Questionnaire Text

Indonesia 1980
Indonesia 1990
Indonesia 1995
Indonesia 2010
Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_LANGHOME — Language used at home
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V. Characteristics of individual household members

523. Language used at home

[] 1 Indonesian
[] 2 Local language, specify ____
[] 3 Foreign language

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6.5 Block V. General characteristics of household members
This block is used to record personal characteristics such as sex, age, mobility of living, attained education, school participation and the daily language used by each household members, starting from the first serial number of the household member until the last one.

Question 523: Language used at home
Ask question: "What language is mostly used daily at home?" Circle one of the appropriate codes based on the respondent's answer. If the answer is "Indonesian language", circle code 1 then continue to P525. If the answer is "Local language", circle code 2 then write the name/type of local language under the word "Local language". The Central Bureau of Statistics/Type A Provincial Statistic Office will fill in the code box.

Indonesia 2010 — source variable ID2010A_LANG — Language spoken at home
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For persons age 5 or older
[Questions 209-214 were asked of persons aged 5+.)

210. What language does [the respondent] usually speak at home?

____ _ _ _ _ _

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Household members 5 years and older
Questions 209 through 214 are asked only to those household members who are 5 years old or older. See Q204; if the age is 05, 06, 07? 98, then continue the interview with Q209 through Q214. If Q204 has entries 00, 01, 02, 03, or 04, then the interview with this household member is complete and Q209 through Q221 should be left blank. The interview should continue with the next household member.

Question 210: Language Usually Spoken at Home
The language normally used is an ethnic and cultural variable of the population. Like ethnicity, data about language can give a picture of the diversity and cultural wealth of society and is a source of data for research and science.
Ask and write the language usually spoken by the household member at home. In writing the language don't go beyond the space provided for this answer and write something in the red boxes. Codes for the language are in Book 7 and will be entered in the boxes by the Team Coordinator.
Language Usually Spoken
The language used by a person is not always based on his ancestry, but may be brought about by social interaction. For example, someone whose ancestors are Melayu may associate with a segment of the Javanese society and therefore, on a daily basis uses the Javanese language especially if at home they speak that language.
Language usually spoken is the language usually used in communication in the home with other members of the household. If more than one language is used, the local language and the Indonesian language, then record the local language as the answer. If more than one local language is usually spoken, record the one which is used most often.
Record the language of a person who is deaf and mute as sign language.
If a household member uses a foreign language, then record the name of the country from which the language originates.