Questionnaire Text

Hungary 1970
Hungary 1980
Hungary 1990
Hungary 2001
Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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III. Occupation Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 16-22.]

For those who are 14 years and older (born in 1955 or earlier)
[Questions 16-22. Questions 16-17 determined employment status, and questions 18-22 were asked only of those employed.]

16. Do you work or have a gainful occupation?

[] 10 Yes
[] No
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Filling in part "III. Occupation of the enumerated persons"

Part III. Of the questionnaire will be completed only in the case of persons over 14 years and over (persons born in 1955 or after) as follows: question 16 should be recorded for everybody, question 17-18 only for those who are not working, question 19 will be filled in again for everybody while questions 20-22 for those who are having gainful employment.

Defining whether a person is working -- having a gainful employment -- requires the consideration of several issues. It is possible to take into account on the one hand the status at the reference date of the census while on the other to consider the activity status during the whole year.

As far as the present enumeration is concerned the question should be answered upon the activity status at the reference date of the census, more exactly upon the status of the last week of 1969. The persons having been employed by a company, having been members of co-operative, private entrepreneur or family helper in the given period (that is in the last week of 1969) are regarded as working.

In the case of persons not working in the last week of 1969, by answering the further (17-19) questions reference will be given to the activity during the previous year. Answering questions is important to the effect of having explicit information on the respective characteristics of the person.

Consequently before answering question 16 it has to be clarified whether in the last week of 1969 was the person working or not i.e. whether at the reference date of the census is performing gainful activity. In the case of persons not having gainful activity it should be answered in the case of the persons have had ever a gainful activity or not, in the case of he is a pensioner or dependent, or in the case of he is actually changing his position.

In case of conscripts and imprisoned persons, the answer should be given on the basis of the activity before commencement of the service or that of the imprisonment.

The answer is "yes" in the case of in the last week of December the person had an employment contract, was (working) member of a co-operative or private entrepreneur (all the persons listed before but those being on for childcare leave as well as pensioners having a working contract as permitted by the legislation). The answer is "yes" in case the person during the last week of 1969 had been sick or on leave (winter holiday, maternity leave) and consequently the working contract (or the membership status in the co-operative) have not broken.


Consequently the answer is "yes" in case of:

  • Employees of the companies, institutions, offices, co-operatives and private entrepreneurs having working contract for the last week of 1969 (even in the case of in part-time or outside worker) including the pensioners who due to working status temporarily abandons to receive the pension;
  • Members of the agricultural, industrial and other co-operatives provided their membership had been valid at the reference date of the census, i.e. in the last week of 1969;
  • Agricultural and non-agricultural private entrepreneurs;
  • Family helpers of non-agricultural private entrepreneurs;
  • Odd job workers or persons having similar activity status, provided they worked in the last week of December 1969;
  • Persons having earnings by letting their land, having subtenant, night-lodger in their dwellings (properties), or financed by somebody upon a contract of support; and
  • In case of conscripts and reservists on duty as well as of imprisoned persons provided they had been working before the commencement of the service or the imprisonment.

In case of family helpers in agriculture (family helpers of the members of agricultural co-operatives, of agricultural private entrepreneurs and those of having income from double -- agricultural and non-agricultural - works) being usually active in the collective or private farms) -- as in the least week of the year they are not performing the works the answer "yes" must not be answered. After marking the answer "no" in case of these persons attention should be given to the proper answers to questions 17-19 those will be considered in defining the characteristics and length of the work performed in the year as a whole.

The answer "no" must be underlined in case of all the persons not listed above, that is in case of persons who did not have a gainful activity in the last week of December 1969, that is in case of:

  • Odd job workers who did not work in the last week of 1969,
  • Seasonal workers -- irrespective of the length of work during the year - not working on the last week of the year,
  • Family helpers of the members of agricultural co-operatives, of agricultural private entrepreneurs and those of having income from double -- agricultural and non-agricultural - works) being usually active in the collective or private farms,
  • Pensioners, rentiers (of own or derivative right) even in the case of while receiving the pension are working for a payment allowed by legislation (e.g. HUF 500 monthly or HUF 6 000 yearly). The pensioners who due to working status temporarily abandon to receive the pension as well as those while receiving a derivative pension, rent have a full-time employment should not be regarded as pensioners,
  • The persons being on unpaid holidays for taking care of their children and those being on a "child-care leave",
  • [p.23]
  • Persons supported exclusively by their relatives,
  • Persons over 14 years of age conducting regular studies (in primary, secondary schools, institutions of higher education), participating in professional training, in specialized courses, lectures without having a working contract,
  • Each person not having an independent income, earning and is supported by a private person or an institution (domestic help, maid, persons maintained in institutions, etc.),
  • Conscripts and imprisoned persons who did not work before the enrollment.

Further question of part III. Of the questionnaire will be answered depending on the "yes" or "no" answer given for question 16.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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14. Are you economically active?
[] Yes; please continue with questions 15-18
[] No

If no, please indicate whether

[] Inactive earner

[] 20 Being on child care allowance
[] 30 Pensioner, renter by own right
[] 31 Pensioner, renter by widow's right
[] 32 Other inactive earner

[] Dependent

[] 40 Child attending no school
[] 41 Pupil of primary school
[] 42 Pupil of secondary school
[] 43 Apprentice
[] 44 Pupil of secondary vocational school
[] 45 Student of third-level school
[] 46 Person seeking first employment
[] 47 Physically, mentally defective
[] Other dependent

If other dependent but worked, working days in 1979

_ _ _ Days agricultural work
_ _ _ Days non agricultural work
_ _ _ Days all together

[] 1 Enumerated together with the supporter and serial number of supporter [] not [] 2 Enumerated together with the supporter and the supporter is:

[] 2 Economically active
[] 3 On child care allowance
[] 4 Pensioner
[] 5 Other inactive earner
[] 6 Public institution

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14. Is the person (active) earner?

Provided not receiving pension, rent on own right and not being on leave for childcare allowance the answer "yes" should be underlined in the following cases:

1. Persons employed (including part-time employees and outside workers) in the last week of December 1979;

2. Members of co-operatives (agricultural, industrial, etc. co-operatives) in the last week of December 1979;

3. Agricultural or non-agricultural own-account workers;

4. Family helpers of non-agricultural own-account workers;

5. Odd job workers, day laborers in agriculture;

6. Persons in transition from job to the other, temporarily unemployed;

7. Persons on sickness leave, maternity leave;

8. Enlisted men, reservists on duty and imprisoned persons provided having worked before their enrolment.

In cases of pensioners on derivative rights classifiable into the first three categories above, the answer "yes" should be underlined.

After underlining the answer "yes" the question 15 follows.

In cases of persons underlining the answer "no," the following questions will be answered:

Inactive earner is the person who is earning money without working activity.

The "person on child-care leave (20)" is not the same as the one being on maternity leave.
The person is regarded as "pensioner, renter on own right (30)" in case he is receiving a pension, even if having been paid for work within the legal limits.

The "pensioner on derivative right (31)" is receiving the pension or rent upon the decease of his/her relative (spouse, parent) who at the same time is not a student on a daily course, and does not have a stable working contract.

"Other inactive earner (32)" is the person who
1. Is renting his land, property, dwelling, etc;

2. Has an income from a subtenant, night-lodger;

3. Having an income from a life-annuity contract or similar,

though he/she does not have any income from any other sources mentioned above.

Dependent is the person who is supported either by private person(s) or by an institution.

Code "child not attending a school (40)" can be given only for persons aged 0-13 years that is born between 1966 and 1979.

The answers
1. "Primary school attendant (41)"
2. "Secondary school attendant (42)"
3. "Vocational school attendant (43)"
4. "Vocational secondary school attendant (44 "
5. "Student in higher education (45)"
shall be underlined if the given person is studying on a day course though has an income as inactive earner or being on child-care allowance leave.

"Person seeking for first employment (47)" answer should be underlined in cases of enlisted men and imprisoned persons if before enrolment or arrest have never worked and are not pre-enrolled into an institution of higher education.

"Disabled mentally or by body (47)" is underlined only in cases of persons 14 years and over (born in 1965 and earlier).

"Other dependents" are the persons not belonging to the categories above aged 14 years and over (born in 1965 and earlier), e.g. housewives, family helper of agricultural own-account workers, seasonal worker, pre-enrolled student of a higher educational institution serving as a conscript.
Hours worked in 1979 by the other dependents

Each of the "other dependents" must be asked whether they have performed some agricultural or non-agricultural work in the course of 1979 (housekeeping is not regarded as "work"). If "yes" the number of hours worked should be asked and add together. If no work performed the quads remains blank. The work performance in days are calculated in the agriculture by 10 hours a day, in non-agricultural activities hours per day, that is to count the days in the respective sector the total number of hours should be divided either by 10 or by 8.

Was the dependent enumerated with the supporter person?

The framed part o the right side at question 14 must be filled in on every dependent who had not worked in the course of 1979 more than 90 days.
In cases of dependents enumerated in the same dwelling as the supporter the answer (1) must be underlined and after resuming the enumeration "the person's number in the dwelling" shall be copied into the box at the top of the Personal questionnaire of the supporter.

If the other dependent was not enumerated with the supporter than the answer "public institution (6)" will be underlined in cases of
1. Children in state care (living in institution or with a family);
2. Inhabitants other than pensioners of the social homes;
3. Every person receiving regular social assistance.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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14. Do you work, are you economically active?
Those working while getting a pension by own right or a child care allowance must underline "no".

[] Yes
[] No, because:

[] 20 You get a child care fee
[] 21 You get a child care allowance
[] 30 You are an old-age pensioner by own right
[] 31 You are a disability pensioner by own right
[] 32 You are a disability or other rentier by own right
[] 33 You are a pensioner, rentier by widow's right
[] 40 You want to get a job the first time
[] 50 You are unemployed looking for a job
[] 60 You are a child attending a crèche
[] 61 You are a child attending a kindergarten
[] 70 You are a pupil of primary school
[] 71 You are an apprentice
[] 72 You are a pupil of secondary vocational school
[] 73 You are a pupil of secondary school
[] 74 You are a student of college, university
[] 80 Other dependent
[] You don't belong to the above groups; Specify: _____

E.g. you entered into a contract relating to support for life or life annuity; you get a social allowance; you are a bed-tenant; you make your living by having a bed-tenant.

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14. Work performance, work for material compensation (active earner)

The persons having been worked for wage, enumeration in the last week of 1989 are regarded as active earners. The category does not include those who worked besides receiving child care allowance or pension on own right. The following people belong to the group:

-- Employees, outside workers working for companies, institutions, public offices, co-operatives, business association formed by private persons;

-- Working members of agricultural, special, industrial and handicraft co-operatives;

-- Private entrepreneurs;

-- Family helper in non agricultural activities.

Irrespective the factual working activity in the last week of 1989, i.e. persons might have been absent from the work due to being on winter holidays, maternity or other unpaid holidays, illness, participating on a training course, etc.

The following persons are regarded also as active earners:

-- Persons living in the course of 1989 of work performed as causal hand (including the agricultural day-laborers);

-- Persons having performed in 1989 at least 90 (10 hours) days agricultural work as family helper (with the exemption of the same agricultural performance of the students on daily course, the persons receiving childcare allowance or pension on own right);
[p. 12]
-- Conscripts and reservist on duty provided they were active earners before the enrolment;

-- The imprisoned persons provided they were active earners before the enrolment;

-- Persons receiving invalidity pension or pension on derivative right while working actively;

-- Old age pensioners working without receiving their pension.

In case of the above persons, the answer is "yes (10)".

In case the persons can not be classified as active earner after underlining the answer "no", it should be indicated which category the given person belongs to. The answer will be marked by taking into account the following:

-- The person is on "childcare allowance leave (20)" if when taking care of the child the given person is on unpaid holidays, and till the 2nd year the child is entitled to get an allowance from the state in a defined percentage of the salary before the unpaid leave.

-- The person is on "childcare contribution (30)" if taking care of a child from 2 to 3 years of age the persons is on unpaid holidays and receives a cash contribution to the upbringing of the child. The status in case of a child with acute illness, can be prolonged till the 6th year of age. The person on childcare contribution leave -- within certain limits -- is entitled to work for cash compensation.

-- "Old age pensioner on own right (30)" , "invalidity pensioner on own right (31)" and "invalidity or other renter on own right (32)" is the person who is receiving old-age pension, invalidity pension or invalidity or other rent on own right and does not perform any working activity for compensation>

-- "Pensioner on derivative (widow's) right (33)" is the person receiving a pension on the right of the deceased spouse or other relative and he/she is not a student on day course of an educational institution and neither has a working contract, is nor working member of a co-operative or private entrepreneur.

-- The person is qualified as "never worked, looking for first job (40)" if a person, after concluding his studies is not working yet nevertheless is actively looking for an employment (e.g. contacted the labor office, placed an advertisement, have asked the help of friends to find the job, etc.).

-- The person is "unemployed looking for a job (50)" if he/she has been working before but at the date of the enumeration does not have a workplace and has already taken the steps for finding a new job.

-- The answers to questions "child in nursery (60)" and child in kindergarten (61)" are self-evident.

One of the following answers will be underlined if the person is not working for money, is not conducting his studies while receiving childcare allowance or childcare contribution but is studying on the daily course or private pupil in a

-- "General, primary school (70)";

-- "Trainee (71)";

-- "Student in a special institution of secondary level (72)";

-- "Secondary school student (73)";

-- "University (higher educational institution's) student (74)".

To ensure the unequivocal classification it should be mentioned that the pupils attending the school of the mentally handicapped are regarded as pupils in general (primary) schools, the persons studying in schools for stenographers/shorthand writers and medical assistants are regarded as secondary school attendants while those visiting the so called "special vocational schools" are regarded as trainees. The trainees attending the third grade of the special vocational school and already receiving some compensation for their work will be regarded as students. Similarly the persons studying in a high level educational institution university while receiving a bursary or performing some (usually causal) work for compensation will be regarded as students as well.

[p. 13]

The answer is "other dependent (80)" in case of children under 14 years of age not attending the day nursery or kindergarten, and in case of a person aged 15 years and over working as a housewife or family helper in agriculture performing in 1989 less than 90 days. The persons not belonging to the categories listed above and who do not have any regular income or social benefit practically maintained by the members of the family, etc. are classified into this group too. Furthermore the category includes the conscripts and the imprisoned persons not having been worked before their enrolment.

If the answer is "persons not belonging to any other category listed (90)" the source of livelihood should be always entered at the dotted line at the answer. The entry might be: living of letting their land, house, holiday house, etc., of having subtenants, night-lodgers, of selling their property, of having a life annuity contract, etc.

The base rules of answering the questions from 15 to 19 are as follows:

Question 14:

-- Persons answering "yes (10)" will give information on their main occupation.

-- Persons being on child-care leave answering "no (20)" should give should give information on their main occupation before the leave. Each person other than before should not give an answer to questions form 15 to 19.

Questions from 16 to 19:

-- Professional and civilian members of the armed forces and security bodies will not answer question 19/a.

-- Private entrepreneurs should not answer questions 17 and 19/a.

-- Family helpers should not answer questions 17, 18 and 19/a.

-- Causal workers and agricultural day laborers will skip questions from 16 to 19.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity
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13. What is your source of livelihood?
Please mark at most three answers
[] 10 Work, activity providing income
[] 11 Regular or reserve military service
[] 20 Child care allowance
[] 21 Child care fee
[] 30 Old age pension on own right
[] 31 Disability or accident pension
[] 40 Pension or benefit of relative's right
[] 50 Unemployment benefit
[] 51 Welfare assistance for unemployed
[] 60 Other regular benefit, aid
[] 70 From own asset and other resource
[] 80 Dependent by private person
[] 81 Dependent by public institution

13. Please mark three boxes maximum which relate to a contribution to your livelihood. If you have regular income from work (e.g. you are employed) or you worked at least one hour during the week preceding the enumeration please mark the box code 10. All activities providing income (salary, fee, etc. or compensation in kind) apply here.

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Question 13: What provides your livelihood?

The enumerator should prepare himself/herself that in enumerating the sources of livelihood an increased mistrust might be felt. In case of questioning the income, revenue of the people the reservation is even stronger if the profit earning activity is not or not fully in compliance with the legislation (e.g. business activity without license, working for enumeration besides receiving unemployment benefit, etc.). Therefore it is very important that the enumerator creates a proper ambiance for conducting the questioning.

The enumerator should let it understand that the enumeration is not intended to enumerate the revenues, and especially not the amount, the size of those. The enumeration of the sources of livelihood will be used only for
Classification of the population according to the types of their source of livelihood and
Having a proper description of the unemployment in the country.

The answer to the question should refer to the week preceding the reference date of the census.

The imprisoned persons are the only exemptions; in their case the answer should refer to the situation preceding their arrest, imprisonment.

In recording the sources of livelihood it is inevitable to define all the factors contributing to the sources of livelihood of the individuals. Therefore a single answer can be marked only in case the enumerated person has only one source of livelihood; in case of multiple sources of livelihood, it is not sufficient to mark only the main source. In the case of a pensioner who worked (had a working contract) on the week preceding the reference date of the census, both sources, i.e. the pension and the work will be recorded. Not more than three sources of livelihood can be marked.

It is most important that in the case of the persons receiving compensation for work, the source of livelihood is indicated.

Income generating work is every activity -- including civil services, work performed as family helper, participation in activities of public utility, the causal, odd works -- which is compensated in cash (wage, salary) or in kind. In answering the question it is indifferent if the compensation had been or had not been already paid. While answering the question the legal frames of the work performance -- i.e. performed as employee or private entrepreneur, with or without a working contract, registered or not registered by the social insurance, with or without the working license -- are indifferent.

The following activities are not regarded as income generating work: voluntary, unpaid work (charity, etc.) for any other household, institution; construction, repair, maintenance of the house in the person's property; works performed in the household, including the works in the garden (unless the aim is to sell the products).

The employed persons -- elected or contracted civil servants, judges, prosecutors, working members of co-operatives, persons having a working contract, private entrepreneurs will be regarded people performing income generating work even if due to different reasons (illness, paid or unpaid holidays, temporary standstill of production, etc.) on the week preceding the reference date of the census did not work. The so called "childcare leave" -- which is guaranteed by the social security and the given person receives a cash compensation -- on the other hand must not be regarded as income generating activity. The persons being on childcare leave can be marked as working for income only if while receiving the childcare allowance they also perform additional paid work.

The entry is "conscript, reservist on duty" in case of persons who by allegiance serve the allotted military service as enrolled civilians or reservists on duty. The service might mean the base training, continuing drill, exercise, special service, service with or without weapons, etc. Persons not accepting the military service based on conscience are obliged to perform civilian service, which is equivalent with the enrolment into the army. Nevertheless the civilian service from the point of view of the given question will be regarded as the other civilian works that is the civilian service will be marked as income generating activity.

The parent, foster parent having a young child in the family is entitled to receive childcare allowance. The social security is paying the childcare allowance generally till the forth year of age of the newborn child nevertheless in case the child has definite deficiencies in body or mentally it is possible to prolong the payment till the age of 15th year.

Allowance for upbringing a child (gyet) is paid to the parent, foster parent in case there are at least three children and the youngest one is below the age of 9 years.

The pension, rent on own right is a regular income paid to the person on the base of his/her working activity after reaching the defined age

The pension on own right might be:
Old-age (full or partial) pension (the category includes the miner's pension, the old-age pension of some artists, the old-age pension granted by the Fund of the Hungarian Artists as well as the so called service pension),
Advanced old-age pension
The reduced advanced old age pension which is granted in case the given person acquired the right for getting the pension on the base of a reduced service period. The answer is the same in case of the pensioners of the agricultural co-operatives.

Provided the persons receives a pension on own right and pension on derivative (widow's) right too the answer is "pension, rent on own right".

Disability pension is paid to the persons who are not entitled (by their age or years of service) to get the old-age pension but due to their disability caused by an accident are not able to work. The regular subsidies paid for persons with disabilities (allowance for invalids, payments to blind people, transport/traffic contribution paid to persons disabled in body, allowances for health problems, rents for agricultural invalids) are also marked here.

The answer "pensioner on derivative right" is marked in case the persons receives pension not on his own right but based on the social security contract of his close deceased relative (spouse, parent). The payment might permanent or temporary widow's pension, support to orphans, parent's pension on the right of the child, disability pension on the right of the spouse.

Unemployment benefit or support to unemployed is payable only to persons under the retirement age. The support to unemployed is paid by the local self-government to the unemployed persons not having regular work and not receiving unemployment benefit.

In each of the cases not listed above (family allowance, bourse, subsidies for students, child protection grant, fees for nursing, etc.), the answer is "receiving other assistance, support".

The answer is "living on his property, income of other sources" if the person has an income upon a life annuity contract, from interest on deposited money, from dividends, etc.

Provided the person does not have a regular personal income his livelihood is secured by a supporter. Always should be defined whether who is the supporter of the given person. In case the supporter is one of the parents, member of the household or other relative, the answer is "supported by a private person", while in case the supporter is an organization, institution, foundation, etc., the answer is "supported by public".

The answer must be marked in case of children younger than 16 years of age, not working (due to studies, illness) children over 16 years of age and the housewife. Children under state care are regarded as institutional dependents; the same category is valid for the people living of casual grants, donations, charity benefits.