Questionnaire Text

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F: Information regarding ICT
(To be asked of persons aged 3 years and above)
[Questions P-45 to P-51 were asked of all individuals age 3+.]

Was [person] able to get a service from the following items within the last one month?

P-50. How often does [person] use internet (e.g. email, chatting, etc.)?

[] 1 Daily
[] 2 Weekly
[] 3 Monthly
[] 4 Yearly
[] 5 Never
[] 9 Unknown

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

- Section F: Information regarding ICT (information, communication and technology). It covers columns P45 to P51 and applies to all persons 3 years old and above

[Questions 50 and 51 are asked of all persons 3 years old and over.]

35.3 Column P50: Frequency of access to the internet services
The question seeks to establish how frequently eligible members of the household access and use internet services. Frequency of access could either be daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Record the response given by the respondent by entering the appropriate code: 1 to 4. If a member of the household has never used internet enter code 5.