Questionnaire Text

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F: Information regarding ICT
(To be asked of persons aged 3 years and above)
[Questions P-45 to P-51 were asked of all individuals age 3+.]

Was [person] able to get a service from the following items within the last one month?

P-47. Mobile Phone

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 Unknown

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- Section F: Information regarding ICT (information, communication and technology). It covers columns P45 to P51 and applies to all persons 3 years old and above

[Questions 45 to 49 are asked of all persons 3 years old and over.]

35.2 Column P45 to P49: Accessibility

This question seeks information on the ability of household members to get services from basic information and communication facilities within the past one month. The ICT facilities include radio, television (TV), mobile phone, landline telephone and a computer. Response to each of the question from eligible members of the household is either a yes =1 or no=2. Code in the appropriate box for all eligible members of the household i.e. those aged 3 years and above.

- Mobile phone (also called cell phone, hand phone, cellular phone, cell, mobile telephone or cell telephone) is a long?range, electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication over a network of specialized base stations known as cell sites which are in turn interconnected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN).