Questionnaire Text

Costa Rica 2000
Costa Rica 2011
Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_LANG — Language taught to speak
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[Questions 6 a-c appear in the enumeration form for Indigenous Territories, only. Therefore, they apply to respondents who reside in such territories.]

6.c. In which tongue or indigenous language did ____ learn to speak?

[] 1 Indigenous language
[] 2 In Spanish only
[] 3 Another tongue or language

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_INDLANG — Indigenous language
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9. Does [the respondent] speak an indigenous language?

[] 1 Yes (go to 11)
[] 2 No (go to 11)
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Question 9: Indigenous language

9. Does [name] speak an indigenous language?

[] 1 Yes (go to 11)
[] 2 No (go to 11)

The question must be asked of people that self-identified as indigenous. The option "yes" will be considered when the person speaks an indigenous language, whether they have learned as a first language (maternal language) or second language. For example Bribri, Cabecar, Maleku, Brunca, and others.