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Main occupation in the last 12 months (2-digit)

Codes and Frequencies


Armed forces
00Armed forces2,101
Legislators, senior officials, and managers
11Legislators and senior officials520
12Corporate managers349
13General managers72
21Physical, mathmatical and engineering science professionals389
22Life science and health professionals135
23Teaching professionals1,380
24Other professionals812
Technicians and associate professionals
31Physical and engineering science associate professionals256
32Life science and health associate professionals939
33Teaching associate professionals2,795
34Other associate professionals2,296
41Office clerks461
42Customer services clerks75
Service workers, shop and market sales workers
51Personal and protective services workers1,916
52Models, salespersons and demonstrators6,719
Skilled agricultural and fishery workers
61Market-oriented skilled agricultural and fishery workers4,534
62Subsistence agricultural and fishery workers180,926
Crafts and related trades workers
71Extraction and building trades workers1,156
72Metal, machinery and related trades workers896
73Precision, handicraft, printing and related trades workers1,062
74Other craft and related trades workers2,514
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
80Stationary-plant and related operators, machine operators and assemblers221
83Drivers and mobile-plant operators1,864
Elementary occupations
91Sales and services elementary occupations1,801
92Agricultural, fishery and related labourers55
93Labourers in mining construction, manufacturing and transport706
99NIU (not in universe)241,371