Questionnaire Text

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For all persons
[Questions 10 to 25 were asked of all persons]

10. Mother tongue

Enter code from the list below

[] 01 Khmer
[] 02 Vietnamese
[] 03 Chinese
[] 04 Lao
[] 05 Thai
[] 06 French
[] 07 English
[] 08 Korean
[] 09 Japanese
[] 10 Chaaraay
[] 11 Chaam
[] 12 Kaaveat
[] 13 Klueng
[] 14 Kuoy
[] 15 Krueng
[] 16 Lon
[] 17 Phnong
[] 18 Proav
[] 19 Tumpoon
[] 20 Stieng
[] 21 Ro Ong
[] 22 Kraol
[] 23 Raadear
[] 24 Thmoon
[] 25 Mel
[] 26 Khogn
[] 27 Por
[] 28 Suoy
[] 29 Other (specify) ____
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52. Instructions for filling-in column 1 to 25 of Form B: part 2

You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in statement 1.1 and statement 1.2 of part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate column.

63. Column 10: mother tongue

Mother tongue of a person is the language spoken in childhood by the person's mother to the person. If the mother died in infancy, the language mainly spoken in the person's home in childhood will be the mother tongue. In case of infants and deaf mutes, the language usually spoken by the mother should be recorded. In case of doubts, the language mainly spoken in the household may be recorded.

63.1 You have to use the following codes for recording answer to this question:

Mother Tongue and codes
Code: mother Tongue
01: Khmer
02: Vietnamese
03: Chinese
04: Lao
05: Thai
06: French
07: English
08: Korean
09: Japanese
10: Chaaraay
11: Chaam
12: Kaavaet
13: Klueng
14: Kuoy
15: Krueng
16: Lon
17: Phnong
18: Proav
19: Tumpoon
20: Stieng
21: Ro Ong
22: Kraol
23: Raadear
24: Thmoon
25: Mel
26: Khogn
27: Por
28: Suay
29: Any other mother tongue which has to be specified

63.2 Please note in this connection, the instructions given below: You should tell the respondent that the information required here is mother tongue and not any other language spoken. It should also be made clear that this information is required purely for statistical purposes only.

However, you are bound to record the language as returned by the person as his/her mother tongue and you should not enter into any argument with him/her and try to record any language other than what is returned.

If you have reasons to suspect that in your area mother tongue is not being truthfully returned, you should record the mother tongue returned through code and make a report to your supervisor for verification.

[p. 24]

It is possible that mother tongue may be different for different persons in a household. It is, therefore, necessary to record for every person in the household his/her mother tongue. The codes from 10 to 28 relate to ethnic groups.