your last born child?

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
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Section 6 - The census questions

Urban RNVs and rural villages

Question 16A and B

A. What is the date of birth of your last born child?
B. Is the child still alive?

Note the child may be in this household, may be elsewhere or may be dead.
If the child is in "this household" then you should write in Question 16A the date of birth as given in Question 4.
If the child is living elsewhere or is dead you must establish the date of birth for Question 16A. You may have to use your notable events book. If the child was born during the last few years try to get the month of birth if at all possible.
As the "last born child" may not be living at this moment you must always ask if this child is still alive.

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_LSTBYR — Year of last child's birth
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IV. Population information

5. Only for women fifteen years of age and older:

When was your last child born?

____ Month
____ Year

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IV. Information about the Population

5. Fertility
These questions will be asked only of the women who are 15 years old and more, whatever her marital status (single, married, consensual union, widows, or separated).

You should note the total of children born alive that each woman 15 years old and more has had.
* Children born alive: These are the ones that at birth gave some sign of life, even if it was momentary (breathe, cry, move). You should note all of the children born alive, whether they were legitimate, illegitimate or natural, those born within the current marriage or union of the enumerated woman; those born in previous unions or marriages.

Also ask and note:

- How many of your children live in this house?
- How many live elsewhere?
- How many have died?

The sums of these three bits of information should be equal to the total of children born alive that the informant has declared. If it is different, try to determine the cause and correct the error.

In addition ask, what is the month and year of the birth of the last child born alive and if this child is currently alive.

These questions, whenever possible, should be done in private form and of each woman individually. Do not forget to ask these questions even of the unmarried women, even if you can suppose that they have not had children.

5. Only for women who are fifteen years old and more

How many children have you had who were born alive?

Of these:

How many live in this house?
How many live elsewhere?
How many have died?
When was your last child born?
Is this child still alive?

(Women fifteen years old and more)
Total of children ___ / [] 00 None / [] 99 Not known
In this house ___ / [] 00 None / [] 99 Not known
Elsewhere ___ / [] 00 None / [] 99 Not known
Dead ___ / [] 00 None / [] 99 Not known

Last child: Month ____ Year ____
Alive? [] 1 Yes / [] 2 No

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child born alive
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Only for women 14 years of age and older

For those who answered "yes," ask the following questions:

What was the date of the birth your last child?

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
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Question 10

[A depiction of question 10 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

If the answer is no or do not know, annul the rest of the questions in this box. If the answer is yes, ask the following questions.

How many children born alive have you had in total?

On the corresponding line write the total number of children born alive; the number of men and women, including those who are absent or who have died.

[A depiction of the question to the right of the preceding text and a drawing below the text are omitted here.]

How many of them currently live in Paraguay?

Write down the total number of men and women children who currently live in Paraguay, be it in the place of enumeration or in another district.

[A depiction of question to the right of the preceding text and a drawing below the text is omitted here.]

[P. 43]

How many of them currently live outside of the country?

Write down the total number of men and women children who currently reside outside of the country. Do not include those who are outside of the country on a visit or for business.

[A depiction of question and a drawing to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

How many children have died?

[A depiction of question below the preceding text and a drawing to the left of the text is omitted here.]

Write down the total number of children, men and/or women, who have died. Do not include those born dead.

On what date was your last child born? Is that child still alive?

On the corresponding line write the day, month, and year of birth of the last child born alive.
Make an X in the corresponding box, indicating if this child is alive or dead.

[A depiction of question to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_LSTBYR — Year of last live birth
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Section IV. Population information

[Questions 19 through 21 were asked to females 14 years and above who ever had any live birth]

21. On what date did you have your last son (or daughter) born alive?

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

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Only for women 14 years old and older.

The questions 18 and on refer to fertility. They will be asked only of women who are fourteen years old and older.

Question 18: Have you had a son (or daughter) born alive?

If she responds yes, continue asking questions 19 and on.

If she answers no, end the interview and continue with the next person.

Question 21: On what date did you have your last son (or daughter) that was born alive?

Note the complete date. Day, month, and year of the last live birth, even when the child later died.

With question 21, the interview is completed. Move to the next person if there are still members of the household. If there are more persons, continue with the following household. If this is the last person of the last household or if it the only household, move on to enumerate the next dwelling.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_LSTBYR — Year of last birth
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Chapter H.

For women 12 years of age and older

35. What was the date of the birth of your last son or daughter born alive?

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year
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H. Population information
For women twelve years old and older.

Question 31, 32, 33, 34, 35: Fertility, infant-juvenile mortality

35. On what date was your last son (or daughter) born alive?

You should Arabic numerals to write the day, the month of birth and write the year with four digits.

Example: Day [12] Month [05] Year [1979]

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_LASTBYR — Year of birth of last child
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For women 12 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 20 -23]

22. In what month and year was your last live-born child born?

_ _ Month
_ _ Year

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For women 12 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 20 - 23]

Question No. 22: In what month and year was you last child (live birth) born?
Read the question. Wait for the informant's response and record in the corresponding boxes the number of the month and the last two digits of the year of birth of the last child born alive.
[There is a picture of question 22 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
Use two digits to record the month and year.
Example: April of 1960

Month: 04
Year: 60

Remember that:
Stepchildren and adopted children are not included in this question.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_LSTBTHYR — Year in which last child was born
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24. In what month and year was your last live-born child born?
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

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For women aged 12 and older
[Applies to questions 22-25]

Question 24: In what month and year was your last live-born child born?
The information corresponding to month should be recorded using one or two digits, as appropriate.
The information corresponding to the year should be recorded using four digits.
Number the months as follows:

[] 1 January
[] 2 February
[] 3 March
[] 4 April
[] 5 May
[] 6 June
[] 7 July
[] 8 August
[] 9 September
[] 10 October
[] 11 November
[] 12 December

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_LSTBYR — Year of last live birth
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Section V. Characteristics of the population (continued)

29. In what month and year was your last live-born child born?

Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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For women of 12 years of age and older
[Questions 27 to 29 are asked of women age 12 or older]

Question 29: In what month and year was your last live-born child born?

The month information should be entered with one or two digits as appropriate.

The year information must be entered in four digits.

The numbering of the months is as follows:

January, 1
February, 2
March, 3
April, 4
May, 5
June, 6
July, 7
August, 8
September, 9
October, 10
November, 11
December, 12

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_LSTYR — Date of last birth - year
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Ask of women aged between 12 and 50 years (born between 1951 and 1989)

P-20b. Last child born

Write the day, month and year of the last live birth and dot the appropriate box of the sex. If multiple birth, indicate only the last child. Dot the appropriate box whether the child is still alive on Census night 9 -- 10 October. Do not count stillbirths (children born dead).
If (the person) has ever given live birth: When was (the person's) last child born?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
What is the sex of that child?
[] M = Male
[] F = Female
Is that child alive or dead?
[] A = Alive
[] D = Dead

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Question P-20b -- Last child born
Ask this question of all women who answered "1 or more" to Question P-20, i.e. who have ever given birth to live babies.

"When was (the person's) last child born?"

Give date of birth: DD/ MM / YYYY

Write in the correct boxes, i.e. day in the DD boxes, month in the MM boxes and year in the YYYY boxes.

Give sex. Dot the correct boxes, i.e. M for male and F for female

"Is that child alive or dead?" Dot the correct boxes, i.e. A for alive and D for dead.

[P. 55]

There remain two more questions for everyone - travel and income. Fill in the boxes for all household members.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_LSTCHYR — Year of birth of last child
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Section F: Fertility - ask of women aged 12 to 50 years (born between and including 1957 and 1995) listed on the flap
[Questions P-40 to P-47.]

P-45 Last child born
If the person has ever given live birth: When was (the person's) last child born, even if the child died soon after birth?

Write the day (2 digits), month (2 digits) and year (4 digits) of the last live birth. For example, if the child was born on 5 January 1970, write 05 for the day, 01 for the month and 1970 for the year. If multiple births, indicate only last child.
Do not count still births (children born dead.)
Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

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5.7. Section F: Fertility

This section is to be asked only of women aged 12 to 50 years (born between and including 1957 and 1995) listed on the flap.

(P-45) Last child born: When was (the person's) last child born, even if the child died soon after birth?
Write the day (2 digits), month (2 digits) and year (4 digits) of the last live birth. For example, if the person was born on 5 January 1990, write 05 for the day, 01 for month and 1990 for the year. If multiple births, indicate only the last child.

South Africa 2011 — source variable ZA2011A_LASTBYR — Year of last child's birth
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Section G: Fertility
Ask of women aged 12-50 years on the flap

P-38 Last child born
When was [the person's] last child born, even if the child died soon after birth?
_ _

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9. Section G: Fertility (remember to follow instructions)
Purpose: Provides an estimation of fertility in the country which helps in population projections.

This section must be completed ONLY for women aged 12 to 50 years.
This should not include miscarriages, stillbirths and adopted children.
If the woman stays with all her children and none have died, then put 00 on P-36 to P-37 (for boys, girls and total).
If a woman is a visitor, the question on total children living with her in the household (P-35) must be about the children she is visiting with. Then all her other children who are not there with her will be living elsewhere.
If she is visiting alone, then P-35 will be 00 as she does not have any children with her in the household that she is part of on census night.

South Africa 2016 — source variable ZA2016A_LSTBYR — Year of birth of last child born
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3. Person information

[3.7] Household members

[3.7.8] Fertility
Now, I am going to ask you questions about your biological children.

[] When was the respondent's last child born? ____

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_YRBTHYNG — Year of birth of the youngest child
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9. Are you the father or mother of one or more children? (Including adult or deceased children)

[] No
[] Yes

[If yes]

a. How many children? _ _
b. Year of birth of your child/children?
Child 1: _ _ _ _
Child 2: _ _ _ _
Child 3: _ _ _ _
Child 4: _ _ _ _

If you have more than 4 children, please add the year of birth of your youngest child:
_ _ _ _

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_LSTCHYR — Last child born, year
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For all women aged twelve years and over

[Columns for Persons 1 through 10 appear in the sheet with space to answer Questions 19 - 22.]

19. How many children has this woman borne? (if none write 0)
20. How many are still alive? (if none write 0)

21. When was the last child born?

____ month
____ year

22. Is the child still alive? (yes or no)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

120. The next set of questions, 14. to 18, apply to all persons aged 10 or over. Look back at the age you have entered for each person. For those aged 0 to 9 years write "N/A" for question 14 and leave the rest of the column blank.

Question 17 and 18 Activity Status and Occupation

134. Questions 17 and 18 are concerned with how people provide for themselves, how they make their living. The questions apply to women as well as to men.

135. In the week before census night, almost everyone in Uganda will have done something to provide for him or herself. It is your job to discover and record what each person did. It does not matter whether they had a job or were paid for what they did. A person who farmed or fished or replaced thatch on a roof or cultivated a vegetable garden worked. So did people who were in paid employment.

136. Ask the questions as they are set out here and on the questionnaire and talk about each member of the household until you understand what he or she did in the way of making a living last week. Make entries on the questionnaire only when you have the picture clear in your mind.

Question 18 Occupation Last Week

144. "What kind of work did the person do?"

145. If the person was "employed", "self-employed" or "unpaid" we require an exact description of what the person did. For others write "N/A".

146. Remember that we are interested in the main or most important activity. It is sometimes difficult to get an exact answer but you should aim always to provide a two or three word description of what the person did - for example, "sales manager", "typist clerk", "motor mechanic", "foreman carpenter", "primary teacher", "forklift operator". Avoid general terms such as "operator", "clerk", "manager" "selling", "business" or "civil servant". We need to know just what it was the person operated, what kind of a clerk or mechanic, whether a teacher taught in primary or secondary school or at university, whether the person was selling vegetables on the roadside or operating a retail shop or selling motor spares, whether the civil servant was an office messenger, a filing clerk, an executive officer, a government medical doctor or a permanent secretary.

147. Speak to the person concerned whenever possible. Members of the household are often vague as to the occupations of others.

148. If the person is in employment you may find you get a better idea of his/her job by asking for the job title and recording that.

149. Many people may be described as "farmers" or "peasants". It is important that we know what kind of farmers they are.

150. A person living in his/her village, who worked in village or subsistence agriculture last week and who did no other work may be entered as "peasant farmer" which you may shorten to "p farmer". Such a person may do a variety of tasks in growing or gathering produce to feed and clothe his/her family and may sell some produce but is not a commercial farmer.

151. If the person grows crops such as coffee or cotton or raises chickens or other livestock mainly for sale enter them as "coffee grower", "cotton farmer", "market gardener" or as the case may be.

152. Many of these farmers engage in more than one activity but in describing their work you should pick the main activity - the one to which most time is given - the one which the person regards as most important - the one which is commercial.

153. A person may not have worked last week because he or she was temporarily absent from work. In such cases ask about the person's normal occupation. A teacher on holiday, for example, may not have been teaching last week because the schools are closed, but the occupation should be entered as "primary teacher" or "secondary teacher" as the case may be.

154. The next set of questions, 19 to 22, applies to all women aged 12 or over.

155. An answer is required of all women in this category whether or not they are married, whether or not they are still attending school, and whether or not you think they may have borne children.

156. If the person is male or is a girl aged 0-11 years, write "N/A" on line 19 and leave the rest of the column blank.

157. If possible, speak to the woman herself. She will know about the children she has borne and will be able to answer the question more accurately than anyone else.

158. We are concerned with the number of children a woman has borne alive. A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Do not include still births - that is children who did not cry.

159. Ask, "Has this woman borne any children?"

160. If the woman has never borne any children alive, write "0" on lines 19 and 20 and leave lines 21 and 22 blank.

161. If the woman has borne a child or children, ask
"How many children has she borne?"

162. Write the number on line 19. The census is concerned with all the children a woman has borne. Include children who have grown up and left home, children borne by the women to other men as well as her present husband, her children who are living away from home and children who have died even if they died shortly after birth. Be careful to include young babies.

163. Do not include adopted children or step children or children who live with the household but were not borne by the woman herself.

164. "How many of the children she has borne are still alive?"

165. Write the number of children still alive.

166. "When was the last child born?"

167. Record the month and year for children born between 1985 and 1990. For children born before 1985 it will be enough to record the year of birth.

168. "Is the child still alive?"

169. Write "yes" or "no" as appropriate.

170. You have completed particulars of persons in the household. Now check,

that there is no one else you should have included,
that no line has been left blank if it should have been completed,
that others can read what you have written,
that the information you have recorded agrees item with item.

171. If you find that things have gone wrong or there are mistakes or omissions put them right. The record must be complete and accurate before you leave the household.

172. When you are satisfied that the particulars of all persons are correctly recorded, turn over the page and complete the remaining sections of the questionnaire.

173. Record the particulars of disabled persons, the household information and housing conditions on the back of the first page relating to the household. If you have used two or more pages for particulars of persons because there were more than ten in the household on census night, draw a diagonal line across the household particulars on second and subsequent pages.

174. If you are enumerating persons in institutions or in the floating population, leave these sections blank.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_LSTCHYR — Last child birth year
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For women aged twelve (12) to fifty four (54) years

Last birth

P27 When did name bear her last child? (Record month and year) month ___ year ___

P28 What is the sex of the last child? (Write code: Male=1, Female=2) ___

P29 Is the last child still alive? (Write code: Yes=1, No=2) ___

P30 If dead, write age at death in complete months? (If age is more than 59 months, write 60) ___

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Child Birth History
170. Questions P23 to P30, apply to All Women Aged 12 - 54 Years.
171. An answer is required of all women in this age category irrespective of whether or not they are married, whether or not they are still attending school, and whether or not they may have produced children.
172. If the person is male or is a girl aged 0-11 years, or a woman aged 55 years or more write "N/A" for Question P23 and leave the rest of the column blank.
173. We are concerned with the number of children a woman has borne alive. A child born alive is one who cries after being born, breathes or shows any evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles. Do not include stillbirths - that is children who are delivered when they were already dead.
174. Remember to use a two-digit code for all the questions in this section except P28 and P29 which require a one-digit code.
175. It is important that you speak to the woman herself. Some women may not be willing to give information about the exact numbers of children they have produced, if they know that some of them do not belong to their current husband and they are living somewhere else. The female herself will know about the children she has borne and will be able to answer the question more accurately than anyone else.
176. Ask questions P23 - P26 separately for male and female children.

Question P27: When was the Last Child Borne
Ask, "When did (name) bear her last child?
186. Ask the respondent for the date of birth for the last borne child. Remember to use a two-digit code for the month and for the year. For example, if the child was born on 21st February 1972 record '02' for month and '72' for the year.
187. Remember to ask this question to only those women who reported having children. If the woman has never given birth to a child, write "N/A" for Question P27 and leave the rest of the column blank.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_LSTBYR — Year of last live birth
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

For females (12-54 years) only

P30 When did [the respondent] have her last live birth? If N/A, write 97 for month, 9997 for year. If "don't know" write 98 for month, 9998 for year. _ _/_ _ _ _

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_BTHLYR — Year of last live birth
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Only for women between ages 14 and 49:
[Questions 40 and 41 were asked of females age 14 to 49 who ever had a live birth child, as per question 38.]

41. In what month and year was the last child born?

Month: _ _
Year: _ _ _ _
[] 9999 She only had one child born alive

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40. In what month and year was your first child born?

Ask the question and note the month and year in which the first of the son or daughter was born.

Note that the two digits correspond to the month, for example, "08" if born in August. If the person can't provide information about the birth date, note "00".

Do not forget to fill in the four digits corresponding to the year. If the person who answers can't provide information about the year of birth, enter four zeros ("0000"). It is important to register it this way if the person doesn't remember or know the birth date, since the change of century can provoke confusions at the moment of processing the information. For example, if you only note two zeros ("00") it won't be known if the person was born in the year 2000 or if the person couldn't provide information about the birth date. The information will have to be taken for lost.

41. In what month and year was the last child born?

The same. If through the interview it emerges that the person only had one son or daughter born alive, do not ask the question and circle the code "9999".

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_LSTBYR — Year of last birth
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Fertility and Mortality

For women 12 years or older:
[Questions 39-42 are asked of women aged 12 and older.]

41. What is the birth date of her last son or daughter?
Year (PerFM04_1) _ _ _ _
Month (PerFM04_2) _ _
Day (PerFM04_3) _ _

Unknown: Denote 9999 for year, 99 for month, 99 for day

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8.8 Fertility and Mortality

The objective of this module is to provide a general description of the fertility of the women that life in Uruguay without considering their marital status. 

The questions are directed towards woman twelve years of age or older.

Keep in mind that it is very important to identify the situations of adolescence fertility and that the information attained in the census is a significant source for sexual and reproductive health policies.

What is the date of birth of her last son or daughter?

Note the day, month, and year in which the last of the children was born.  Remember that you must register the last live birth child, whether or not he or she is alive at the moment of the census.

Record all digits of the date to ensure that no digit was omitted.  For example, if the date of the last birth is August 3rd, note 03 for the day, and 08 for the month.

Note the year with four digits.  For example, note 1993, and not 93; 2004 and not 4.

In exceptional cases, if the person does not remember and does not know the date of birth, record 9999 for the year and 99 for the month and day.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_LASTBIRY — Year of birth of last child born alive

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_LASTBYR — Year of last birth
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14 All women born 1-4-1939 to 31-3-1974 (aged 15-49) answer the following questions [applies to questions a to g]

e. What month and year did your last birth occur

_ _ Month
19 _ _ Year

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Filling-in questions on mortality and fertility

Question 14
In order to have correct information on women's fertility, interviewers should interview directly women in the sample, who are in reproductive ages from 15 to 49 years old (those who were born between April 1, 1939 and March 31, 1974). Please do not ask indirectly via their husbands or other household members.

Question e): month and year of the most recent birth
Fill in the month and year of the youngest child for mothers who have several children.
If the child is her first child (she only has 1 child), fill in this question.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_LASTBYR — Year of last birth
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Women born 4/1949 to 3/1984 (aged 15-49 years old) answer following questions:

20. About the last live birth:

a. Solar calendar month and year of the most recent live birth?

_ _ Month
19 _ _ Year

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Questions 19 and 20: For women who were born between April 1949 and March 1984 only (15 to 49 years old) (For women who were born in 1949 and 1984, if the month of birth "**" code in Question 4 cannot be verified, the following questions must also be asked):

Because the subjects are women, the investigator in the sample areas must select women (preferably those who have been married)

Question 20: The last time the subject gave birth
Only ask this question of women whose total number of children is other than "00", recorded in 19.d.

The last childbirth (also referred to as "the most recent childbirth") of the subject is the birth closest to the time of the investigation, and is one live birth (or more than one, if twins or triplets), regardless of whether that child is alive at the time of the investigation.
If a woman who gave birth for the first time, it is also "the most recent childbirth".

20.a) Month, year (Gregorian calendar) of the latest childbirth?
The process of asking this question is very similar to that of asking Question 4 (Gregorian calendar month, year of each member of the household). However, the investigator may not record the code "**" for the birth month of the latest childbirth as recorded in Question 4, and must record the birth month for this item (even if it is only an estimate).
The investigator writes the month of the most recent childbirth in the two available boxes on the line "month" in two digits; using 0 in the left box if the birth month number is smaller than 10. Write the last 2 digits of the birth year in the two boxes on the line "year".

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_LSTBYR — Year of the last birth
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[Questions 33-34 were asked of females between 15 and 49 years of age who have ever given birth, as per question 32]

34a. In what solar month and year did you have the last birth?

Month: _ _
Year: _ _ _ _

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Question 34a: What is the solar calendar month and year of your last birth?
The last birth is the "live" birth of the respondent closest to the census day, irrespective of whether the child is still living or had died, and irrespective of whether the child is currently living in the same or in a different household. The guide on asking and recording Question 34a is the same as that on asking and recording Question 4 "Calendar month and year of birth" (see the guide on asking and recording Question 4).

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_LSTBYR — Year of last birth
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Part 1. Information on household members

KT6. Check Q3, Q4, and Q5 to define women aged from 10 to 49 (born since April 1969 to March 2009) then go to Q34; otherwise next person.

34. Have you ever given birth?

(Given birth: only count on live births)

[] 1 Given birth
[] 2 Not given birth (proceed to next person)

38. In what solar calendar month and year did you last give birth?

Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Test 6 (KT6)
The test question is intended to identify female members of the household from 10 to 49 years old (female, born from April 1969 to March 2009) to ask Question 34; for the remaining cases, DTV asks the next person.


In case the month of birth cannot be identified (the month of birth in Question 4 is recorded as "98"), DTV proceeds to Question 34 for women born between 1970 and 2009.

Question 38: Month and year of most recent birth according to the solar calendar?
The most recent birth is the "live birth" of DTDT closest to the time of the census, regardless of whether the child is alive or deceased, living in the same household with DTDT or in a different household. The way to ask and write Question 38 is the same as that for Question 4 "The month and year of birth according to the solar calendar" (see instructions on how to ask and record for Question 4).

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_LSTBYR — Year of last live birth
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E- For women age 15-49 years
[Question 23 to 27 were asked of women age 15 to 49 years]

25. When was (the respondent's) last live birth?

Enter month (MM) and year (YY)

_ _ Month
_ _ Years
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Section E: For Women Age 15-49 Years
Introduce this section by saying, "Now I would like to talk to you about all the live births you have, (if you are talking to the respondent) or (the respondent) has had (if respondent is a proxy). The live births I want information on are about children born alive who live with you, live elsewhere and those who have died".

Information on live births (fertility) should be obtained for all women age 15 to 49 years. Information should be requested of all of them irrespective of the marital status, whether or not they are visitors, at school, or you think they have never given birth to any children.

Effort should be made to get responses from the women themselves and permission to do this should be obtained from the head of household. Where the woman concerned is not present, a proxy should be used to answer the question.

[pg. 35]

Definition of Live Birth: a life birth is one which results in a child that shows any sign of life irrespective of the time or the period within which these signs are manifested, e.g. crying, movement of limbs.

Before proceeding with the actual interview, identify all eligible women using the age of the woman. Lumping ages should be discouraged as it can be shown on the pyramid that the age distribution has been improperly entered.

Q25-27 Last live birth
This includes even a last live birth of a child who later died. There are three parts to the question as follows:

Q25 Date of last live birth
The answer required is the year and month of birth. "01" for 2001 and for the month code as follows:

For the year, enter the last two digits of the year, i.e. "92" for 1992;