Questionnaire Text

Guinea 1983
Guinea 1996
Guinea 2014
Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_LIT — Literacy and language
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For the population aged 6 years and above: Characteristics of education
[Questions 12-14 were asked of persons aged 6 years and above.]

12. Literacy

[] 1 Illiterate
[] 2 Literate in national language
[] 3 Literate in Arabic
[] 4 Literate in French
[] 9 Literate in other languages

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B. Educational characteristics for the population aged 6 and older

Column (11): Literacy
122. A person is considered literate in a language if he/she knows how to read and write in that language. Depending on whether or not the person being interviewed is literate or not, record:

ILL for illiterate, .i.e., is not literate in any national or foreign language;
LN for literate in [the] National Language only;
AR for literate in Arabic. Those who can read and write the Koran are considered literate in Arabic;
FR for literate in French;
LN/AR for those who are literate in both the national language and Arabic;
AR/FR for those who are literate in both Arabic and French;
AUT for those who are literate in languages other than those indicate above.

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_LIT — Literacy and language
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Resident population aged 6 years and above
[Questions P13-P18 were asked of resident population aged 6 years and above.]

P13 Literacy
[This code is a concatenated code with 2nd adding]

[] 0 Illiterate
[] 1 National language
[] 2 French
[] 4 English
[] 8 Arabic
[] 16 Other languages _ _

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Column P13: Literacy

For the purposes of the census we take literacy to mean the result of the actions of public authorities and certain private institutions which consist of teaching populations to read and write. The reference languages are very numerous because of the presence of foreigners in Guinea. The National Census Bureau has retained 4 reference languages: the national languages (LN); French (Fr); English (En) and Arabic (Ar). All other languages have been grouped [into] a single category called "other languages," whose abbreviation is (Aut). All those who do not know how to read or write are considered illiterate, and the corresponding abbreviation is "Ill." Obviously, a person [may] be able to read or write in several of the languages given above; this is why there is a small [box] across from each of the modalities where you should mark an x if the answer so requires, or else put nothing. In any case, don't write anything in the numbering grid at the bottom. It is certainly easier to ask the following 2 questions to obtain the information you want:

a) "Do you know how to read and write?"
If the answer is no, then the person is illiterate and you should put an "x" in the box "Ill" and continue to level of instruction;

If the answer is yes, then ask the following question: "in which languages?" Or else ask the individual being enumerated to list the languages he or she read and writes, and mark an "x" in the appropriate box.

[p. 44]

A. [As an] example let's look at how to deal with the following 4 cases:
a) The individual does not know how to read or write;
Ill X An
Fr Aut

b) The individual knows how to read and write French, English and Russian
Ill An X
Fr X Aut X

c) The individual knows how to read and write Arab, French and English
Ill An X
Fr X Aut X

d) The individual knows how to write Chinese, Russian and German.
Ill An
Fr X Aut X

You should, of course, write nothing in the numbering grid at the bottom.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_LIT — Literacy
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III. Individual characteristics

Residents of 12 years or more
[Questions P26 and P27 were asked of resident persons 12 years or more.]

P26. Literacy

Does [the respondent] know how to read and write in either language?

Enter the appropriate code.

[] 0 Does not know how to read nor write in any language
[] 1 Knows how to read and write only in a foreign language
[] 2 Knows how to read and write in only one national language
[] 3 Knows how to read and write in a national and foreign language