Questionnaire Text

Argentina 2001 France 1968 Mexico 2015 Romania 2002
Bolivia 1976 France 1975 Mexico 2020 Romania 2011
Bolivia 1992 France 1982 Mongolia 1989 Spain 1991
Bolivia 2001 Germany 1971 Mongolia 2000 Switzerland 1970
Bolivia 2012 Germany 1981 Morocco 1982 Switzerland 1980
Cambodia 2013 Germany 1987 Morocco 1994 Switzerland 1990
Cambodia 2019 Ghana 2000 Morocco 2004 Switzerland 2000
Chile 1970 Ghana 2010 Morocco 2014 Thailand 1980
Chile 1982 Greece 1971 Nicaragua 1971 Thailand 1990
Chile 1992 Greece 1981 Nicaragua 1995 Turkey 2000
Chile 2002 Greece 1991 Nicaragua 2005 Uganda 1991
Colombia 1973 Greece 2001 Pakistan 1998 Uganda 2002
Colombia 1985 Greece 2011 Palestine 1997 Uganda 2014
Colombia 1993 Guatemala 1981 Palestine 2007 United States 1960
Colombia 2005 Guatemala 1994 Panama 1980 United States 1970
Costa Rica 1984 Guatemala 2002 Paraguay 1972 United States 1980
Cuba 2002 Honduras 1988 Paraguay 1982 United States 1990
Cuba 2012 Honduras 2001 Paraguay 1992 United States 2000
Dominican Republic 1981 Hungary 1970 Peru 1993 United States 2005
Dominican Republic 2002 Hungary 1980 Poland 1978 United States 2010
Dominican Republic 2010 Hungary 1990 Poland 1988 United States 2015
Ecuador 1962 Hungary 2001 Poland 2002 United States 2020
Ecuador 1974 Hungary 2011 Portugal 1981 Uruguay 1975
Ecuador 1982 Iran 2006 Portugal 1991 Uruguay 1985
Ecuador 1990 Iraq 1997 Portugal 2001 Uruguay 1996
Ecuador 2001 Israel 1972 Puerto Rico 1970 Uruguay 2006
Ecuador 2010 Italy 2001 Puerto Rico 1980 Uruguay 2011
Egypt 1986 Italy 2011 Puerto Rico 1990 Venezuela 1971
Egypt 1996 Jamaica 2001 Puerto Rico 2000 Venezuela 1990
Egypt 2006 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 2005 Venezuela 2001
El Salvador 1992 Mexico 1970 Puerto Rico 2010 Zambia 1990
El Salvador 2007 Mexico 1990 Puerto Rico 2015 Zambia 2000
Ethiopia 1984 Mexico 1995 Puerto Rico 2020 Zambia 2010
Ethiopia 1994 Mexico 2000 Romania 1977
Ethiopia 2007 Mexico 2010 Romania 1992
Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_KITCH — Kitchen and water installations
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[Questions 5-24 were asked in the case of households that occupied some structure, per question 4.]

17. Does it have a place for cooking?

[] Yes
[] No [skip question 18]

18. In this place, are there water installations?
[] Yes
[] No

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Question 17: Does the household have place for cooking?
By place for cooking, it is understood as a space that has a sink, equipped for preparing principal meals and destined primarily for this function (even when is also used for other purposes). It can be found inside or outside of the dwelling. Kitchenettes and kitchen-dining rooms are included.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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10. Kitchen
[Question 10 was asked of persons in private dwellings, per Question 1]

Is there are special room for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 10. Kitchen

Do you have a special room for the kitchen?

Mark the box Yes, even if the kitchen is used as a dining room.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_KITCH — Has a separate kitchen
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12. Is there a special room for cooking?
[Question 12 was asked of persons in occupied private dwellings, per Questions 1 and 2.]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 12. Does it have a special room for the kitchen?

When the dwelling has a separate area for the preparation of food and sanitizing of kitchen utensils, you should mark the corresponding box.

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_KITCHEN — Separate kitchen
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[Questions 6 to 26 were asked of persons who lived in occupied private dwelling and were present at the time of enumeration, per Questions 4 and 5.]

17. Is there a room used exclusively for cooking?

[] 7 Yes
[] 8 No

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Chapter C. Characteristics of dwellings with inhabitants who are present

Question 17. Does this dwelling have a room dedicated to cooking?

For example:

Elena: I live with my husband and my children in one room, we sleep here and my kitchen is in that corner.

The form is filled out in this way:

[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with appropriate ovals filled in.]

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_KITCHEN — Room for cooking
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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

13. Is there a dedicated room for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Chapter B. Main characteristics of the dwelling

Rooms in the dwelling
13. Availability of a room for cooking.
Mark the appropriate circle or bubble.
14. Number of rooms in the dwelling
In the census, a room is any interior space large enough to accommodate an adult-sized cot or bed. The question about the number of rooms in the dwelling has two boxes for noting down the answer. In these boxes, note down the number of rooms used as bedrooms or for other purposes, not counting any kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, foyers, hallways, or storage rooms.
15. Number of rooms used only for sleeping
In the boxes, note down the number of rooms used only as bedrooms. If the dwelling has no such rooms, put 0.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_KITCHEN — Separate kitchen
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Part 5: Housing conditions and facilities

8. Availability of separate kitchen within premises

Enter code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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96. Filling-in of Form B household questionnaire part -5: housing conditions and facilities

96.1. This part of the questionnaire on housing conditions of the household has to be filled in after completing the main household questionnaire (Form B Parts- 2 to 4). This part should be completed with the assistance of the head of the household or any responsible member of the household.

96.2. In cases where within a household, members use a variety of facilities, probe to establish the facility used by the majority of household members and record it for the household. For example, if the members of a household use more than one source of light you should record the main source of light used by the majority of members.

96.3. Please note that in this part of the questionnaire, for columns 1 to 8 and 23 to 25 you are required to write only the code corresponding to the appropriate answer in the square provided at the bottom of each column. Under no circumstances you should write more than one code for each question.

104. Column 8: availability of separate kitchen within premises

104.1 A kitchen is defined as a space that conforms in all respects to the criteria for a room mentioned for Column 7 and is equipped for the preparations of the principal meals of the day and intended primarily for the household. If a separate kitchen is available within premises give code 1 in the square provided. If not available give code 2 in the square provided.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_KITCHEN — Availability of separate kitchen within premises
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Form B household questionnaire part 4

Housing conditions, amenities and assets possessed by household

9. Availability of separate kitchen within premises

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_KITCH — Kitchen
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A. Room used for kitchen
[] 1 Has a kitchen
[] 2 Does not have a kitchen

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Question No. 10--Household's access to kitchen and household's fuel use

A. Kitchen

1) Has kitchen: A kitchen is a room or space equipped to prepare main meals and used principally for this purpose (kitchen, kitchenettes, closet kitchens).

2) Doesn't have kitchen: This box should be marked if the household doesn't have a place meant exclusively for preparing meals.

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_KITCH — Have kitchen
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12. Do you have a kitchen?
1. Yes ____
2. No ____

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12. Does it have a kitchen?

Fill in the oval for yes when the household has a special room or small space that is equipped for preparing the main meals and is used for this purpose.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 12 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_RMKITCH — Rooms used exclusively as kitchen
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Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present (applies to questions 3 through 16)

10. Without including bathrooms, how many total rooms are in this dwelling? (Do not forget to include the kitchen.)

Total number of rooms

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

Indicate the uses of each room [For rooms numbered up to 10, fill-in ovals appear below each of the possible uses.]

Use of the rooms:
Bedroom ____
Living-dining ____
Living ____
Dining ____
Kitchen ____
Paid work ____
Other use ____

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10. Without taking into account the bathroom(s), how many total rooms does this dwelling have? (Don't forget the kitchen).

First, fill in the circle that corresponds to the total quantity of rooms that the dwelling has, including the kitchen.

You should not include: bathroom, pantry [bodega], hallway or balconies [galerĂ­as], except when people permanently lodge in them.

Then, indicate for each room, its use, whether it be as a bedroom, living-dining room (together), living room and dining room (separate), kitchen, for compensated work (cobbler, office, accounting, etc.), or another use (game room, library, etc.). Each room can have one or more uses.

Don't forget that the number of rooms reported according to their use must coincide with the Total Number of Rooms filled in at the beginning of this question.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 10 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_RMKITCH — Number of exclusive kitchens
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Only for private, occupied dwellings with people present [applies to questions 3 to 16]

10. Not counting the bathrooms, how many rooms does this dwelling have, including the kitchen?

Total number of rooms:

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10 or more

Indicate the uses of each room: [For rooms numbered up to 10, fill-in ovals appear below each of the possible uses.]

Use of the rooms:
Paid work
Other use

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[Questions 3 through 16: Only for private dwellings which are occupied with people present.]

Question 10. Total number of rooms

Don't forget that one room can have two or more uses. That is, you can fill in one or more ovals per line. For example, Room 1: living room, dining room, kitchen. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 10 on the census form.]

The total number of rooms should always coincide with the quantity of rooms used for different purposes. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 10 on the census form.]

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_KITCHEN — Room dedicated to cooking
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4. Kitchen

Does this household have a room that serves only as a kitchen?

[] 1 For this household exclusively?
[] 2 Shared with other households?

[] 3 No

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Question No. 4. Kitchen

[Below the text is a form.]

Read the question and wait for a response:

When the interviewed person answers that "yes it has" ask the question "Is it of exclusive use of the household?"

If the response is affirmative, mark "x" in box 1. In the contrary case mark "x" in box 2: "Of use shared with other households".

When a household does not have an independent room for cooking, mark "x" in box 3: "Does not have".

Kitchen quarters: is an independent space, meant for the preparation of food.

Corridors, passageways, patios, food supply rooms, in which a stove [or "reverbero" small stove] or any other kitchen appliance is placed are not considered kitchen quarters.

Also rooms for sleeping in which a small stove or portable oven are put are not considered kitchen quarters.

Colombia 1985 — source variable CO1985A_KITCH — Where kitchen is situated
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20. Where do the persons of this household cook?
(Answers 1, 2, 3, and 4: continue with number 21)

[] 1 In a bedroom or living room without a sink
[] 2 In a bedroom or living room with sink
[] 3 In a room designated as a kitchen
[] 4 In a patio, hallway

(Answer 5: continue with number 23)

[] 5 Nowhere

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Question No. 20 Place to cook

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark "x" in box 1, when persons of this dwelling cook within a room that they also use as bedroom or living room, but in which a dishwasher or toilet bowel ["poceta"] does not exist.

Mark "x" in box 2, when persons of this dwelling have a kitchen that is in a space used as living room or as bedroom and in which exists a dishwasher or recipient with drain used to clean dishes.

Mark "x" in box 3 when persons of this dwelling have a kitchen that is found in a room dedicated only for cooking.

[p. 36]

Mark "x" in box 4, when persons of this dwelling have a kitchen that is found in a hall, corridor, patio or shelter.

Mark "x" in box 5, if a dwelling does not have a place to cook. If you mark this box, go to question 23.

Colombia 1993 — source variable CO1993A_KITCHEN — Location of cooking facilities
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16. This household cooks:
[] 1 In the bedroom
[] 2 Living-dining room without
[] 3 Living-dining room with
[] 4 Patio hallway
[] 5 Kitchen room
[] 6 Nowhere (continue with number 19)

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16. This household cooks:

If the response is "in no part", mark option 6 and go to question 19.

[Below the text is a form.]

Mark a single option taking into account the definitions.

In a bedroom
When persons of a household cook in a room that they use as a bedroom

In a living/dining room without a dishwasher
When persons of a household cook in a room that also they use as living room or dining room, in which a dishwasher does not exist (recipient for cleaning dishes that has installations for water and draining water).

[p. 160]

In a living/dining room with dishwasher
When persons of a household cook in a room that they also use as living and dining room and in it exists a dishwasher.

In a patio, corridor, shelter, outside
Corresponds to households that prepare their meals in open areas, passageways, or the elements.

In a room exclusively for cooking
Corresponds to households that prepare meals in a place exclusive and independent of the areas meant for other uses.

When persons of a household do not cook.

Colombia 2005 — source variable CO2005A_KITCHEX — Exclusive area for cooking
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9. Is there a space in the dwelling exclusively dedicated to the kitchen? (expanded)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_KITONLY — Number of rooms used only as kitchens
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6. Number and use of rooms

_ _ Total rooms

_ _ Exclusively for sleeping
_ _ Living-dining
_ _ Exclusively kitchen
_ _ Kitchen-dining
_ _ Other uses

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Question 6: Number and Use of Rooms

(See Illustration on Page 22)

Every dwelling has one or many rooms whose inhabitants use for different purposes: sleeping, cooking food, eating, relaxing, or receiving visitors, watching television, listening to the radio, etc. Of course not all dwellings have areas so different it includes that in some cases some area single room that is used for all, what in popular speech people called and at times now call a round room (cuarto redondo).

[p. 30]

This question has been designed precisely to know the number of rooms, bedrooms or sleeping quarters that the Costa Rican dwellings have and which of them are occupied for sleeping, preparing food, relaxing, etc. All rooms or bedrooms of the dwelling that are used for exclusively professional, commercial, industrial or service purposes should be excluded, such as lawyer's office, offices, local stores or grocery stores, barber shops or beauty shops, "cantinas [bars]" or bars, workshops, etc. Also halls, porches, bathrooms, inner patios, depots or garages, etc.

{How to register the number and use of the rooms of the dwelling}

In the open boxes placed at the right side of question number 6 (Number and Use of Rooms), you should register the information turning to the use of two digits or numbers. This operation has to be done first to indicate the number of rooms. For example: in a dwelling that has 10 rooms (four bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, television room, breakfast room, and a room for the servant, you should write down the total in the following manner:

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

Once you have registered the number of rooms of the dwelling it is necessary that you indicate how many are used for sleeping (remember that the room for the servant is where she sleeps), how many like living/dining room, how many for only cooking, how many for cooking and eating at the same time, and how many are meant to be for "other uses" without you having to write down what is specifically done in them.

Nevertheless, those dwellings exist that have a single room that its inhabitants use at the same time for sleeping, cooking, eating, and receiving visitors. You should consider them dwellings without bedroom, that is to say with "zero" (0) bedrooms, except in the case that this single room is used exclusively for sleeping. Then you should mark the digits 01 in the cells meant for indicating the number of rooms, such {0}{1} in those reserved for the concept "only for sleeping" it will have been indicated in the following form: {0}{1} that means something like "01 bedroom". The places used for commercial, professional, industrial or service purposes and that also serve as a residence for one or more persons are not considered as "only for sleeping" they are only registered as dwelling and as if it did not have a number of rooms, that is to say by what are referred to as rooms that are used as living room and dining room (living/dining room) and kitchen and dining room (kitchen-dining room) as a result obviously serve to fulfill two of the purposes that they indicate. Nor does any doubt exist when one talks about a room that is only for cooking ("only-kitchen); although in this case it can happen that any person or persons sleep in the kitchen (on the floor or on benches), but is considered as "only kitchen".

Caution. In the countryside it is possible to find that the kitchen is a "separate" construction from the rest of the dwelling. In this case it is taken as an integral part of the dwelling.

Finally, it remains for us to make some comment about rooms meant for different uses to those pointed out previously ("other uses"). Generally it concerns spaces or rooms that residents use as places or recreation and service. For example: Living room, dining room, study, recreation room, bedroom where also they cook.

Remember that no open box should be left without annotation, because of this, when there are no rooms of any of the specified classes, write down {0}{0} according to what it corresponds to.

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_KITDIN — Number of kitchen/dining rooms
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6. Number and use of rooms

_ _ Total rooms

_ _ Exclusively for sleeping
_ _ Living-dining
_ _ Exclusively kitchen
_ _ Kitchen-dining
_ _ Other uses

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Question 6: Number and Use of Rooms

(See Illustration on Page 22)

Every dwelling has one or many rooms whose inhabitants use for different purposes: sleeping, cooking food, eating, relaxing, or receiving visitors, watching television, listening to the radio, etc. Of course not all dwellings have areas so different it includes that in some cases some area single room that is used for all, what in popular speech people called and at times now call a round room (cuarto redondo).

[p. 30]

This question has been designed precisely to know the number of rooms, bedrooms or sleeping quarters that the Costa Rican dwellings have and which of them are occupied for sleeping, preparing food, relaxing, etc. All rooms or bedrooms of the dwelling that are used for exclusively professional, commercial, industrial or service purposes should be excluded, such as lawyer's office, offices, local stores or grocery stores, barber shops or beauty shops, "cantinas [bars]" or bars, workshops, etc. Also halls, porches, bathrooms, inner patios, depots or garages, etc.

{How to register the number and use of the rooms of the dwelling}

In the open boxes placed at the right side of question number 6 (Number and Use of Rooms), you should register the information turning to the use of two digits or numbers. This operation has to be done first to indicate the number of rooms. For example: in a dwelling that has 10 rooms (four bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, television room, breakfast room, and a room for the servant, you should write down the total in the following manner:

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

Once you have registered the number of rooms of the dwelling it is necessary that you indicate how many are used for sleeping (remember that the room for the servant is where she sleeps), how many like living/dining room, how many for only cooking, how many for cooking and eating at the same time, and how many are meant to be for "other uses" without you having to write down what is specifically done in them.

Nevertheless, those dwellings exist that have a single room that its inhabitants use at the same time for sleeping, cooking, eating, and receiving visitors. You should consider them dwellings without bedroom, that is to say with "zero" (0) bedrooms, except in the case that this single room is used exclusively for sleeping. Then you should mark the digits 01 in the cells meant for indicating the number of rooms, such {0}{1} in those reserved for the concept "only for sleeping" it will have been indicated in the following form: {0}{1} that means something like "01 bedroom". The places used for commercial, professional, industrial or service purposes and that also serve as a residence for one or more persons are not considered as "only for sleeping" they are only registered as dwelling and as if it did not have a number of rooms, that is to say by what are referred to as rooms that are used as living room and dining room (living/dining room) and kitchen and dining room (kitchen-dining room) as a result obviously serve to fulfill two of the purposes that they indicate. Nor does any doubt exist when one talks about a room that is only for cooking ("only-kitchen); although in this case it can happen that any person or persons sleep in the kitchen (on the floor or on benches), but is considered as "only kitchen".

Caution. In the countryside it is possible to find that the kitchen is a "separate" construction from the rest of the dwelling. In this case it is taken as an integral part of the dwelling.

Finally, it remains for us to make some comment about rooms meant for different uses to those pointed out previously ("other uses"). Generally it concerns spaces or rooms that residents use as places or recreation and service. For example: Living room, dining room, study, recreation room, bedroom where also they cook.

Remember that no open box should be left without annotation, because of this, when there are no rooms of any of the specified classes, write down {0}{0} according to what it corresponds to.

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_KITCH — Place to cook
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Section III. Information about the Private Dwelling

7. Does the dwelling have a space for cooking?

(Mark only one)

[] 1 Exclusive for the dwelling?
[] 2 Shared by various dwellings?
[] 3 Does not have?

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Question 7. Does the dwelling have a room for cooking?

With this question [question 7], we want to know if the dwelling has a room that is used for cooking, for exclusive use or shared by various dwellings, or if the dwelling does not have this room, which would mean that you should formulate the question exactly as it appears.


7. Does the dwelling have a space for cooking? [mark only one]
[] 1 Exclusive for the dwelling?
[] 2 Shared by various dwellings?
[] 3 Does not have?

You will understand as such, all spaces that are separated from the other rooms or spaces of the dwellings, whatever its size, designated for preparing meals, store food, wash and store the dishes, which means, the room that we generally call the kitchen.

Observe that this room does not necessarily have to be a room, therefore, its size can be greater or less than four square meters, although it must be separated by walls.

Include those commercial kitchen spaces that also have a table with chairs used for eating. But do not confuse that the inverse case is not considered, which means a dining room that has been provisionally set up with utensils for cooking.

If you are informed that the dwelling has a place for cooking, you will mark box 1 (if is for the exclusive use of this dwelling) or box 2 (if it is shared by several dwellings).

If there is no space for cooking, mark box "Does not have".

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_KITCHEN — Place for cooking
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Section III. Private housing data
[Applies to questions 1-16]

8. Does the home have a place to cook?

(Only mark one)

[] 1 Used exclusively by the home
[] 2 Shared by several homes
[] 3 Not present
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Section III. Private housing data.

Question 8. Does the home have a place to cook?
With this question, you want to know if the home has an area for cooking, either for use by only one home or shared between several, or if it does not have a place for this. Therefore you must ask the question as it appears.
This is understood to mean any space separated from other rooms of the home, regardless of its size, that is used specifically to prepare food, store products, wash and store dishes - what is commonly known as a kitchen.
Note that this space does not necessarily have to be a room, so its area may be greater than or less than 4 square meters, although it must be separated by walls.
This includes kitchen spaces that also have a table with chairs used for eating. Those homes in which the dining room and kitchen make up one room because they are not separated by walls should be considered a kitchen, and of course count as one room.
If you are told that the home has a place to cook, in the box you will mark 1 (if it is only used by this home) or box 2 (if it is shared between several homes).
If there is no place to cook, mark the box not present.
[Figure omitted]

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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13. Kitchen

a) Does this dwelling have a kitchen?
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside of the dwelling
[] 3 Does not have
b) What fuel is used for cooking?
[] 1 Wood
[] 2 Propane gas
[] 3 Charcoal
[] 4 Kerosene
[] 5 Electricity
[] 6 Others
[] 9 Do not cook
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Question 13: Kitchen
a) Does the dwelling have a kitchen?

If the dwelling has a kitchen and it is inside the dwelling, circle 1 is filled in. If the kitchen is outside of the dwelling, circle 2 is filled in.

[The instructions refer to graphic illustrations]

The kitchen is considered to be outside of the dwelling if there is a space with a roof meant for cooking.

If the dwelling does not have a kitchen, circle 3 is filled in.
b) What fuel is used for cooking?

The circle corresponding to the type of fuel most used is filled in.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Rooms of the dwelling

8. Does this dwelling have a kitchen?

[] 1 Yes, inside the dwelling
[] 2 Yes, outside the dwelling
[] 3 No
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Question 8: Does this household have a kitchen?

If the person answers "YES" ask also if the kitchen is inside or outside the house, then fill in the answer accordingly to the correct answer. In the case that the house does not have a kitchen, record option 3.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_KITCHEN — Kitchen in dwelling
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6. Does this dwelling have a kitchen or cooking room either inside or outside the house?

[] 1 Yes, inside the dwelling
[] 2 Yes, outside the dwelling
[] 3 No
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Question 6. Does this household have a kitchen or room used for cooking either inside or outside the house?
Read the options and record the corresponding bubble according to the answer given by the interviewee. If the informant states that the kitchen is inside the household fill in code 1; if the kitchen is outside the household, record code 2, and if there is no kitchen in the household record code 3.
You should consider a kitchen as a room or area designated only for cooking purposes, either inside or outside the household.
Actually, there can be various kinds of kitchens or rooms used for cooking purposes. Some can be inside the household, and therefore should be recorded with code 1: Yes, inside the household, while code 2 if Yes, outside the household.
Some examples of code 1, Yes inside the household, are:

  • The kitchen is a room inside the household.
  • The kitchen is an area adjacent to the living room, not completely separated by a wall, but by a banister or a breakfast bar. This type of kitchen can be found in apartments as well as households.
[Page 41]
  • The kitchen is an area within the living room and does not have any type of division; however the area contains all appliances and furniture for cooking.

Some examples of code 2: Yes, outside the household, are:

  • The kitchen is a room or a building separated from the household. This type of kitchen is common in the rural zones, and it could also appear in some households in the urban zone, especially in small cities or in big and in the outskirts or suburbs of somewhat larger cities.
  • The kitchen is annexed to the household; therefore its entrance is outside and different from the main entrance of the household.

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_ROOMCOOK — Rooms for cooking
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Only for private, occupied dwellings
[Refers to items III through X]

X. Separate room for kitchen

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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X. Kitchen. Mark box (1) when the dwelling has a room used exclusively as a kitchen, otherwise mark box (2).

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_KITCHEN — Has a separate kitchen
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11. Does the dwelling have a separate room for cooking?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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[Question No. 11]

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 11, "kitchen", in this section of the enumeration form.]

With this question you should investigate if the dwelling has a room that is used exclusively for cooking.

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_KITCHEN — Separate kitchen
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11. Does the dwelling have a separate room for cooking?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 11. Does the dwelling have a separate kitchen?

Mark the yesbox even if the kitchen is also used as a dining room.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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2. Does this household have a room exclusively used for cooking?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 2. Does this household an exclusive room for cooking?

Mark the box "yes" when the household has a room that is used only for cooking, even if it used as an everyday dining room also.

Mark the box "no" when the kitchen is used for other purposes, and when the dwelling has only one room.

If the kitchen is shared by 2 households or more, be sure to mark the box 2 "no", even if the room is only used for cooking.

2. Occupancy condition of the dwelling
[ ] 1 Occupied with persons present
[ ] 2 Occupied with persons absent
[ ] 3 Unoccupied

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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3. Does this household have a room, building, or space exclusively for cooking?
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No

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Question 3.- Does this household have a room or bedroom or space exclusively for cooking?

[There is a picture of question 3 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Mark the yes box when the household has a room or bedroom or space exclusively for cooking, even if they also use it as a daily dining room.

Mark the no box when the kitchen is used for other purposes or when the household only has one room or bedroom or space, in which they cook, sleep, etc.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_COOKSPC — Room or space exclusively for cooking
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Section 2: Information about the household.
[Questions 1-15 were asked for private dwellings.]

2. Does this household have a room or space that is exclusively for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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[] 1 Private
[] 2 Share
[] 3 None
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1. Kitchen: means the place that takes the shape of a big or small room and is basically used for cooking food.
2. Bathroom with toilet: means the bathroom that has a toilet in it.
3. Separate bathroom: means the bathroom without a toilet inside.
4. Separate toilet: means a toilet without a bathroom.

In all cases a circle:

number (1) that mains if the kitchen or bathroom or the toilet etc. are used by the household only.
number (2) if the household share with other household the used of kitchen, bathroom or toilet.
number (3) if the kitchen or bathroom etc. are not available.

Egypt 1996 — source variable EG1996A_KITCH — Kitchen facility
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[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 None

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1. Kitchen: means the location that takes the shape of a big or small room and it is basically made for food preparation
2. Bathroom with toilet: means the bathroom which has a toilet inside
3. Separate bathroom: means the bathroom with no toilet inside it
4. Separate toilet: means a toilet without a bathroom

In all cases the circle is put ink in front of No.(1) if the household alone uses the kitchen, bathroom with toilet...etc.
In front of No.(3) if the kitchen, bathroom ...etc. are not available
The facilities are either inside or outside the housing unit but, they are inside the building

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Table 2: Housing characteristics
[Questions in table 2 are asked of all persons, except for the question on educational status]



[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 Not available

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Table 2: Housing characteristics
Mark the correct response number in the square or squares allotted for answering each question. The answer also must be recorded in words beside the square for the questions on dwelling type and ownership type.

This includes the kitchen, bathrooms with a toilet, separate bathrooms, and separate toilets.

Separate bathroom means a bathroom without a toilet. Separate toilet means a toilet without a bathroom. In all cases, answer (1), (2) or (3) is placed inside the square according to the availability of the utility in the household. (1) When the household has a separate utility; (2) When the household shares the utility with another household(s); (3) When the utility is not available.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_RMCOOK — Kitchen
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II. Household information

2. Characteristics of the dwelling

[Questions 4-15 were asked of occupied private households, per question 3 and Section 1.]

11c. Is there a separate room exclusively for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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4.2 Household information
Household: All places defined by walls and roofs where one or more people live regularly, that is where they sleep, cook and protect themselves from the elements. Also people can enter and leave the mentioned without passing through another house, having direct access from the street, passage, path or passing through common areas such as patios, hallways, corridors or stairs.

11c. Cooking rooms
Is there a room just for cooking?

This will be answered affirmatively when the space where the stove is installed is completely closed in by walls and is used exclusively for preparing food.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_RMCOOK — Rooms used exclusively for cooking
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3. Does this household have a room used only for cooking?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 3: Does the household have available to it a room used only for cooking?
Count as a room for cooking the space where a cooking stove is installed if it is totally defined by walls and it is used only for preparing food.

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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53. What type of kitchen does the housing unit have?

[] 1 No kitchen
[] 2 Modern kitchen, private
[] 3 Modern kitchen, shared
[] 4 Traditional kitchen, private
[] 5 Traditional kitchen, shared
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Column 53: What type of kitchen does the house have?

A house may have one or more rooms used to prepare food. A room is taken as kitchen if it is used to prepare food most of the time even if people sleep in it. The kitchen may be used only by the household living in the house or shared by other households living in another houses.

Private kitchen: - It is a kitchen used only by one or more households living in the house.

Common kitchen: - It is a kitchen used commonly by the household in living the house and households in another place.

No kitchen: = A house said to have no kitchen if the household living in it uses other rooms of the house to prepare food because it does not have room for this purpose or if the household prepares food outdoor in the field.

If a house has both modern and traditional kitchens code 2 will be circled in column 53 as having modern kitchen. After confirming that the house has a kitchen the correct type will be identified and circled from the list given below and entered in column 53 card column 45.

1 = No kitchen
2 = Modern kitchen, private
3 = Modern kitchen, shared
4 = Traditional kitchen, private
5 = Traditional kitchen, shared

Modern kitchen: -

A kitchen with at least pipe water and sink and also having a stove to prepare food with one or more source of fuel from electric, butane, diesel, or fire wood or coal,-, etc. is said to be modern kitchen.

Traditional kitchen

A kitchen with no pipe water and sink where wood, coal, leaves, etc. are used as source of fuel for cooking is said to be traditional kitchen.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_KITCHENR — Type of kitchen (rural households)
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Section V: Detailed information on housing unit
[This version of Section V was asked for rural households.]

47. What type of kitchen does the housing unit have?

[] 1 Has a room mainly used as a kitchen
[] 2 Uses as a kitchen a room where members spend the night
[] 3 Uses as a kitchen a room where livestock spend the night
[] 4 Has no kitchen
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Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
5. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
6. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
7. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
8. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Column 47: Does the housing unit have a separate kitchen?

A housing unit is said to have a kitchen if it has a room primarily built to serve as a kitchen. Even though such a room at the same time serves men and animals to spend the night as long as it is primarily built to serve as a kitchen and is mostly used as a kitchen, the housing unit shall be considered as having a kitchen. However, if the housing unit has only one room that serves the household members to live in and at the sometime to cook their food, then the housing unit is considered as not having a kitchen. In order to assess the health impact of sharing the same
Pg 89
room for living and cooking purposes, the enumerator should given emphasis as to where the kitchen is situated.

The enumerator is, thus, required to circle the correct code among the given choices and enter the code in the given card column.

1 = Has a room mainly used as a kitchen
2 = Uses a kitchen as a room where members spend the night
3 = Uses a kitchen as a room where livestock spend the night
4 = Has no kitchen

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_KITCHENU — Type of kitchen (urban households)
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Section V: Detailed information on housing unit
[This version of Section V was asked for urban households.]

53. What type of kitchen does the housing unit have?

[] 1 No kitchen
[] 2 Modern kitchen private
[] 3 Modern kitchen shared
[] 4 Traditional kitchen private
[] 5 Traditional kitchen shared
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Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
5. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
6. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
7. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
8. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Chapter Four
Instructions for Filling the Population and Housing Census Questionnaires in Urban Areas

Two types of census questionnaires are prepared for urban areas: short and long questionnaires. The long questionnaire will be filled in for the selected sample households, for all hotels/hostels and for other collective quarters' inmates. It should be noticed again that the short questionnaire is to be filled in for the rest households (for unselected households). The instruction given below is to fill in the long questionnaire and this instruction is again used to the short questionnaire because questions included in the short questionnaire are parts and parcels of the long questionnaire. The questionnaire is filled in for residents of housing units coded as code 1, 2, 3 or 4 is entered in column 11. Note that, only short questionnaire will be administered for homeless peoples.

Section 4: Detail Information on Housing Units
General Instruction

In this section information on urban housing units are collected.
The enumerator should closely consider the following points before collecting data about housing units.

1. Information on the housing units is collected if and only if the housing unit is used for residential purpose, be it for residence only or for residence and enterprise purposes on the date of enumeration.
2. If the housing unit is used only for enterprise purpose at the time of the census the information will not be collected.
3. In this section, all possible answers are coded and first circle the right code of the answer and then enter the code in the given card column.
4. If there is a radio and television in the housing unit we record it but if it is out of order the household does not have the intention to maintain it again we consider as there is no radio or television in the housing unit.
5. While collecting information regarding the materials with which the wall, roof, ceiling and floor are made, the enumerator should also include his own observation to improve the quality of the data.
6. The enumerator is supposed to have a good understanding of the definitions of terms such as room, ceiling, protected well/spring, etc. and he should explain to the respondent, on such terms so that the can get the correct answer to the questions.
7. If there more than 10 members in the household and forced to use an additional questionnaire, the housing unit information is collected on the last page of the questionnaire and make "-" on housing section of the other questionnaires.
8. If two or more households are found in a single housing unit, information about the housing unit is collected only once. In other words if two households are found in one housing unit, information regarding the housing unit is collected by asking one of the households only. However, the housing unit will be considered as having a certain amenity, if one of the household reports them.
9. For collective quarters, for hotel/hostel residents housing data will not be collected. To indicate that housing information will not be collected, make "-" in the all columns. The enumerator should however, remember that housing information will be collected for the regular households residing in collective quarters, hotel/hostel, etc.
Column 53: What type of kitchen does the housing unit have?

A housing unit is said to have a kitchen if it has a room primarily built to serve as a kitchen. Even though such a room at the same time serves men and animals to spend the night as long as it is primarily built to serve as a kitchen and is mostly used as a kitchen, the housing unit shall be considered as having a kitchen. However, if the housing unit has only one room that serves the household members to live in and at the sometime to cook their food, then the housing unit is considered as not having a kitchen. In order to assess the health impact of sharing the same room for living and cooking purposes, the enumerator should given emphasis as to where the kitchen is situated.

In Ethiopia, especially in urban areas, we can find both traditional and modern kitchens. Thus, the enumerator should have a clear understanding of the distinctions between the two, as given below, so as to circle and enter the correct code of the given answer.

Private kitchen:

A kitchen is said to be private if it serves one or more households residing in the housing unit.
Pg 113

Shared kitchen:

A kitchen is said to be shared if it is shared with households residing in another housing unit.
Modern kitchen:
A kitchen is said to be modern if it at least has a pipe water and a sink and in addition if it has one or more of the following items for cooking; electric stove, butane stove, modern wood/charcoal stove, etc.
Traditional kitchen:

A kitchen is said to be traditional if it has an open or closed stove with/ without a climery and wood, cow dung, charcoal, leaves,...etc. are used as cooking energy. A traditional kitchen does not have piped water and a sink.

The enumerator is, thus, required to circle the correct code among the given alternatives taking the above points into consideration.

1 = No kitchen
2 = Modern kitchen, private
3 = Modern kitchen, shared
4 = Traditional kitchen, private
5 = Traditional kitchen, shared

Ethiopia 2007 — source variable ET2007A_KITCHEN — Type of kitchen
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Section 5: Information on housing unit

8. What type of kitchen does the housing unit have?

[] 1 No kitchen
[] 2 A room used for traditional kitchen inside the housing unit
[] 3 A room used for traditional kitchen outside the housing unit
[] 4 A room used for modern kitchen inside the housing unit
[] 5 A room used for modern kitchen outside the housing unit
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Question 8:- What type of kitchen does the housing unit have?

A housing unit is said to have a kitchen if it has a room primarily built to serve as a kitchen. Even though such a room at the same time serves men and animals to spend the night as long as it is primarily built to serve as a kitchen and is mostly used as a kitchen, the housing unit shall be considered as having a kitchen. However, if the housing unit has only one room that serves the household members to live in and at the sometime to cook their food, then the housing unit is considered as not having a kitchen. In order to assess the health impact of sharing the same room for living and cooking purposes, the enumerator should given emphasis as to where the kitchen is situated.

In Ethiopia, especially in urban areas, we can find both traditional and modern kitchens. Thus, the enumerator should have a clear understanding of the distinctions between the two, as given below, so as to mark the correct code of the given answer.

Private kitchen:- A kitchen is said to be private if it serves one or more households residing in the housing unit.

Shared kitchen:- A kitchen is said to be shared if it is shared with households residing in another housing unit.

Modern kitchen:- A kitchen is said to be modern if it at least has a pipe water and a sink and in addition if it has one or more of the following items for cooking; electric stove, butane stove, modern wood/charcoal stove,...etc.

Traditional kitchen:- A kitchen is said to be traditional if it has an open or closed stove with/ without a climery and wood, cow dung, charcoal, leaves,...etc. are used as cooking energy. A traditional kitchen does not have a pipe water and a sink.

The enumerator is, thus, required to mark the correct code among the given alternatives taking the above points into consideration.

1 = No kitchen
2 = A room used for traditional kitchen inside the housing unit
3 = A room used for traditional kitchen outside the housing unit
4 = A room used for modern kitchen inside the housing unit
5 = A room used for traditional kitchen outside the housing unit

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_KITCHEN — Type of cooking facilities
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1. Do you have a kitchen?
[] Yes
What is the surface area?
[] 1 less than 7 squared meters
[] 2 from 7 to 12 squared meters
[] 3 more than 12 squared meters
[] No
However, do you have an installation in your dwelling for preparing food?
[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No
Do not answer "yes" except if this installation consists of a sink allowing water to drain

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3.1 Questions 1 and 3: Characteristics and existence of the kitchen, number of rooms.
The same room should never be counted at the same time in response to question 1 and in the answer to question 3. It should be counted in question 1 if it is considered a kitchen (answer Yes to question 1), and to question 3 if it is considered as a room in a dwelling.
In some dwellings, there is no separation (or there is a removable partition) between the two "rooms", (for example the dining room and the living room). In such a case, you will count it as two rooms if there is a partition and one single room if there is no partition.
The case of the dwelling consisting of one single room
It in the country that you may often encounter some regular dwellings (dwelling category 1) made up of one single room serving as a shared room, with some kitchen facilities (sink, stove, etc.). In the city, it is frequent to find some places (furnished bedrooms, for example) made up of a single room (dwelling category 1, 2 or 3).
In all these cases, you will answer 1 for question 3 (number of rooms in the dwelling) and you will check box NO (no kitchen) for question 1 ("Do you have a kitchen?").
In the case of the furnished bedroom where someone has installed a simple portable stove and where there is no sink, you will complete the answer question 6 by checking the numbered box 6 (No) and not box numbered 5.
According to the rules above, for all dwellings consisting of at least one room for living you should never have a blank response to question 3.

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_KITCHEN — Characteristics of kitchen
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4.3.1 Questions 1 to 3.
Taking a census of the rooms
- The same room should never be counted at the same time in response to question 1, in the answer to question 2 and in the answer to question 3. It should be counted only:
- in question 1 if it is considered a kitchen (answer YES to question 1);
- in question 2 if it is considered as a room exclusively for professional use ;
- in question 3 if it is considered as a room in a dwelling.
Separated rooms
In some dwellings, there is no separation (or there is a removable partition) between the two "rooms", for example the dining room and the living room. In such a case, you will count:
- two rooms if there is a partition
- one room if there is no partition
Dwelling not consisting of one single room
It in the country, you may often encounter some regular dwellings (dwelling category 1) made up of one single room serving as a shared room, with some kitchen facilities (sink, stove, etc.). In the city, it is frequent to find some places (furnished bedrooms, for example) made up of a single room (dwelling category 2 or 3).
In all these cases, you will answer 1 for question 3 (number of rooms in the dwelling) and you will check box No (no kitchen) for question 1 ("Do you have a kitchen?").
In the case of the furnished bedroom where someone has installed a simple portable stove and where there is no sink, you will complete the answer to question 1 by checking the numbered box 6 (No) and not box numbered 5.
According to the rules above, for all dwellings consisting of at least one room for living:
You should never have a blank response to question 3.

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_KITCHEN — Existence and type of kitchen
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1 Do you have a kitchen?
___ Yes - What is its surface area?
[] 1 Less than 7 square meters
[] 2 From 7 to 12 square meters
[] 3 More than 12 square meters
___ No - However, do you have an installation for preparing food in your dwelling?
[] 5 Yes
[] 6 No
Do not answer "yes" except if this installation consists of a sink with a drain.

Germany 1971 — source variable DE1971A_KITCHAR — Dwelling has kitchen(ette)
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C. Information on kitchens
For each of the following, length, width and floor space in meters and square meters, respectively, are to be entered in free text fields and the sum of all floor spaces to be calculated.


____ Length in meters
____ Width in meters
____ Floor space in square meters

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C. Information on kitchens
[For each of the following, length, width and floor space in meters and square meters respectively are to be entered in free text fields and the sum of all floor spaces to be calculated]

________ Kitchen
________ Kitchenette
________ Others

To section C: Information on kitchens

The floor space of a kitchen which is used by several households is to be entered only once.
Should there be more than one kitchen/kitchenette in the dwelling, then each should be listed in a separate row.
A kitchen used also for eating or sleeping is to be treated as a kitchen (section C) not as a room (section D). On the other hand a room with a temporary cooking facility should be treated as a room and not as a kitchen.
A kitchenette is a separate room accessible from another room or hall way or part of a room but constructional separated.
A temporary cooking facility is not a kitchenette.

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_KITSIZE — Size of kitchen
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Directions for filling out the housing list

Section B: Information on the rooms of the residence
Living rooms are rooms that are intended for living purposes. Included are living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, studies and nurseries.

A kitchen, where meals are taken or where a sleeping accommodation is present, is not considered a living room. It should be entered under "kitchen/kitchenette."

Adjoining rooms outside the residence, for example, attics and basement rooms, are not recorded with the census and for that reasons are also not included in the determination of the area.

Regarding the determination of the area in section B
Determine the area of every room in square meters. Do not estimate the area, rather measure the length and width of every room.

Example calculation: length X width = area
5.5m X 4.2m = 23.1 meters squared.

For rooms whose layout deviates from a square or rectangle (e.g. living room with bay), only the area should be entered.

If a room has slanted walls or ceilings (e.g. in a penthouse), then of the entire area of the room, only that area over which the room height amounts to at least 1.8 meters should be stated.

The area of a kitchen or kitchenette that is shared by two or more households in the residence should only be stated once. The same goes for other shared rooms in the residence.

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Data on dwelling

Subtenants are not required to answer any further questions in the dwelling questionnaire
[Questions 2-10 were optional for subtenant occupants]

4. Are there inside the dwelling:

Several answers are possible

[] Kitchen
[] Kitchenette
[] Bath/shower
[] WC

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_KITCHNET — Kitchenette
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Data on dwelling

Subtenants are not required to answer any further questions in the dwelling questionnaire
[Questions 2-10 were optional for subtenant occupants]

4. Are there inside the dwelling:

Several answers are possible

[] Kitchen
[] Kitchenette
[] Bath/shower
[] WC

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_KITCH — Cooking space (kitchen)
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H12 Cooking space (kitchen)
What type of cooking space does your household have?
[] 1 No cooking space
[] 2 Separate room for exclusive use of household
[] 3 Separate room shared with other household(s)
[] 4 Enclosure without roof
[] 5 Structure with roof but without walls
[] 6 Bedroom/hall (living room)
[] 7 Verandah
[] 8 Open space in compound
[] 9 Other (specify) ________

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H12. Cooking space (kitchen): What type of cooking space does your household have?

This question seeks to obtain information on whether the living quarters has a kitchen (separate room equipped for the preparation of the principal meals and intended primarily for that purpose), or whether some other space is set aside for cooking, or whether there is no special place set aside for cooking.

The categories for cooking space include the following:-

1. No Cooking: Where no cooking occurs in the household

2. Separate room for exclusive use of household: Room in this case excludes temporary structures or sheds which may be used for cooking in the courtyard. To be regarded as a kitchen the room used must be enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering and it must be equipped for the cooking of the principal meals of the household and intended primarily for that purpose. Category 02 refers to a kitchen used exclusively by the household being enumerated.

3. Separate room shared with other household(s): Where the kitchen is being used by more than one household.

4. Enclosure without roof: Where the cooking space has walls but without any roof.

5. Structure with roof but without walls: Where the cooking space is a structure with roof but without walls (e.g. shed) in the house/compound.

6. Bedroom/hall (living room):Where the cooking space is co-terminus with the bedroom or living room. (i.e. preparation of principal meals for the household occurs in the bedroom/living room).

7. Veranda: Preparation of the principal meals occurs on the veranda.

8. Open space in compound: Open space in compound without any roof or wall used for cooking meals.

9. Other (specify): All other types of space used for cooking not mentioned above must be specified in the space provided.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_COOKSPAC — Cooking space
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[H08- H12 and H13a were asked of all non-vacant households.]

H11: Cooking space (kitchen)
What type of cooking space does this household use?

[] 1 No cooking
[] 2 Separate room for exclusive use of household
[] 3 Separate room shared with other household(s)
[] 4 Enclosure without roof
[] 5 Structure with roof but without walls
[] 6 Bedroom/hall/living room
[] 7 Veranda
[] 8 Open space in compound
[] 9 Other (specify) ____
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H11. Cooking space (kitchen): What type of cooking space does your household have?

This question seeks to obtain information on whether the living quarters has a kitchen (separate room equipped for the preparation of the principal meals and intended primarily for that purpose), some other space set aside for cooking, or no special place set aside for cooking.

The categories for cooking space are the following:-

1. No cooking - In this category no cooking takes place in the household.

2. Separate room for exclusive use of household - Room in this case excludes temporary structures or sheds which may be used for cooking in the courtyard. To be regarded as a kitchen the room used must be enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering and it must be equipped for the cooking of the principal meals of the household and intended primarily for that purpose. This category refers to a kitchen used exclusively by the household being enumerated.

3. Separate room shared with other household(s) - In this category the kitchen is used by more than one household.

4. Enclosure without roof - In this category, the cooking space has walls but no roof.

5. Structure with roof but without walls - The cooking space in this case is a structure with roof but without walls (e.g. shed) in the house/compound.

6. Bedroom / hall (living room) - This type of cooking space is co-terminus with the bedroom or living room (i.e. preparation of principal meals for the household is carried out in the bedroom/living room).

7. Verandah - Preparation of the principal meals takes place on the verandah of the dwelling.

8. Open space in compound - In this category an open space in compound of the dwelling without any roof or wall is used for cooking meals.

9. Other (specify) - All other types of space used for cooking not mentioned above must be specified in the space provided.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_KITCH — Kitchen
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If it is a regular dwelling, ask all the following questions. If not, go to question 10.

3. Is there a separate room intended for cooking (kitchen)?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

3a) If yes, does it meet the requirements of a regular room?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

3b) If no, are there any cooking facilities?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Questions 2-9 should not be completed for irregular dwellings.

55. Question 3, Kitchen

[Omitted, question 3 is repeated]

Kitchen is a separate space, equipped and intended, since its construction or renovation, to be used for preparing the household's meals.

[p. 24]

This space must be used for the aforementioned purpose, regardless of whether it is used for other purposes as well (i.e., dining, sleeping, etc.).

The space should be considered equipped for meal preparation if there is an appliance permanently installed for this purpose (i.e., fireplace, electric or gas stove).

If a kitchen meeting the above description exists, record an answer about whether the kitchen meets the requirements laid down for a regular room.

Mark response 3b if there is no kitchen available in the dwelling.

Even if the permanently-installed facilities for cooking (e.g., gas) occupy part of a space or room intended and mainly used for other purposes, count this as a kitchen,
so long as the space is roofed, even if it is in the courtyard.

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_KITCH — Kitchen
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Amenities of regular dwelling.

3. Kitchen: Is there a kitchen?
[] Yes

Does it meet the requirements of a regular room?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 No kitchen available [3]

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77. Question 3, Kitchen
[Omitted, question 3 is repeated]

Kitchen is a separate space, equipped and intended from its construction or renovation to serve for the preparation of the household's meals.

This space must be used for the before mentioned purposes regardless of whether or not is used for other purposes as well, i.e. dining, sleeping etc.

[p. 30]

The space will be considered as equipped if there is a permanent installation for the preparation of meals like a fireplace, electricity, gas.

If, there is a kitchen as described above, an answer on whether it meets the requirements of a regular room must be recorded.

Case 3 will be recorded if there is no kitchen available in the dwelling.

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_KITCH — Kitchen
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Amenities of regular dwelling

4. Kitchen

[] 1 Yes
Does it meet the requirements for a regular room (i.e., Are the dimensions at least 4 square meters? Are the walls at least 2 meters high? Is there room for a bed?)
[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

[] 2 No

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_KITCH — Kitchen
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(Questions 2 to 13 in Part A are to be completed only if the answer to question 1 is 1 or 2.)


a) Kitchen
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

b) if yes, does it meet the requirements of a regular room, even if separated only by a service hatch?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 6: Indicate whether the dwelling has a kitchen and whether it meets the requirements of a regular room (i.e., Is its area at least 4 square meters? Are the walls at least 2 meters high? Is there space for one bed?). If the kitchen area is part of the living room, the dwelling is classified as having a kitchen, but question 6b should be answered 2 (No).

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Amenities of conventional dwelling or other living quarters
[Questions 5 through 12 were asked of all households]

7. Is there a kitchen?

[] 1 More than 4 meters squared
[] 2 Less than 4 meters squared
[] 3 There is no kitchen
[] 4 Cooking facilities in another area
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Question 7 "Kitchen"
[Omitted, question 7 as in the form]
In this question, there is only one answer recorded with an X.
Kitchen is a room (or a part of a room) designed and equipped with the necessaries for the preparation of the main meals and serves this purpose regardless of whether or not it is used for other purposes as well, such as e.g. dining, sleeping etc.
The space is considered as equipped if there is a permanent installation for the preparation of meals.
If in the dwelling there is a kitchen with the requirements of a regular room (i.e. area of 4 , 2m high and there is room for a bed) case 1 of question 7 is to be recorded and case 2 in the case that it does not meet the requirements of a regular room.
Furthermore, in cases 1 and 2 (if the kitchen is of area larger or smaller from 4 ) an answer is required for dwellings with kitchens in the drawing room whether they are separated with a pass or not.
In case 3 of question 7, an answer is required when the dwelling does not provide cooking facilities. In the case where cooking facilities are provided in the only regular room of the dwelling or in another space inside the dwelling that does not meet the requirements of a regular room (e.g. hall) or outside the dwelling, case 4 of question 7 is to be recorded.
[pp. 14-17]

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_KITCHEN — Room used exclusively for cooking
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III. Living situation of household number

5. Kitchen

Does the household have a room designated solely for cooking?

[] 1 For exclusive use by the household
[] 2 For the use of various households
[] 3 Doesn't have
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III. Living situation of household number

The questions included in this part of the form should be investigated for each of the households that are residing in the dwelling at the time of the Census.

The following specific instructions will allow the enumerator to carry out the work more efficiently.

Question 5: kitchen

The following definition will allow the enumerator to correctly carry out the investigation of this question:

Kitchen: the room equipped for the preparation of principal meals that is used exclusively for this purpose.

1. How to formulate the question

Does the household have a room meant only for cooking?

2. How to record the data

If the answer is affirmative, the enumerator will ask if the kitchen is for the household's exclusive use or if multiple households use it. According to the answer given, one of the alternatives will be circled.

If the household does not have a kitchen available, number "3. Does not have" is circled.

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 5 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_KITCHEN — Room for cooking
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III. Inhabited condition of the household

5. Total number of rooms

c. Does the household have a room used exclusively for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Chapter IV. Habitation situation of the household

[Questions 7 to 13 are asked of all dwellings]

9. Does the dwelling have a room used exclusively for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Section 4: Household housing status

The information you record in this section is for each household in a dwelling.

9. Kitchen
Ask, "Does the household have a room used only for preparing meals?"

[A graphic of question 9, from section 4 of the census form, is included here.]

Kitchen: This is a room equipped for preparing main meals and intended only for this purpose.

10. Cooking equipment
Ask this question regardless of whether or not the household has a room used only for cooking food.

Ask, "What means does the household normally use to cook food?"

[p. 47]

[A graphic of question 10, from section 4 of the census form, is included here.]

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Chapter II Dwelling Information

6. Rooms in the dwelling

a) How many total rooms does this dwelling have?
____ (not counting the bathroom)
b) How many [rooms] are used as bedrooms?
c) Is there a separate room for the kitchen?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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6. Rooms in the dwelling
A room is a space in the dwelling, closed in by fixed walls, which rises from the floor to the roof, or to a height of at least two (2) meters from the floor.

a) How many rooms in total does the dwelling have?
Hallways, vestibules, and bathrooms are not counted as rooms. Then, write down the number of rooms told by the informant.

[There is a graphic illustrating the rooms in a dwelling]

b) How many rooms are used as bedrooms?
A bedroom is a room that is principally used for sleeping.

[There is a graphic illustrating the bedrooms in a dwelling]

c) Is there a room used only for cooking?
A kitchen is the room meant for food preparation.

[There is a graphic illustrating a kitchen in a dwelling]

Reminder: It is possible that, in the country, the kitchen is located separately from the rest of the dwelling. For the purposes of the census, this is considered to be an integral part of the dwelling.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_KITCHEN — Kitchen in the household
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Section C. Household information

Rooms in the house

2. Does this household have a room for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Continue to question 4)
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Section C. Data about the household

Question 2: Does this household have a room for cooking?
Mark the box according to the answer that the informant gives, considering that the kitchen is the room designated for preparing foods.

If you mark the box 'yes' continue with the following question, if not, pass to question 4. The room does not necessarily need to be only for cooking; for example, currently the construction of some dwellings includes the kitchen and dining room in the same room.

[p. 39]

If in the dwelling there is more than one household and both use the same room for cooking, each of these households can declare that they have a room for cooking.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_KITCHEX — Kitchen used only by this household
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Section C. Household information

Rooms in the house

3. Is the room that is used for cooking only used by this household?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Section C. Data about the household

Question 3: Is the room for cooking used only by this household?
Mark the box that corresponds to the answer that the informant provides and continue with the following question.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_KITCH — Number of kitchens
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B. Number of Rooms
[Question 1-12]

1. ____Rooms, 12 square-meter and larger

2. ____Semi-rooms, smaller than 12 square-meters, but at least 4 square-meter

3. ____Kitchens, 4 square-meter and larger

4. ____Kitchenettes, smaller than 4 square-meters

5. ____Larders

6. ____Bathrooms

7. ____Wash-basin alcoves, shower-rooms

8. ____Vestibules

9. ____Other rooms, cellars, garrets, summer kitchens and rooms for farming purpose excluded

10. ____Total

11. ____Summer kitchens

12. ____Of the rooms number of those having a floor of beaten earth

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Filling in the tables "b) Number of rooms"


Premises used for sleeping or daily stay, having natural lighting and at least 4 sq. meters total surface (living room, bedchamber, children's room, dining room) are regarded as a room.

Alcove (roomette):
The hatchway adjoining a room without door (alcove) must not be enumerated as a separate room.

Vestibules having a natural light and at least 4 sq. meters total surface shall be regarded as a room. All the other vestibules (meaning no natural lighting or having less than 4 sq. meters will be marked in line 9 as "other premises"'.

1. Room
In the first row only the rooms having more than 12 sq. meters should enumerated.

2. Half-room
Half-room has a total surface between 4 -- 12 sq. meters .


The kitchen is a room having at least 4 sq. meters and having been built and used for cooking.

The space adjoining the kitchen -- generally without a door -- will be regarded as a separate room.

A kitchen should be recorded only once even if it is used by occupants of two dwellings.
4. Kitchenette
Kitchenette is a space having less than 4 sq. meters used for cooking.

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_KITCH — Number of kitchens
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[Questions 5-11]

7. Cooking place

Kitchen (4 m2 and larger) ____
Kitchenette (smaller then 4 m2) ____

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6. Room

Rooms should be entered in descending order of the floor-space (e.g. 20, 16, 8 m2).

If the dwelling has more than six rooms the further rooms and their floor-space will be written into the box "Comments of the enumerator" (e.g. 6/14, 7/10), than the sum of the 6+ rooms (in our case 24 m2) will be entered into the heading "6th and more".

The roomette, dining corner must not be entered as a separate premises though their floor-space will be added to the adjoining room.

The premises of at least 4 m2 floor-space, having natural lighting and ventilation will be regarded as separate room.

Only the half of the total floor-space of the rooms in the attic should be taken into account. Furthermore these rooms will be regarded as rooms provided the half of their total surface exceeds 4m2.

7. Cooking room (summer kitchen)

In cases where there is no kitchen in the dwelling but a separate or attached, so called summer kitchen is used for cooking or eventually for dining, this, depending on its floor-space, will be enumerated as kitchen or kitchenette.

Provided its characteristics suits the concept of a room the premises originally built for using as a kitchen will be enumerated as a room.

In cases where there is a kitchen for regular use and also a summer kitchen is used seasonally, the latter will be enumerated as "other premises". The classification will be the same even if the summer kitchen is used by a subtenant not only for cooking but also for habitation.

Kitchen used by occupants of several dwellings will be enumerated only once.

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_ROOMKIT — Number of kitchens (including kitchenettes and summer kitchens)
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10. [Number of rooms]

Please enter the number of the following places.

____ Rooms over 12 square meters
____ Rooms over 6 square meters, but maximum 12 square meters
____ Rooms 4-6 square meters
____ Kitchen (4 square meters and larger)
____ Kitchenette, cupboard for cooking (under 4 square meters)
____ Summer kitchen
____ Bathroom, shower-room, wash-basin alcove

Question 10.

A room must have at least an area of 4m2, be supplied with door and window and be used as a room (e.g. living-room, bedroom, child-room). Halls and dinning-rooms supplied with window, as well as consulting rooms, reception rooms and offices should also be considered as rooms. When finding out the floor-space of a room or of a kitchen, the areas of built-in wardrobes and places attaching to the main one without doors (e. g. alcove, dining place) must be added to the area of the given room. If the dwelling consists of one room only, then that room has to be appropriately categorized by size.
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10. Number of premises

Only premises provided with direct natural light and ventilation (with doors, windows), with a floor space of at least 4 m2, serving for sleeping or staying during the day (bedroom, children's room, dining-room etc.) should be marked as rooms. The hall and the eating-place having also a window, as well as the premises of room-like character used as consultation rooms, waiting rooms, offices etc. also figure among the rooms.

While counting the total surface of dwelling the floor-space covered by the built-in furniture and the premises adjoining without a door (alcove, dining area) has to be taken into account too.
The premises built and used as a bathroom is regarded as a bathroom even if there is no running water in the dwelling.

In case of one-premises dwelling the total surface should be marked as the surface of the room.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_KITCHS — Number of kitchenettes less than 4 square meters
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7. Number of Rooms
_ _ Over 12 square meters
_ Between 4 and 12 square meters
_ Kitchen (4 square meters or bigger)
_ Kitchenette or cupboard
_ Bathroom with bath or shower
_ Bathroom without bath or shower

7. A room is considered as a place bigger than 4 square meters with door and window, and used for daily residence or sleeping. Consulting rooms, offices, workshops, etc., as well as a hall and a dining-room with a window are also considered as rooms. Places joining rooms through a hatch without door (e.g. alcove, dining-box) must not be considered as a separate room, it should be counted in together with a room or kitchen instead.

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Question 7: Number of rooms

The total number of the premises -- in cases of rooms, kitchens, kitchenettes taking into account their total floor-space too -- of the dwelling (holiday house, other housing unit) should be marked in the printed boxes. While defining the total floor-space of the premises also the floor-space occupied by the built-in furniture and the adjoining parts of the dwelling -- like alcove, cubicle, and dining area -- should be taken into account. The common spaces serving different functions (e.g. cooking area and living room in common space) should be divided by the designations and should be enumerated as separate premises. In cases mansard premises, only the floor-space of the parts less than 1, 90 cm high should not be counted into the total.

Rooms are premises provided with direct natural light and ventilation (with doors, windows), with a floor space of at least 4 square meters, serving for sleeping or staying during the day (bedroom, children's room, dining-room etc.). The hall and the eating-place having also a window, as well as the premises of room-like character used as consultation rooms, waiting rooms, offices etc. also figure among the rooms.

Kitchens are spaces established and used for cooking (maybe, also for eating), of a floor space of at least 4 square meters, in general provided with direct, natural light and ventilation (with window, door). When assigning the rooms and premises for cooking by floor space, the floor space of the adjoining alcove or eating place was included into that of the respective room or kitchen.

Kitchenettes are premises of a floor space under 4 square meters, built and used for cooking. (To this group belong also tea-kitchenettes and cooking cupboards.).

If the dwelling itself does not have a kitchen or kitchenette but there is a summer kitchen which is used by the inhabitants of the main building as a kitchen it should be regarded as a kitchen. If the separate building where the kitchen was has several premises only the one used as a kitchen must be taken into account.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_KITCHEN1 — Kitchen (4 square meters or larger)
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Dwelling questionnaire

I. Dwelling data

[Questions 2 through 23 were asked of all occupied private households, seasonal and non-residential housing unit]

7.3 Kitchen (4 square meters or larger)

[] Yes
[] No
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I. Dwelling data

7. Is there a room, a kitchen etc. in the dwelling?
Rooms and kitchens must be enumerated with their size also taken into account. Premises of common airspace with more functions (e.g. living room and cooking room together) must be divided by function. Attics (mansards) must be enumerated only if the headroom is 1.9 m2 or higher. Gallery is not considered an individual room.

In questions 7.1.- 7.7 do not forget to mark "no" in case the given premise is not available in the dwelling.

7.1., 7.2. Rooms are premises provided with direct natural light used as living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms etc. They must be taken into account by their size.

7.3., 7.4. Kitchens are premises established and used for cooking (or eating). Kitchenettes and kitchen cabinets are included. In case the dwelling does not have a kitchen but has a summer kitchen that is used for cooking by the household living in the main building then it must be counted according to the size.

Premises of common airspace with more functions had been enumerated based on the purpose of use, and classified in the appropriate category of premises.

7.5. Bathroom (shower-stall, wash-basin alcove) is a premise used for washing in the dwelling. Bathrooms generally are equipped with water supply system, sewage disposal system and bathing (washing) facilities.

7.6. The total number of flush toilets must be marked irrespective of whether they are in a separate room or e.g. in the bathroom. Flush toilets belonging to the dwelling and used exclusively by the occupants must not be counted if they are not in the dwelling.

7.7. Other room e.g. lobby, corridor, pantry. In case you answered other to question 2 and the housing unit contains more premises, then each premise must be counted according to its function. However if it consists of one function, only then the premise must be counted as a room of the given size.

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_KITCHEN2 — Kitchen (under 4 square meters)
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Dwelling questionnaire

I. Dwelling data

[Questions 2 through 23 were asked of all occupied private households, seasonal and non-residential housing unit]

7.4 Kitchen (under 4 square meters)

[] Yes
[] No
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I. Dwelling data

7. Is there a room, a kitchen etc. in the dwelling?
Rooms and kitchens must be enumerated with their size also taken into account. Premises of common airspace with more functions (e.g. living room and cooking room together) must be divided by function. Attics (mansards) must be enumerated only if the headroom is 1.9 m2 or higher. Gallery is not considered an individual room.

In questions 7.1.- 7.7 do not forget to mark "no" in case the given premise is not available in the dwelling.

7.1., 7.2. Rooms are premises provided with direct natural light used as living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms etc. They must be taken into account by their size.

7.3., 7.4. Kitchens are premises established and used for cooking (or eating). Kitchenettes and kitchen cabinets are included. In case the dwelling does not have a kitchen but has a summer kitchen that is used for cooking by the household living in the main building then it must be counted according to the size.

Premises of common airspace with more functions had been enumerated based on the purpose of use, and classified in the appropriate category of premises.

7.5. Bathroom (shower-stall, wash-basin alcove) is a premise used for washing in the dwelling. Bathrooms generally are equipped with water supply system, sewage disposal system and bathing (washing) facilities.

7.6. The total number of flush toilets must be marked irrespective of whether they are in a separate room or e.g. in the bathroom. Flush toilets belonging to the dwelling and used exclusively by the occupants must not be counted if they are not in the dwelling.

7.7. Other room e.g. lobby, corridor, pantry. In case you answered other to question 2 and the housing unit contains more premises, then each premise must be counted according to its function. However if it consists of one function, only then the premise must be counted as a room of the given size.

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Questions 45-55 should be filled out for households residing in Conventional residential unit (number 1 in Question 44)

47. Facilities and utilities:

7. Kitchen

Does it exist in the housing unit?

[] Yes
[] No

Is it in use?

[] Yes
[] No

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30. General explanation about questions 41 through 56
Fill question 41 only for normal settled households and leave it blank for other households. But fill questions 42 to 55 also for collective households in addition to normal settled ones.
Note: For those normal settled and collective households for which you filled more than one sheet of questionnaire, fill these questions along with question 56 only on the first sheet and leave them blank on other sheets.

35. General explanation about Questions 45 through 55
Fill these questions only for those households who live in a conventional residential unit (box 1 question 44) and leave it blank for households living in other types of units.

38. Facilities and utilities, Question 47
Different types of facilities and utilities are mentioned in this question. First, ask about the existence of these facilities and utilities in the housing unit and mark either box 1 or 2 in section A. Then, ask about each facility and utility available in the unit (box 1 in section A) separately and whether the household takes advantage of it or not. If yes, mark 1 in section B, otherwise mark 2. For those facilities and utilities not available in the housing unit (box 2 in section A), leave section B blank. Note the following in order to fill this question:

- For electricity, private generators in units are not what is meant, but the electricity available to everyone is.
- For piped water, the important aspect is for the unit to have a pipeline and for the water in the pipeline to be connected to the public water network.
- For piped gas, the important aspect is for the unit to have a pipeline and for the gas in the pipeline to be connected to the public gas network.
- A central heating system, which also includes a package, is a system in which heat is produced in one defined part and is transferred from that point to the entire housing unit.
- A central air conditioning system is a system in which heat or cold air is produced in a specific part and then transferred to the entire housing unit.

Note: for electricity, central heating system, central air conditioning system and bathroom, the point is only to ask for the existence of it.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_KITCH — Kitchen
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[The following instructions apply to questions 16 to 26]
Fill for each household living alone in the residential unit, if occupied by more than one household, only one of the households should respond.

22. Is there any kitchen?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Is in the residential unit:

22. Kitchen:
If there is a kitchen in the residential unit it is indicated by the sign (x) is put in the square to the word (yes) and if there is no kitchen the sign is put in the square opposite to the word (no).

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_KITCH — Kitchen
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3. Is there a kitchen? (not including a cooking corner)
[] 1. Kitchen
[] 2. No kitchen

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_KITCHR — Number of kitchens
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2.3 Indicate if the dwelling has (answer all three questions)
a) A kitchen (with room characteristics) - a room designed and equipped to prepare meals that has the characteristics of a room

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2 or more

b) Kitchenette - a room designed and equipped to prepare meals that does not have the characteristics of a room

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

c) Kitchen corner in a room with multiple functions a space designed and equipped to prepare meals inserted in a room with multiple functions (living room, sitting room, etc.)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 2.3
If the dwelling, or room with an independent entrance, does not have any type of kitchen facilities then answer questions a), b), and c) by indicating "0" (zero) or "No." Point c) asks whether the house has a kitchen corner, obviously this will have been already counted as part of the rooms under question 2.1.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_KITCHET — Kitchenette
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2.3 Indicate if the dwelling has (answer all three questions)
a) A kitchen (with room characteristics) - a room designed and equipped to prepare meals that has the characteristics of a room

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2 or more

b) Kitchenette - a room designed and equipped to prepare meals that does not have the characteristics of a room

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

c) Kitchen corner in a room with multiple functions a space designed and equipped to prepare meals inserted in a room with multiple functions (living room, sitting room, etc.)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 2.3
If the dwelling, or room with an independent entrance, does not have any type of kitchen facilities then answer questions a), b), and c) by indicating "0" (zero) or "No." Point c) asks whether the house has a kitchen corner, obviously this will have been already counted as part of the rooms under question 2.1.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_KITCHEN1 — Full kitchen in the house
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Section I: Information about household and dwelling

2. Ownership and structure of the dwelling

2.5 Indicate whether the dwelling has the following

Multiple responses are allowed

[] 1 A full kitchen [a space that qualifies as a full room and is designed and equipped for meal preparation]
[] 2 A kitchenette [a space designed and equipped for meal preparation that does not qualify as a room]
[] 3 A kitchen corner in a multi-purpose room [a space designed and equipped for meal preparation and that forms part of a room that serves multiple functions (living room, family room, etc.)]
[] 4 No kitchen, kitchenette or kitchen corner

If more than 1 kitchen, specify how many _ _
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Section I - Information about household and dwelling

2 - Property/ownership and structure of the dwelling

Question 2.5
Multiple responses allowed for this question.

See question 2.3 for the definitions of kitchen, kitchenette and kitchen corner. If there is more than one kitchen, indicate how many. Only check box 4 if there is no kitchen, kitchenette or kitchen corner.

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_KITCHEN2 — Kitchenette in the house
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Section I: Information about household and dwelling

2. Ownership and structure of the dwelling

2.5 Indicate whether the dwelling has the following

Multiple responses are allowed

[] 1 A full kitchen [a space that qualifies as a full room and is designed and equipped for meal preparation]
[] 2 A kitchenette [a space designed and equipped for meal preparation that does not qualify as a room]
[] 3 A kitchen corner in a multi-purpose room [a space designed and equipped for meal preparation and that forms part of a room that serves multiple functions (living room, family room, etc.)]
[] 4 No kitchen, kitchenette or kitchen corner

If more than 1 kitchen, specify how many _ _
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Section I - Information about household and dwelling

2 - Property/ownership and structure of the dwelling

Question 2.5
Multiple responses allowed for this question.

See question 2.3 for the definitions of kitchen, kitchenette and kitchen corner. If there is more than one kitchen, indicate how many. Only check box 4 if there is no kitchen, kitchenette or kitchen corner.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or kitchenette
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3.5 Does this household have the use of a kitchen or kitchenette?
[] 1 Yes, for exclusive use of this household
[] 2 Yes, shared with another household
[] 3 No (go to question 3.7)
[] 9 Not stated

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5.23 Question 3.5: Availability of kitchen or kitchenette
This question seeks to establish whether or not the household has the use of a kitchen or kitchenette. Score the relevant ("Yes") category to indicate whether it is used by the household only or whether there is sharing. If none is available, check "No".

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_KITCHEN — Availability of independent kitchen in the housing unit
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126. Availability of independent kitchen in the housing unit
[Question 126 was asked of persons who lived in occupied private or collective household, per Question 116.]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 126 - the availability of an independent kitchen in the housing unit:
The enumerator asks the residents in the housing unit whether they have an independent kitchen in the housing unit; i.e. (a placed reserved independently for the kitchen). The enumerator writes the code of the answer that applies in the corresponding place.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_KITHEN — Room for kitchen not used for sleeping
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Does the dwelling have a room for cooking? (that is not also used as a bedroom)
[ ] 8 Yes
[ ] 9 No

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Bathroom, Kitchen and other Rooms

[Depiction of enumeration form; section on bathroom, kitchen and other rooms.] In all cases, the three questions should be asked and the three answers written down. In the first two, mark the answer with an X. In the last question clearly write the number of other rooms that the dwelling has.

In the cases where there is a common bathroom for the occupants of various dwelling, the bathroom should not be written into any of the questionnaires.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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5. Kitchen

Does this dwelling have a room for cooking? Mark with an X one circle only.

[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No

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Characteristics of the dwelling

The series of questions found on page two of the questionnaire will permit you to find out the principal characteristics of the dwellings: the materials that they are made out of, the number of rooms that the dwelling consists of and the use the rooms are given, the available services, ownership of the dwelling and the cooking fuel that they use.

5. Kitchen

A dwelling is considered to have a kitchen if there is a room in which they prepare the food.

[Illustration text]
As you see, our house is only one room, we sleep and cook here.
[End of illustration]

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_KITBED — Kitchen also used as a bedroom
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If the answer is yes, ask:

Do people sleep in the room for cooking? Mark with an X one circle only.

[ ] 3 Yes
[ ] 4 No

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Characteristics of the dwelling

The series of questions found on page two of the questionnaire will permit you to find out the principal characteristics of the dwellings: the materials that they are made out of, the number of rooms that the dwelling consists of and the use the rooms are given, the available services, ownership of the dwelling and the cooking fuel that they use.

5. Kitchen

A dwelling is considered to have a kitchen if there is a room in which they prepare the food.

[Illustration text]
As you see, our house is only one room, we sleep and cook here.
[End of illustration]

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_KITCH — Kitchen
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1.4 Kitchen
Does this dwelling have a room for cooking?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No. Go to 1.6

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1.4 Kitchen

This question finds out if a dwelling has a kitchen or not. For it, consider that a dwelling has a kitchen, when a room in the dwelling is used to prepare or heat [p. 66] food, whether or not the room is also used as living room, dining room, bedroom or has other uses.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

When the answer is Yes, circle code 1; if it is No, circle code 2.

Also a space delineated by three walls that limits the place meant for cooking, sheds or spaces that do not have walls and that only have a roof are registered as a kitchen.

Also, if a dwelling consists of a single room and in it food is prepared, it is considered that it has a kitchen. Because of this, if an informant responds that there is no kitchen, ask if food is prepared inside the room, and if the response is Yes, circle code 1, if contrary, circle code 2 and go to question 1.6 Rooms for sleeping.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_KITCH — Kitchen
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4. Kitchen

Does this dwelling have a room for cooking?
Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No (continue with number 5)

Do people sleep in the room for cooking?
Circle only one answer.

3 Yes
4 No

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4. Kitchen

A dwelling has a kitchen, or room for cooking, if the food is prepared or heated in this room. This is a kitchen even if this room is also used as a bedroom, living room, dining room, or has other uses.
If the informant responds that they do not have a kitchen and that their dwelling is a single room, ask if they prepare their food in that room. If they do, consider them as having a kitchen.

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a drawing of a bedroom also used as a kitchen]

When the food is prepared in a shed, under an awning, or in a space which does not have walls and only has a roof, mark that the dwelling does not have a room for cooking.

[Drawing of this type of cooking condition]

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_KITCHSLP — Sleep in kitchen
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4. Kitchen

Does this dwelling have a room for cooking?
Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No (continue with number 5)

Do people sleep in the room for cooking?
Circle only one answer.

3 Yes
4 No

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4. Kitchen

A dwelling has a kitchen, or room for cooking, if the food is prepared or heated in this room. This is a kitchen even if this room is also used as a bedroom, living room, dining room, or has other uses.
If the informant responds that they do not have a kitchen and that their dwelling is a single room, ask if they prepare their food in that room. If they do, consider them as having a kitchen.

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a drawing of a bedroom also used as a kitchen]

When the food is prepared in a shed, under an awning, or in a space which does not have walls and only has a roof, mark that the dwelling does not have a room for cooking.

[Drawing of this type of cooking condition]

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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I. Dwelling Characteristics
[Questions 1-19 were not asked of mobile dwellings, shelter and premises not intended for habitation]

4. Kitchen
Does this dwelling have a kitchen?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No

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6.3 Section I. Housing characteristics

In this section, instructions will be presented for the questions that investigate the characteristics of the private inhabited dwellings.

If the class of the private inhabited dwellings is a premise not intended for inhabitation, a mobile dwelling, a shelter, or a collective dwelling, don't apply this section. Start the interview with the section II, List of People.

4. Kitchen
One looks to see if the dwelling has at its disposal a room or space designated for food preparation.

Room: This is a space of the dwelling delineated by fixed walls and roof of any material, except of fabric and furniture, where its occupants carry out some daily activities, like eating, resting, sleeping, and cooking, among others.

A dwelling has a room for cooking when in one of them there is a stove or fire to prepare warm food, even though it could also be used as a bedroom, living room, dining room, among others.

Consider that the dwelling does not have a room to cook when the food is prepared under sheds or in spaces that only have a roof but no walls.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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6. Kitchen
Does this dwelling have a room for cooking?
[Circle one code]

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 8]
[] 3 No
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6. Kitchen
This question seeks to know if the house has a room for food preparation.

[Figures are omitted]

A dwelling has a room for cooking when it is bounded by walls and has at the least than a stove or wood-burning stove to prepare or heat food, even if this room is used as bedroom, living room, among others.

It is considered that the dwelling does not have a room for cooking when it has no stove, wood-burning stove, or grill, or when these objects are in hallways, corridors, under an awning, or outdoors.

If the respondent answers that the dwelling has a room for cooking, go to question 8 "Fuel". Otherwise, ask question 7 " Place used for cooking".

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_KITCHENLOC — Place for cooking meals
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I. Characteristics of the housing unit

7. Cooking area: Is the space for cooking or food preparation:

Read the options until you get an affirmative answer and circle one code only

[] 1 Inside the housing unit?
[] 2 In a room separate from the housing unit?
[] 3 In a hallway or corridor outside the housing unit?
[] 4 Under a separate small roof outside the housing unit?
[] 5 Outdoors?
[] 6 Is there no space for cooking?
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15. Extended questionnaire
This section of the questionnaire contains the questions you must apply in the households you have registered as: Single house on the land, house sharing land with other(s); duplex house; apartment in a building; housing unit in neighborhood or tenement and housing unit in the rooftop room of a building. That is, with classes 1 to 6 of private housing unit class.

III. Cooking conditions
7. Place where they cook
This question identifies the space used to prepare or heat food.

Read the question mentioning each option until the respondent answers affirmatively and select the code that corresponds.

The inside-the-housing unit option is chosen when the stove or cooking stove used to prepare or heat food is located in a space or room within the housing unit, whether it is an exclusive room, a hallway or corridor on the interior, a round room or a room with different uses, etc.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

The room separate from the housing unit option is when the residents cook or prepare their food in a room delimited by a roof and fixed walls that is separate from the main construction of the housing unit - from the sleeping rooms or living room - but is located on the same premises or lot as the housing unit.

[p. 230]

[Image omitted]

A corridor or corridor outside the housing unit refers to a space that is part of the structure of the housing unit, but that is outside; it is not completely enclosed by walls, so it is not a room and, therefore, allows air circulation in said space.

Generally, the roof of the housing unit covers the corridor or hallway and is supported by columns or pillars.

[Image omitted]

The option in a tejabĂ¡n or techito applies when cooking is done in a space outside the house that is roofed. The roof can be of any size and material such as: metal or cardboard sheet, palm, canvas, or cloth, among others.

[Figure omitted]

[p. 231]

Outdoors. Situation in which the residents of the housing unit cook outdoors, without any kind of roof.

This option includes people who cook under the branches or foliage of a tree.

Select option 6 when the residents of the housing units don't have a specific place to cook

The question place where they cook is presented in the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Mongolia 1989 — source variable MN1989A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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[] 11 Yes
[] 12 No
[] 13 Public

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226. Kitchen One of the answers: whether a flat "has its own kitchen" or "kitchen is for general use" or "does not have a kitchen" shall be chosen and circled accordingly for a question about kitchen in the census questionnaire.

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_KITCH — Kitchen
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[Questions 2-10 were asked of households living in houses not gers.]

9. Kitchen:

[] 1 Kitchen in house - sole use
[] 2 No kitchen in house
[] 3 Kitchen in house - shared

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9. Kitchen The corresponding code should be selected from the categorization of the kitchens as separate kitchen, not separated kitchen and public kitchen.

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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27a. Kitchen
[] 0 No
[] 1 Yes, private
[] 2 Yes, shared

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27. Housing equipment
[This is question 26 for rural dwellings]

a. Kitchen:

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 0 Not available

Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Housing equipment
[Questions 25a-g.]

Q25a. Kitchen:

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 Not available

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Housing record

Housing equipment
[Questions 25a-g.]

Q25a. Kitchen:

1 Private
2 Shared
3 Not available

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_KITCHUSE — Kitchen (utilization)
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Housing characteristics (living conditions of the household)

Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)

L6a. Kitchen

[] 1 Yes, private
[] 2 Yes, shared
[] 3 No

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Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)
Either private, shared or not available

L6A. Kitchen: is a room specific to preparing food. If a hallway or a bedroom is used to prepare food, then the dwelling is considered without a kitchen.

1. Yes, private
2. Yes, shared
3. No

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_KITCHEN — Kitchen availability
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Household living conditions

L09. Use of dwelling facilities

[] 1 Private
[] 2 Joint
[] 3 None

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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12. Kitchen

[] 1 Has a separate room for kitchen
[] 2 Without a separate room for kitchen but with a space designated for cooking
[] 3 With no space designated for cooking

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Question #12

a. How to carry out the investigation
It is investigated, according to the following definition, whether the dwelling has a "kitchen" or a "cooking space".

Kitchen: The room used for cooking in the dwelling that is equipped for the preparation of principal meals.

Cooking space: The place or space in the dwelling that does not meet the conditions of a "room" but that is used and equipped for the preparation of principal meals.

b. How to record the data
Once it is determined that there is a kitchen used for this purpose [cooking], or a place for cooking, either box 1 or 2 is marked according to the case. Box 3 is marked if there is no kitchen in use or if there is no place for cooking.

c. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 12 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Characteristics of the dwelling

7. Does this dwelling have a room only for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (go to question 8)

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Question 7: Kitchen
Check if the dwelling has a room that is used only for cooking when it meets the characteristics of "room" defined above.

Mark only one of the answers. If the answer is positive, ask the question: Do people also sleep in the room used for cooking?

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_SLEEPKIT — Sleep in kitchen
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Characteristics of the dwelling

Is the cooking room also used for sleeping?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 7: Kitchen
Check if the dwelling has a room that is used only for cooking when it meets the characteristics of "room" defined above.

Mark only one of the answers. If the answer is positive, ask the question: Do people also sleep in the room used for cooking?

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_KITCHEN — Room used only for cooking
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4. Does this household have a room that is used only for cooking?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 4. Does this household have a room that is used only for cooking?

Mark an "X" next to the option stated by the informant.

Pakistan 1998 — source variable PK1998A_KITCH — Kitchen
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[] 1 Separate
[] 2 Shared
[] 3 None

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By kitchen, it means a room that is used for cooking meal or generally (specified) for this work. If there is no regular room for cooking meal but separate place has been a corner of the house or corridor, courtyard, then such a place will not be considered as kitchen. If a separate kitchen is available then fill relevant oval, i.e., code 1. If more than one households are using one kitchen then in such case fill the oval of shared i.e., code 2.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_KITCH — Kitchen
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13. The availability of a kitchen
[] 1 Kitchen connected to water supply system
[] 2 Kitchen not connected to water supply system
[] 3 None

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_KITCHEN — Availability of kitchen
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14. Kitchen availability
[] 1 Connected to water
[] 2 Not connected to water
[] 3 No kitchen

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_KITCHEN — Area exclusively for cooking
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Ask questions 3 through 14 only for those dwellings, with inhabitants present, that are classified in boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 of question number 1, Type of Dwelling.

3. Rooms in this dwelling

How many rooms does the dwelling have? ____
Of these, how many are bedrooms? ____

Is there an area used exclusively for cooking?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Question 3 Rooms in this dwelling

How many rooms does it have? Write down with numbers and in the corresponding space, the total number of rooms that the enumerated dwelling has. Do not count as a room the kitchen, bathroom, halls, terraces, "porches", doorways and garages. Also do not consider those buildings that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial or service (store, workshop, depositories of grain and other product, elevated storage rooms (jorones), stalls for animals, etc.) purposes.
Of these rooms, how many are bedrooms? Write down in the corresponding space, the number of bedrooms that the enumerated dwelling has.
Bedroom is understood to be the room principally meant and used for sleeping.
In the case of dwellings with only one room, "0" bedrooms will be marked.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 3 of the census form.]

Does it have an area exclusively for cooking? Mark the corresponding box if the dwelling has or does not have a space exclusively for cooking.
If the kitchen is found improvised in the living room, balcony, corridor or garage, mark box " no" [] 2.
For the case of hanging shacks, this question does not apply completely. The enumerator will write down "0" for the numbers of rooms and bedrooms and will mark box 2 (NO) on this question for the area exclusively for a kitchen.

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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[Questions 3 to 10 were asked of private households]

III. Household information

5. Rooms in the household


[] 1 Exclusive use by this household
[] 2 Shared with another household
[] 3 Doesn?t have
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III. Information about the household

The information for this part of the form refers to the "census household", which means, the set of persons who live in the dwelling.

5. Rooms in the household:

* How many rooms does this household occupy? Note with number, the total of rooms used as habitation by the members of the "household".
- Considered as a room is the space enclosed by walls and roof, and in which at least the bed of an adult can fit. This includes the living room, the dining room, and the bedrooms.
- Not considered as room is the Hall, the kitchen, the bathroom, corridor, shed, garage, etc., nor those that are used exclusively for commercial, industrial, or service purposes, such as stores, shops, doctor's offices, other offices, etc. Exception: if the kitchen is also used as a dining room, consider it as a room.

* Of these, how many are used for sleeping? Note here the number of rooms that are used specifically as bedrooms and those that, not being bedrooms, are normally arranged and used for sleeping.

* Does the household have rooms designated for cooking and bathing? We want to know if the "household" has a special room available for cooking and another for bathing.
If the household has a kitchen or bathroom and it is used exclusively by the "household", mark the corresponding line, in box 2. If the household does not have them, mark box 3.

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_KITCHEN — Rooms for cooking
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c) Is there a room designated for cooking?

[] 1 Exclusive use
[] 2 Shared with another
[] 3 Does not have
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Question 4. Rooms in the dwelling

Read each question and write down:

- On the line corresponding to questions a) and b), the number of floors declared by the informant.
- In questions c) and d) make an X in the corresponding box, depending on the case.

[A depiction of questions 4a, b, c, and d, to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Keep in mind the following definition:

"Room:" a space enclosed by walls that are elevated from the floor to the roof and which have an area large enough to fit at least a bed for an adult. An attic that fits this definition and is at least 2 meters high is considered a room.

[P. 26]

The bathroom, the kitchen, and the rooms that are utilized exclusively for commercial, industrial, or service purposes, such as storehouses, stores, consulting offices [i.e. for a doctor, other professional], offices, hallways, etc. are not included in the number of rooms. If the kitchen is also used as a dining room, it is included as a room.

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_KITCHEN — Separate kitchen
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Section III. Household information

[Question 14 through 24 were asked of occupied households with present members]

17. Is there a room for cooking?

[] 1 Yes, has
[] 6 No, doesn't have

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[Question 15 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 15: How many rooms are there in this household?

15. How many households are there in this household?
(Do not count the kitchen nor bathroom)
Number of rooms [3]

This refers to the number of rooms that a household has, without taking into account the rooms of the bathroom, nor the kitchen. Room is a space that is closed off by four walls and a roof.

[Question 17 is asked of occupied households with present members]

Question 17: Is there a room for cooking?

We want to know if the household has a room that is exclusively designated for preparing foods.

17. How many rooms for cooking?

[] 1 Yes, they have one
[] 2 No, they do not have one

[page] 21

If the room used for cooking is shared with another household, you should mark the option "Yes, they have one".

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_KITCHEN — Use of room for cooking
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2. The separate room used for cooking is:
Circle the appropriate number:

[] 1 For the exclusive use of this household
[] 2 For shared use with another household
[] 3 There is no separate room for cooking

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_NKITCHEN — Number of rooms that are kitchens
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2. Number of rooms

(a) Living rooms ____
(b) Kitchens with window, with floor space of 4 square meters or more ____
(c) Other rooms (e.g. not occupied rooms, seasonally used rooms, rooms for storing household facilities, etc.) Do not include pantry chambers of rural type and dilapidated rooms. ____
Total number of rooms (a + b + c) ____
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20 Number of rooms (Question II) [p. 35]
1. A room shall be understood as:a part of the dwelling which is additionally separated from other rooms with walls, having direct lighting, and characterized by the useful floor space no smaller than 4 meters squared.
Direct lighting shall be understood as a window or glazed doors located on the outer side of the building and therefore granting the view of the yard, street, garden, porch, etc.
If there is no direct lighting in the habitable space then, even if it has an internal window (skylight) connected with other rooms or the hall, such a space shall not be considered a room.
2. All the rooms in the dwelling must be registered, so both those occupied, partially used, and unoccupied ones. What is more, rooms used only for vocation-related purposes (consulting rooms, shoemaker's workshops, tailoring rooms) must be included in this category as well, if only they are located within the dwelling. However, if a given room, which is used strictly for the vocation-related purposes has a separate entrance from the hall, yard, or other freely accessible part of the room, then it shall not be considered a separate room, even it is a part of the dwelling. Such a space shall also not be included while calculating total floor space of the dwelling (see 19, point 4).
3. Habitable spaces shall be divided in the following manner:

a) Rooms,
b) Kitchens,
c) Other rooms.

Such spaces as multifunctional rooms (serving education, relaxation, food consumption, and rest-related purposes), bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens, kids' rooms, as well as all the rooms used for vocational purposes (offices, workshops) and those utilized as accommodation for visitors and patients shall be indicated in point a.
In point b, kitchens with windows of the overall floor space of 4 m2 or more shall be indicated that is kitchens that may be qualified as typical rooms.
Kitchens without windows shall not fall into this category, even if their total floor space exceed 4 m2 , as well as kitchens with windows, the floor space of which is lower than 4 m2. The said spaces shall be indicated in point c.
One-room dwellings which also serve the role of kitchens should be classified in accordance with the opinion of the lodger. If the latter has some difficulties with classifying such a room, then it should be assumed that a habitable space equipped with a coal or gas-powered furnace (connected to the bottle or the network) shall be considered a kitchen and a space in which a small electric oven or moveable cooker is stored shall be classified as a room.
Point c other rooms has been implemented with other (furnished) habitable spaces that are not currently used for occupational purposes in mind. Such a specification concerns especially:

- rooms utilized to store various kitchen utensils, clothing, furniture, food products, etc.
- rooms that are used seasonally only, for example during summer,
- empty rooms that may be but are not taken advantage of,
- partially devastated and not renovated rooms which can be easily restored to their initial condition (for example: replacement of windows or installation of doors is required),
- rooms not equipped with a furnace and therefore not utilized during winter.

The latter are characteristic for rural areas but such cases may be encountered in towns and cities as well. If the lodgers not consider them to be proper rooms, then they should not be indicated while filling in the main form.
Rooms that are so devastated that they cannot be used anymore shall not be indicated (as well as their floor space shall not be calculated see: question 19, point 4).
Rooms that are taken advantage of to store food products shall not be mistaken with typical pantries which are built with storage of large quantities of food in mind and are larger, as well as have bigger windows. Typical pantries are not rooms and shall not be indicated in the form. Nevertheless, they shall be included while calculating the total useful floor space.
4. Such spaces as halls, bathrooms, toilets, verandas, porches, typical pantries, sheds and chambers are not rooms regardless of their floor space and type of lighting.

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_KITCHENWI — Number of kitchens with window in the dwelling
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Characteristics of the dwelling

3. Number of kitchens

a) with window and not smaller than 4 meters squared (if there are not any write in "0") ____
b) without window (so called blind kitchen) or with a window but smaller than 4 meters squared (if there are not any write in "0") ____
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Characteristics of the Dwelling

14. Number of rooms, kitchens and total number of chambers (questions 2-4) [p.17]
While gathering information for questions 2-4, a following definition of a room should be used.
A room is a space, which is separate from other spaces in the dwelling by stable walls, constructed on the whole length between floor and ceiling, with direct lighting, of measurements not lower than 4 cubic meters.

The direct lighting is considered as a window (or glass doors), which are located on an external wall, that is creating an entrance to yard, street, garden, vestibule etc.

If a room in a dwelling hasn't got a window with direct sun lighting, then even in the case of having a small window (skylight) which creates between the spaces and another room or vestibule and even if it has measurements of more than 4 cubic meters -- it cannot be considered as room.

Rooms are considered both as living spaces and kitchens, which fulfills these requirements. Vestibules, halls, bathrooms, toilets, pantries, enclosed porches and passages, storages, compartments and agricultural chambers -- regardless of their measurements and the way of lighting -- cannot be treated as rooms.

Number of kitchens

Kitchen is defined as a part of dwelling, which is separated from other rooms in the dwelling with stable walls, which is used to prepare meals and in which a typical kitchen furnace is installed -- powered by coal, gas or electricity. Number of kitchens should be indicated while classifying them as follows:
Kitchens which are rooms; these are kitchens with a window on the external form and floor's measurements bigger than 4 cubic meters (question 3a).
Kitchens which are not rooms; these are kitchens without a window (so called dark kitchens), regardless of floor's measurements and kitchens with a window, of floor's measurements smaller than 4 cubic meters (question 3b).

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_KITCHENWO — Number of kitchens without windows in the dwelling
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Characteristics of the dwelling

3. Number of kitchens

a) with window and not smaller than 4 meters squared (if there are not any write in "0") ____
b) without window (so called blind kitchen) or with a window but smaller than 4 meters squared (if there are not any write in "0") ____
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Characteristics of the Dwelling

14. Number of rooms, kitchens and total number of chambers (questions 2-4) [p.17]
While gathering information for questions 2-4, a following definition of a room should be used.
A room is a space, which is separate from other spaces in the dwelling by stable walls, constructed on the whole length between floor and ceiling, with direct lighting, of measurements not lower than 4 cubic meters.

The direct lighting is considered as a window (or glass doors), which are located on an external wall, that is creating an entrance to yard, street, garden, vestibule etc.

If a room in a dwelling hasn't got a window with direct sun lighting, then even in the case of having a small window (skylight) which creates between the spaces and another room or vestibule and even if it has measurements of more than 4 cubic meters -- it cannot be considered as room.

Rooms are considered both as living spaces and kitchens, which fulfills these requirements. Vestibules, halls, bathrooms, toilets, pantries, enclosed porches and passages, storages, compartments and agricultural chambers -- regardless of their measurements and the way of lighting -- cannot be treated as rooms.

Number of kitchens

Kitchen is defined as a part of dwelling, which is separated from other rooms in the dwelling with stable walls, which is used to prepare meals and in which a typical kitchen furnace is installed -- powered by coal, gas or electricity. Number of kitchens should be indicated while classifying them as follows:
Kitchens which are rooms; these are kitchens with a window on the external form and floor's measurements bigger than 4 cubic meters (question 3a).
Kitchens which are not rooms; these are kitchens without a window (so called dark kitchens), regardless of floor's measurements and kitchens with a window, of floor's measurements smaller than 4 cubic meters (question 3b).

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_NKITCHEN — Number of rooms that are kitchens
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3.Is there a kitchen in this dwelling?
[] With a window or floor space less than 4 meters squared
Number of kitchens: __
[] 6 Without a window of floor space less than 4 meters squared
[] 7 Kitchen is a part of the dining or living room
[] 8 No kitchen or a kitchen as a separated part of living room
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Question 3. Is there a kitchen in the dwelling? [p. 53-54]

1. According to the census definition, kitchen is a space in a dwelling separated by walls (with or without windows) which is designed and equipped for preparing meals and is mainly used for that purpose, regardless of the fact, whether it is also used for eating, sleeping or other housing purposes.

2. A kitchen with a window and a space (of the floor) of 4 square meters or more should be shown in the first grid, by filling in a concrete number, e.g. 1, 2, 3. If there are other kitchens, e.g. a kitchen without a window or a kitchen as a separated part of the living room, select an appropriate answer by filling in X (next to symbols 6 or 7)

Giving more than one answer in question three is possible but only as an exception, e.g. if the dwelling is inhabited by two households and one has a kitchen at its disposal and the second one has a kitchen without a window. In such case, fill in the first grid with number 1 and in the further part of the question select answer 6.

If some of the kitchen appliances, e.g. washbasin or gas/electric cooker are installed in the ante-room or in a small niche in the living room, it should be assumed that there is no kitchen in the dwelling. In such case select answer 8.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_KITCHEN — Space used for the kitchen
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3.Is there a kitchen in this dwelling?
[] With a window or floor space less than 4 meters squared
Number of kitchens: __
[] 6 Without a window of floor space less than 4 meters squared
[] 7 Kitchen is a part of the dining or living room
[] 8 No kitchen or a kitchen as a separated part of living room
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Question 3. Is there a kitchen in the dwelling? [p. 53-54]

1. According to the census definition, kitchen is a space in a dwelling separated by walls (with or without windows) which is designed and equipped for preparing meals and is mainly used for that purpose, regardless of the fact, whether it is also used for eating, sleeping or other housing purposes.

2. A kitchen with a window and a space (of the floor) of 4 square meters or more should be shown in the first grid, by filling in a concrete number, e.g. 1, 2, 3. If there are other kitchens, e.g. a kitchen without a window or a kitchen as a separated part of the living room, select an appropriate answer by filling in X (next to symbols 6 or 7)

Giving more than one answer in question three is possible but only as an exception, e.g. if the dwelling is inhabited by two households and one has a kitchen at its disposal and the second one has a kitchen without a window. In such case, fill in the first grid with number 1 and in the further part of the question select answer 6.

If some of the kitchen appliances, e.g. washbasin or gas/electric cooker are installed in the ante-room or in a small niche in the living room, it should be assumed that there is no kitchen in the dwelling. In such case select answer 8.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_KITCH — Kitchen
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[Questions 1-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter, except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type" -- that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, per questions A, B]

If your dwelling is a tent, rudimentary timber house, mobile home, temporary or improvised home, end this questionnaire. [skip questions 7-13]

[Questions 7-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter (except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type"), that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, and is not a tent, rudimentary timber house, mobile home, temporary or improvised home, per questions A, B.]

7. Kitchen

Indicate if the housing unit:

[] 1 Does not have kitchen
[] 2 Does not have a kitchen, but has a kitchenette or a small space destined and prepared to cook
[] 3 Has kitchen

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[Questions 7-13 were asked in cases of a housing unit or a collective living quarter (except hotels or similar and institutions of "other type"), that is occupied as a usual residence or for seasonal use, and is not a tent, rudimentary timber house, mobile home, temporary or improvised home, per questions A, B]

Question 7 - Kitchen

As for kitchen we understand the place destined to be used during the preparation of the main meals, even if it is used as a dinning room, room or living room. The kitchen may be separated from the dwelling (on the patio for example) and still be considered as such.

By kitchenette we understand a small space, inside a room, separated by a small counter, used to prepare meals.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_KITCH — Availability of kitchen
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[Questions 7-18 were asked of private dwellings only]

[Questions 8-18 were asked of usual-residence dwellings only]

If your dwelling is a tent, rudimentary timber house, mobile home, temporary or improvised home, end this questionnaire.
[Questions 13-18 were asked of convention dwellings only]

13. Availability of kitchen:

The dwelling has a kitchen with:

[] 1 Less than 4 square meters
[] 3 Four (4) square meters or more

[] 5 Only has a kitchenette [open kitchen]
[] 7 Without kitchen or kitchenette

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Attention: The next questions should only be answered by conventional family dwellings occupied as usual residence. If they are not of a conventional type the filling-in of the questionnaire is over.
[Questions 13-18 apply only to conventional dwellings]

Question 13: Availability of kitchen:

This question aims at identifying the presence of a kitchen (and corresponding available area) or kitchenette in the dwelling.

By kitchen we understand the place destined to be used during the preparation of the main meals, even if it is used as a dining room, room or living room. The kitchen may be separate from the dwelling (on the patio for example) and still be considered as one.
By kitchenette we understand a small space, inside a room, separated by a small counter, being the place to prepare meals.

The available options to answer this question are:

-- The housing unit has a kitchen with:

-- Less than 4 square meters
-- 4 square meters or more

-- The housing unit has only a kitchenette
-- Without kitchen or kitchenette

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_KITCH — Kitchen
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[Questions 4-18 were asked of persons living in housing units as the place of their usual residence, according to question 3]

[Questions 11-18 were asked of persons living in a conventional dwelling as the place of their usual residence, according to questions 2, 3]

11. Availability of kitchen:

Kitchen with:

[] 1 Less than 4 square meters
[] 2 4 square meters or more

[] 3 Kitchenette
[] 4 Without kitchen or kitchenette

Question 11 - Availability of kitchen:

Kitchen means the place designed and equipped for making meals, and which is in fact used for this purpose, even if it is also used as a dining room, bedroom or living room. The kitchen may be separated from the dwelling (in the yard for example).

Kitchenette means a small space within a room, separated usually by a small counter or similar, designed for preparing food. This situation is found mainly in urban zones and in smaller flats.

In dwellings with a kitchen, it is necessary to consider the size of the kitchen since it is classified according to whether it has an area of more than 4 m2 or less than 4 m2.

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Question 11 - Availability of kitchen

This question intents to identify the presence of a kitchen (and correspondent available area) or kitchenette in the dwelling.

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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H3. Do you have complete kitchen facilities?
(Include a range, stove, or portable cooking facilities if used regularly in the preparation of meals.)
[] Yes, for this household only
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No cooking facilities

[For a vacant unit, also fill D, E, A, H2 to H7, and H9 to H11]

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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H22. Do you have complete kitchen facilities?

Complete kitchen facilities are a sink with piped water, a range or cooking stove, and a refrigerator.
[] Yes
[] No

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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H20. Do you have complete kitchen facilities; that is, a sink with piped water, a range or cookstove, and a refrigerator?
[ ] 1 Yes
[ ] 2 No

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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40. Do you have complete kitchen facilities in this house, apartment, or mobile home; that is, 1) a sink with piped water, 2) a range or stove, and 3) a refrigerator?
[] Yes, have all three facilities
[] No

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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10. Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have complete kitchen facilities, that is: 1) a sink with piped water, 2) a stove or range, and 3) a refrigerator?
[] Yes, has all three facilities
[] No

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10. The kitchen sink, stove, and refrigerator must be in your house, apartment, or mobile home but do not have to be in the same room. Portable cooking equipment is not considered a range or stove.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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a. How many separate rooms are in this house, apartment, or mobile home?

Rooms must be separated by built-in archways or walls that extend out at least 6 inches and go from to ceiling.
- Include bedrooms, kitchens, etc
- Exclude bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or unfinished basements,
Number of rooms _ _
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Plumbing and kitchen facilities
This question helps provide information on the quality of housing. The data are used with other statistics to show how the "level of living" compares in various areas and how it changes over time.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Romania 1977 — source variable RO1977A_KITBATH — Existence of bathroom and kitchen
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17. Dependencies and other spaces

Kitchen (code 72)
Surface (sq. m. without decimals) ____

[] 1 Used only by the household
[] 2 Or together with other households
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside dwelling, but inside the building
[] 3 Outside building
Bathroom with tub (code 73)
Surface (sq. m. without decimals) ____

[] 1 Used only by the household
[] 2 Or together with other households
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside dwelling, but inside the building
[] 3 Outside building
Bathroom only with shower (code 74)
Surface (sq. m. without decimals) ____

[] 1 Used only by the household
[] 2 Or together with other households
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside dwelling, but inside the building
[] 3 Outside building
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40. Dependencies and other spaces (item 17).

In the table from item 17 the surface and the modality of using those dependencies and other spaces belonging to the dwelling (by a single household or in common with other households), as well as their location (inside the dwelling, outside, but inside the building or outside the building) will be recorded.

On the form are printed (in the column "Name of the space" the names of the main dependencies (kitchen, bathroom, flush toilet), remaining that on the free rows to be written by the enumerator also the other spaces of this kind, by codifying also on the "Code" column, the corresponding code for each.

In order to identify these spaces, not considered as habitable rooms, it has to be taken into consideration the following:

[p. 29]

The kitchen is a room that has been designated and equipped for the preparation of the meals, situated inside the dwelling or outside, having adequate cooking facilities.

The dwellings having only summer-time kitchens--during the winter cooking is done in one of the living rooms--is considered without kitchen.

For the dwellings having several kitchens available, all of them will be recorded, the data for the best equipped being written on the number 72 row, the others being written on the empty rows which will also be numbered as 72.

The bathroom is a space, situated in or out of the dwelling, designated to assure the body's hygiene, having special bathing facilities to this purpose as: bathtub, with or without shower or sink.

A bathroom will also be considered as:
a) the room designated to this purpose, having water supply facility and sewerage, but not yet fixed the bathing facilities (bathtub, shower and sink) and it is not used for other purposes;
b) the room within the dwelling, where the traditional means are used for body's washing, characteristic to a certain zone (steam bath), and not used for other purposes; the bathrooms having both bath tub and shower, will be considered with bath tub;
c) the room having special bathing facilities (showers, sinks) even if this space is used, mainly to other purposes (laundry).

The following will not be considered a bathroom: the room having only the sink, and used, mainly, for other purposes (bedroom, kitchen, laundry, etc.).

When a dwelling has several bathrooms, all of them will be recorded, the data for the best equipped being written on the number 73/74 row, the others being written on the empty rows, which will also be numbered as 73/74.

Correlations -- when the code 73 (bath tub) or at code 74 (only shower) from item 17 "Dependencies and other spaces," the code entry is 1 for the location, it is necessary that to the item 10a (the water supply system location) has an x marked in the box code 1 (inside the dwelling) and code 1 or 2 at the item 12 (sewerage facilities within housing unit). In addition, if for those dependencies from item17, the code 2 or 3was written for item 10a, the code 2 or 3should be written correspondingly.

Flush toilets will be recorded regardless of if they are modern water closets having a water tank and waste water that empties into a piped system, or if they are so called "dry" latrines- no water used and evacuation as in cesspools. If they are located inside a room, regardless of construction materials of walls (bricks, beams etc.), the toilets situated within the bathroom or within a separate room will be recorded.

On the form, the flush toilets from bathrooms (code 75), as well as the ones from separated rooms (having water -- code 76 and without water -- code 77) located inside the dwelling, outside, but inside the building or outside the building will be recorded.

For the dwellings that have more than one flush toilet data will be recorded on the free rows for each toilet being indicated the code 76 or 77 by case. For the codes 75 and 76, it will be followed the same correlations as for the codes 73 and 74.

[p. 30]

a) Verandah (code 78) is a closed space of windows, built at the ground floor of the building in its area, along the wall from the entrance of the dwelling;

b) Vestibule (code 79) (entry, glass porches) is a passage or hall between the outer door and the other spaces inside of the building (from staircase, corridor, yard or the street and other rooms of the house). It usually is a space with indirect light and has a smaller size where only a rack of clothes would fit;
c) Tinda (code 80) is a typical Romanian rural entrance, the first hall of a peasant's house- used as passage between two living rooms, sometime serving either as a kitchen and dining room too (if the dwelling has not a kitchen, the tinda will be recorded as kitchen -- code 72 at item 17), and as - very seldom- as bedroom;
d) Uninhabitable hall (code 81) is a space designated to connect the vestibule from the entrance with the other rooms of the dwelling, not fulfilling the requirements for size of the surface, height and light of a regular living room;
e) The corridor (passage) (code 82) is a long and narrow space designed as a passage between several rooms (for living, accessories) and could be used as a space for the outdoor connection;
f) The office (code 83) is a space inside the dwelling, between the kitchen or the bathroom and the habitable rooms, serving as an intermediary passage between the rooms;
g) The larder for food storage (code 84) is a space inside or outdoor space, designated to preserve food needed by the household's members;
h) Lumber Box-Room (code 85) small closed space, inside the dwelling, without direct light or air, used for storage of the various housing things;
i) Logia (code 85) is a space build-up in the framework of the building, being covered, or free open on external side of the house (sometime is covered by an arch or a series of arches supported by the columns);
j) Covered terrace (also code 85) is a platform for passing, opened to the outside, located at the level of an apartment or situated on the house's roof, it is considered to be a logia;
k) The box (code 87) is a small space, located usually on the building's basement (only those will be recorded), where usually are kept housekeeping tools, food, fuel etc.

For dwellings having more than one of such spaces, each of them will be recorded on a distinct row (inside item 17) that also indicates the code number.

The enumerator has the obligation of transcribing each of those dependencies/spaces according to their designation; he will transcribe the data referring to surfaces from Lm form or other documents, after a thorough checking, or through direct measurements, following the existing provisions at paragraph 5 from the present handbook.

In the case of a common sharing of the main dependencies by persons living in 2 or more dwellings, the dependencies located outside the dwellings, will be recorded for each dwelling only by using (code 2 -- in common) those and their location (code 2 -- outside the dwelling, but inside the building or code 3 -- outside the building). In this situation, for the column regarding surfaces, a line will be drawn.

If the kitchen, bathroom or flush toilet are located inside of a dwelling, but are commonly used by other dwellings' occupants, the surface of the dependency will be written only for the dwelling where is located.

[p. 31]

The other dependencies or spaces located outside the dwelling (excluding kitchen, bathroom or flush toilet) that are used in common by the occupants of two or more dwellings will not be recorded data on the LP form.

Dependencies and other isolated spaces from the building will be recorded for item 17 only if they are built from resistant material (brick, concrete, beams etc.), except the flush toilets, for which the construction material is not important.

On the "Total" row the total surface/living floor space of all the dependencies and other spaces from the dwelling will be written.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_KITCH — Kitchen
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Chap. II Data on housing unit
To be completed by the first household in the dwelling only

12 Kitchen


[] 1 Inside dwelling
[] 2 Outside dwelling
[] 3 None
_ _ Area (sq.m)

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Q. 12 Kitchen

36. A kitchen is a room that designed and equipped for the preparation of meals, situated inside the dwelling (enter an x in the box for code 1), or outside (entry an x in the box for code 2), having adequate cooking facilities.

Record the floor area of the kitchen/kitchenette, based on the indoor surface area measured at floor level.

Considered to be without kitchen facilities are those dwellings having a summer-only kitchen, where during the winter cooking takes place in one of the living rooms; an exception are the so called "summer-time kitchens" located outside of a dwelling, built of strong materials (bricks, beams, etc.), and used all year round for cooking meals.

For dwellings having several kitchens available, only one of them will be recorded: namely the one that is best equipped and has the largest surface.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_KITCH — Location of kitchen
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8. The kitchen/kitchenette
[] 1 8.1 Situated - inside the dwelling
[] 2 8.1 Situated - outside the dwelling
[] 3 8.1 None

_ _ 8.2 Amount of floor space in sq. meters (without decimals)

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The kitchen/kitchenette (item 8).

29. The kitchen is a room, or part of a room (of at least 4 square meters in area and at least 2 meters high) that has been designated and equipped for the preparation of the meals, situated inside the dwelling, or outside, having adequate cooking facilities related to activities for the preparation of the meals.

The kitchenette, is the space designated to be used for the preparation of the meals, situated inside the dwelling, or outside of it, equipped with the necessary utilities for cooking, having a surface less than 4 square meters.

Will be not considered kitchen: the space designated for living, provided with a niche for cooking.

The way of recording:

-- the entry x will be recorded in the box for code 1 when the kitchen is located indoor the dwelling;
-- the entry x will be recorded in the box for code 2 when the kitchen is located outdoor of the dwelling;
-- the entry x will be recorded in the box for code 3 when the household states that the dwelling does not have a designated space for the kitchen.
-- For item 8.2 -- it will be recorded the surface of the kitchen/kitchenette, established on the basis of the indoor surface of this, measured at the floor level, or on the basis of available documents existing to the population (the design from the buying /selling contract, or renting contract, etc). The kitchen's surface will be recorded similarly as in the cases of the items 6,7, in square meters, with no decimals.
Particular situations:
-- when a single room has a double function, as kitchen and living room (example a comfort IV apartment) this room is considered as a living room (see the particular situations on the paragraph 27);
-- If the dwelling has more than one room, but no kitchen is available, then the space used for this purpose will be considered as kitchen (for example: if in a dwelling the entrance "tinda" is permanently used as kitchen -- because the dwelling has no other kitchen -- "tinda" will be recorded on the form at the item 8 -- kitchen/kitchenette);
-- the dwellings having only summer-time kitchen, and during the winter the cooking is taking place in one of the living rooms, is considered without kitchen; exception are so called "summer-time kitchens "located outdoor of dwelling, build up by using strong materials (bricks, beams, etc.), and used all around the year for cooking the meals;
-- for the dwellings having several kitchens, only one of them will be recorded, namely the best equipped and having the largest surface.

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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11. Kitchen / kitchenette

11.1 There is a kitchen / kitchenette

[] 1 Inside the dwelling

Outside the dwelling
[] 2 Within the building
[] 3 Outside the building
[] 4 No kitchen/kitchenette
[] 5 Cooking facilities in a different room

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_KITCH — Kitchen
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6. Services and amenities in the housing unit:
(For each of the services or amenities listed, mark the appropriate option with an X.)
1. Running water
[] 1 With running water inside the housing unit
[] 2 Without running water inside the housing unit, but with running water in the building
[] 3 Without running water inside the housing unit, and without running water in the building

2. Hot water
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has hot water
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have hot water

3. Air conditioning
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has air conditioning
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have air conditioning

4. Kitchen
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has a kitchen
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have a kitchen

5. Electricity
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has electricity
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have electricity

6. Gas distributed through pipes (city gas, natural gas, propane)
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has piped gas
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have piped gas

7. Telephone
[] 1 Yes, the housing unit has a telephone
[] 6 No, the housing unit does not have a telephone

8. Heat
[] 1 The building has central heating
[] 2 The housing unit has a separate heating system
[] 3 The housing unit does not have a heating system, but the residents own a mobile or non-mobile appliance that allows them to raise the temperature in one or all of the rooms (include portable electric radiators)
[] 6 The housing unit does not have heat

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or kitchenette
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3. Kitchen, kitchenette
a) Does the dwelling have?

[] Own kitchen
[] Own kitchenette
[] Shared kitchen with other dwellings
[] No kitchen

b) How does the kitchen stove works?

[] Wood
[] Coal
[] Electrical
[] Gas
[] Other

[Notes to question 3]
a) The kitchen must have at least 4 square meters. Spaces below that used for cooking and dishwashing are regarded as kitchenettes. A shared kitchen must be shared with at least one other household.

b) The question applies also to stoves not provided by the landlord.

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Question 3: Kitchen
Is a kitchen used also as living or bed room, it is still to be counted as kitchen.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or kitchenette

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or kitchenette

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or kitchenette
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13. Kitchen
The dwelling has a
[] Kitchen
[] Kitchenette
[] Neither

13. Please mark only if the kitchen is more than 4 square meters large. A kitchenette has less than 4 square meters and has permanently installed appliances for preparing meals and washing dishes.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_KITCHEN — Type of kitchen
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Part 3. Housing Questions (For Private Household)

[Questions H1-H18 were asked of private households.]

H16. Place for cooking

[] 1 Kitchen, exclusive
[] 2 Kitchen, shared
[] 3 Terrace, veranda
[] 4 Other (specify) ____

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Section 3 Questions on Housing
(Ask only private household)

Questions on housing are concerned with living places of every private household in municipal area. For those outside municipal area and Bangkok, ask only the sample households.

Guideline for questioning and recording

1. Ask conditions of living place by household not by person.
2. If a household living in many houses in the same area, consider the house where head of the household lives.
3. If several households living in the same house, consider conditions of the living place of the main household, other households or conditions of living are regarded as rooms in the house.
4. In recording answer, circle one code number only. If answer is "others," specify and record the answer clearly.
5. The question that has no answer code, record statement or number in the blank on the dot line.
H 16. Cooking place

Ask "Where does this household cook?"

Circle a code corresponding to the answer:

1. Used by this household only
2. Shared with other household
3. Ground, corridor, balcony
Other (specify____)

Record the answer on the broken line ____ corresponding to "Other" when the answer is other than the aforementioned answers.

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_KITCHEN — Location of kitchen
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Part III Housing questions (for private household)

H14. Where [place] does the household cook?


[] 1 Exclusive
[] 2 Shared

[] 3 Terrace, Veranda
[] 4 Others
[] 5 Not cooking (skip to H16)

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H14. Place used for cooking
Ask: "Which place does the household normally use for cooking?" Record the following codes:
[] 1 Exclusively used within the household
[] 2 Shared with other households

[] 3 Terrace, porch
[] 4 Others
[] 5 Not cooking

If recording "5", skip to question H16.

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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Section III: Questions related to households and dwellings
(For the places constituting a household, ask the questions between 1-12 in this section to the household head or to anyone who can answer instead.)
[Questions 1-12 were asked of housing units, per Section II.]

8. Which of the following are in your household?


[] 1 Inside
[] 2 Outside
[] 3 Doesn't exist

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Section III: Questions related to households and dwellings
Attention! Section III is to be filled out for places where a household [housing unit] is constituted.

Questions 1 to 12 in this section are to be asked of the household head or someone able to answer in his/her place.

Question 8. Which of the following are to be found in your dwelling?

An "X" to be entered into the boxes corresponding to each one of the amenities (toilet, bath, kitchen and piped in water) that exist in the dwelling that the household is living in, doing so according to whether these amenities are located inside or outside the dwelling. For dwellings occupied by a household lacking a toilet, bath, kitchen or piped water either inside or outside the dwelling, an "X" is to be entered for the "None" option for each one of these non-existent amenities.

In filling out this question, the following definitions should be kept in mind:

Toilet (inside the dwelling): That area situated inside the dwelling, enclosed on four sides, with a separate door, from which human feces and dirty water are conveyed via pipe, tile/clay pipe, etc., to a main canal, a septic tank or to the sewer lines.

Toilet (outside the dwelling): A place enclosed on four sides, located outside the dwelling being lived in (in the yard, in the garden, or on empty land), built with the purpose of permitting people to meet their toilet needs.

Bathroom (inside the dwelling): A place inside the dwelling being lived in, enclosed on four sides, with a separate door, that has been set aside for washing.

Bathroom (outside the dwelling): A place outside the dwelling that is being lived in (in the yard, in the garden, or on empty land), enclosed on four sides with a separate door, that has been set aside for washing.

Kitchen (inside the dwelling): A place inside the dwelling being lived in, enclosed on four sides, closed off on top, with a separate door in which food may be cooked, dishes washed, and where essential kitchen utensils may be placed.

Kitchen (outside the dwelling): A place outside the dwelling being lived in (in the yard, in the garden, or on empty land) enclosed on four sides, closed off on top, with a separate door, within which food may be cooked, dishes washed, and where essential kitchen utensils may be placed.

Piped water (inside the dwelling): Running water brought all the way into the dwelling by means of a pipe connection to the city water network or to a private system such as a water tank pump.

Piped water (outside the dwelling): Running water located outside the dwelling delivered by means of a pipe connection to the city water network or to a private system such as a water tank pump.

If a toilet or piped water exists both inside and outside the dwelling that the household lives in, the toilet or piped water shall be designated as being "Inside the dwelling". If a section of the toilet inside the dwelling the household lives in is used as a bathroom, then both the toilet and bathroom will be deemed to be "Inside the dwelling".

For situations not covered by those defined above, the "None" option is to be marked.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_KITCH — Facilities, kitchen
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What facilities does this household have-


[] 1 Water borne not shared
[] 2 Water borne shared
[] 3 Pit latrine not shared
[] 4 Pit latrine shared
[] 5 None
[] 6 Other (specify)


[] 1 Inside not shared
[] 2 Inside shared
[] 3 Outside not shared
[] 4 Outside shared
[] 5 None


[] 1 Inside not shared
[] 2 Inside shared
[] 3 Outside not shared
[] 4 Outside shared
[] 5 None

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185. The questions on facilities are self-explanatory. Tick the appropriate boxes.
"Not shared" facilities are used by one household only.
"Shared" facilities are used by more than one household.
"Water borne" toilet facilities are those where water must be used to flush the toilet.
A "kitchen" is a room or an out building used for cooking. If the household cooks on a verandah or in the open or in a room used for other purposes as well, tick "none".

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_KITCH — Type of kitchen
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H18 Kitchen: What type of kitchen does this household MAINLY use?
[] 1 Inside
[] 2 Outside, built
[] 3 Outside, makeshift
[] 4 None

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Questions H18: Kitchen
What type of Kitchen does this Household use?
249. A kitchen is a room inside the house or an out building used predominantly for cooking and related activities. If the Household cooks on a verandah or in the open or in a room used for other purposes as well, circle "none".
250. Circle the appropriate code.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_KITCHEN — Main type of kitchen
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Section 4: Household characteristics

H22 What type of kitchen does this household mainly use?

[] 10 Inside, specific room
[] 11 Inside, no specific room
[] 12 Outside, built
[] 13 Make shift
[] 14 Open space

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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H5. Do you have a kitchen or cooking equipment : (Check one)

[] For use of the people in your household only (those you listed in Section A)?
[] Shared with another household or no cooking equipment?

United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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H3. Do you have complete kitchen facilities?

Complete kitchen facilities are a sink with piped water, a range or cook stove, and a refrigerator.

[] Yes, for this household only
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No complete kitchen facilities for this household

"The kitchen sink, stove, and refrigerator do not have to be in the same room. Also used by another household means that someone else who lives in the same building, but is not a member of your household, also uses the equipment. Mark this circle also if the occupants of living quarters now vacant would also use the equipment."

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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H23. Do you have complete kitchen facilities?
Complete kitchen facilities are a sink with piped water, a range or cookstove, and a refrigerator.

[] Yes
[] No

[The kitchen sink, stove, and refrigerator must be located in the building but do not have to be in the same room. Portable cooking equipment is not considered as a range or cook stove.]

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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H11. Do you have complete kitchen facilities; that is, 1) a sink with piped water, 2) a range or cookstove, and 3) a refrigerator?
[] Yes
[] No

[The kitchen sink, stove, and refrigerator must be located in the building but do not have to be in the same room. Portable cooking equipment is not considered as a range or cookstove.]

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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40. Do you have complete kitchen facilities in this house, apartment, or mobile home; that is, 1) a sink with piped water, 2) a range or stove, and 3) a refrigerator?
[] Yes, have all three facilities
[] No

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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10. Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have complete kitchen facilities: that is, 1) a sink with piped water, 2) a stove or range, and 3) a refrigerator?

[] Yes, has all three facilities
[] No

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities
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Why the Census Bureau Asks Certain Questions -

Plumbing and Kitchen facilities
This question helps provide information on the quality of housing. The data are used with other statistics to show how the "level of living" compares in various areas and how it changes over time.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_KITCHEN — Kitchen or cooking facilities

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_KITCH2 — Kitchen use
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F. Information about the private home
Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that if in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section "E. Information about the private dwelling".

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

4. Kitchen

You will consider that a home has a kitchen when it has a room used principally for cooking.

If a home has a kitchen, you will find out if it is with installations (kitchen sink and faucet). Remember that for installations to exist, there has to be water within the dwelling. Verify if you marked "By pipes within the dwelling" in "System of supply of water".

152. In Brazil Avenue No. 4993 you are enumerating the first of two homes that share a dwelling.

[p. 47]

They inform you that they have a kitchen. You should find out if this kitchen has the installations kitchen sink and faucet.

In the previous example, this first family informs you that they have a kitchen sink and faucet installed in the kitchen and that they use them exclusively. Write down in kitchen what corresponds:

[Below the text are two charts, one of them with boxes "Has with hot and cold water" and "Private of the home"]

When enumerating the second home, they inform you that they prepare meals in the only room that they occupy in the dwelling, and where they also eat and sleep. Register the situation of this home.

[p. 48]

[Below the text are two charts, one of them with boxes "Does not have" and "Does not apply" marked.]

155. If in this dwelling you are given a situation that both homes use a kitchen mentioned in the first home, you will register in "Use of kitchen".

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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F. Information about the private home

3.2 In this home, is there an appropriate place for cooking with a kitchen sink and faucet?


[] 7 Private to this home
[] 8 Shared with other homes

[] 0 No

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F. Information about the private home

Once the dwelling part is finished, you will ask questions referring to the Census home.

Remember that in a dwelling inhabited by more than one private home you should fill out as many documents as there are homes.

Write in each one of the documents the information about each of the homes. You should not repeat information in Section E. Information of the private dwelling.

Cancel this section upon enumerating the second and following homes that share this dwelling.

3. Cooking service
3.1 -- Habit of cooking in the home

The members of this home, "Do they cook in the home?"

You should ask this question in its natural form. If the answer is "Yes", mark box "1". In the contrary case, mark box "0".

When at least one meal is cooked in a home, you should mark box "1".

Appropriate place to cook with a kitchen sink and faucet:

In this home, "Is there any appropriate place for cooking with a kitchen sink and faucet?"

You will consider that a home has an appropriate place for cooking when it has a room or place reserved for cooking with a kitchen sink and faucet.

You will mark box 7 if the aforementioned appropriate place is private to a home. Box 8 corresponds to when it is shared with other homes. Box "0" corresponds to when there is no appropriate place for cooking with kitchen sink and faucet.

When enumerating a home, they inform you that they prepare meals in the only room in the dwelling, in which they also eat and sleep. Register the situation about this home.

[Below the text is a form with the box "No" marked]

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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4. In this home, is there any appropriate place for cooking, with kitchen sink and faucet?
[] 1 Yes, private to this home.
[] 2 Yes, shared with other homes.
[] 3 None

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Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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19. In this household, is there an appropriate place for cooking, with a sink and faucet?
[] 1 Yes, of private use for this household
[] 2 Yes, shared with other households
[] 3 No

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19. In this household, is there an appropriate place for cooking, with a sink and faucet?

Remember that in order for this response to be affirmative, the sink and faucet should be in working order.

This place doesn't need to be exclusively used for cooking and can be integrated into another space, for example the living room or dining room. If the dwelling has a kitchenette, mark "Yes".

Uruguay 2011 — source variable UY2011A_KITCHEN — Place for cooking
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Cooking Service

9. Is this household provided with some place appropriate for cooking, with sink and faucet? (HogSC01)

[] 1 Yes, private to this household
[] 2 Yes, shared with other households
[] 3 No
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7.3.4 Cooking Service

Is this household provided with some place appropriate for cooking, with sink and faucet?

  • Yes, private to this household
  • Yes, shared with other households
  • No

If the sink and faucet work, the place is considered appropriate for cooking.

This place may or may not be exclusively a kitchen, for being integrated to another environment like for example a "living room" or "dining room." If the dwelling has a kitchenette, select the option "yes." A kitchenette is a small kitchen integrated to another environment like the dining room or living-dining room.

If the response is "yes," investigate if its use is private to the household or shared with other households.

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_KITCHEN — Place for cooking
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13. Place for cooking
A. Inside the dwelling

[] 1 In a special room
[] 2 Where people sleep
[] 3 In another place

B. [] 4 Outside the dwelling

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7.9. Place for cooking (Q-13).

Place for cooking is understood to mean the space, separated by walls, equipped for the preparation of food and meant especially for this purpose.

The box "also used for sleeping" is marked when the preparation and cooking of meals is carried out in a room also used for sleeping. The "in designated room" box is marked when the kitchen is made up of a special space equipped for the preparation and cooking of meals and is meant for this exclusive use.

The "in other site" box is checked when the previous two cases do not apply. When there is no place for the preparation of meals within the dwelling, the "does not have" box is checked.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_KITCHEN — Kitchen
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8. The kitchen in located in:
[] Separate room
[] Another place

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Question No.8

[The instructions refer to a graphic of section II, question 8 on the census form.]

-- Read the question and the possible answers and fill in the corresponding cell.

Separate room:
The place in which cooking is performed is separated from the rooms or spaces in the dwelling by complete walls.
It can be inside or outside of the dwelling.
It can also function as a place to eat.

In other site:
The place in which cooking is performed is not separated completely from other rooms or spaces in the dwelling by walls.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_KITCH — Location of kitchen
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7. The kitchen is located in:
[] A room by itself
[] Living room, dining room
[] Other location

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1.5 Location of kitchen

A kitchen is an equipped place in the dwelling that is meant for the preparation of food. The location of the kitchen reflects part of the structural conditions and the habitability of the dwelling. The following forms may be encountered:
-- Room only: A space, with complete walls, equipped for food preparation and meant for this exclusive use, inside or outside of the dwelling. May also function as a place to eat.

-- Living room/dining room: Social area of the dwelling where the necessary equipment for food preparation is also located without being separated by complete walls.

-- Other site: Area not contemplated in the above categories.

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_KITCHEN — Housing unit has kitchen
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H-7 Does this housing unit have a kitchen?

[] 1-Yes
[] 2-No
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H - 7: Does this housing unit have a kitchen?

17. A kitchen is a space which conforms in all respects to a 'room' and is equipped for the preparation of meals and is intended primarily for that purpose. In cases where more than one household share a kitchen attach the kitchen to only one of them. Enter the appropriate code in the box provided.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_KITCHEN — Housing unit has kitchen
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8. Does this housing unit have a kitchen?
[] Yes
[] No
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H8: Does this housing unit have a kitchen?
A kitchen is a space which conforms in all respects to a 'room' and is equipped for the preparation of meals and is intended primarily for that purpose. In cases where more than one household share a kitchen attach the kitchen to only one of them. Shade appropriately.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_KITCHEN — Housing unit has a kitchen
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H10. Does this housing unit have a kitchen?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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H - 10: Does this housing unit have a kitchen?

A kitchen is a space, which conforms in all respects to a 'room' and is equipped for the preparation of meals and is intended primarily for that purpose. In cases where more than one household share a kitchen, attach the kitchen to only one of them. Shade appropriately.