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D: Information regarding persons aged 3 years and above
[Questions P-39 to P-41 were asked of all individuals age 3+.]

P-40. What is the highest standard/form/level reached by [person]? _ _

The code list is provided. Write "97" if P-39 equals 3 or 9.

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- Section D: Information regarding education status for persons aged 3 years old and above. This section covers columns p39 to p41. Questions on education shall be asked of all persons aged 3 years and above.

33. Section D: Education status for persons aged 3 years and above

33.1 Columns P39, P40 and P41: Education
Questions on education are applicable to persons aged 3 years and above and refer to formal, non-formal and other education. The categories under formal education are; pre?primary, primary, secondary, middle level colleges and university. Non-formal education is any other form of education that does not follow the standard curriculum of the formal system but offers numeric and literacy skills e.g. adult education and youth/village polytechnic education. "Other" education refers to Madrassa and Duksis etc.

33.2 Definitions

- School/learning center: This is an institution that offers learning to particular group of persons in a given level of education.
- Early childhood development (ECD): This is an education program offered to provide holistic integrated services that create a strong foundation for the child's cognitive (talents), psycho?social, moral, spiritual, emotional and psychomotor (physical education?PE) needs. The official target group are the children aged 3 to 5 years.
- In this level of formal education, pupils attend schooling in three levels: baby class, nursery and pre?unit. In some regions the term used is kindergarten 1, kindergarten 2 and kindergarten 3.
- Primary: This is the first 8 years of basic education in the formal system. In this level, pupils go through 8 grades: Std. 1 to Std. 8. At the end of the cycle, they sit the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE). However, in the previous education system (7?4?2?3) there was the Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) at the end of primary in Standard 7.
- Secondary: This is the education offered for 4 years after primary education. In this level, also referred to as Ordinary (O)?level, the students attend schooling in 4 grades: Form 1 to Form 4. At the end the cycle they sit the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). In the previous education system, students attended O?level and Advanced (A)?level for 2 years in form 5 and form 6 after which they sat the Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE).
- Non-Formal Education (NFE): This is an education program that offers flexible learning for adults and school going children who are not able to join the formal system of education. In this system, the learners are categorized into three levels: basic, post-literacy, and technical.
- Basic education involves mainly teaching numeric and literacy skills. A pupil is considered to have achieved basic level of education after sitting and passing the proficiency examination.
- Post Literacy education involves teaching of all the examinable subjects at primary education. The learner is also expected to sit for either a Proficiency examination or Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE)
- Technical education is offered to learners in NFE centers to provide life skills to the disadvantaged population.
- Non?formal schools: These are schools that are not registered with the Ministry of Education but follow the formal primary school curriculum. They are registered by the office of the Attorney General/Ministry of Social Services to offer education services to needy population.
- Youth polytechnic: This is a non-formal education program offered to primary school leavers or those with some secondary education who are interested in technical skills. They offer artisan courses lasting between 1 to 3 years such as artisan 1 and 2 followed by craft 1 and 2 such as carpentry, masonry, electrical, hair dressing and tailoring etc.
- Tertiary education (middle level colleges): This is a post-secondary education program that offers various disciplines at certificate and diploma level. The program caters for the students who have completed secondary education and did not join university education. The institutions are of specific disciplines such as primary teacher training colleges that offer primary teaching certificate; medical training colleges offer certificate and diploma in nursing/clinical medicine etc. ; agriculture training colleges; media colleges; ICT colleges; technical training institutes; national polytechnics among others.
- University: This is a formal education program that allows learners to move to the last cycle of formal education. The courses offered are varied in all the sectors leading to professionals. The students are also allowed to pursue further education in university postgraduate programs on masters for 2 years and doctorate for 3 years and above.

33.4 Column P40: Highest standard/form/level of education reached

Ask: What is the highest standard/form/level of education reached by [the respondent]?
Code in column P40 the highest level of formal education the person has reached from the provided code list: For example, if a person reached standard 4 and dropped out of school before completing, he/she should be coded "4". If a person is attending an adult education basic literacy class he/she should be coded "21". However, if the person is enrolled for standard 8 examinations in adult literacy center then he/she should be coded "8". If a person is attending a course in a youth polytechnic, he/she should be coded "23", if the person has completed the youth polytechnic code "24"etc. If a person is attending a course in a middle level college (post-secondary education), he/she should be coded "15", if the person has completed the Middle Level College code "16"etc. Code "25" if a person is attending madrassa/duksi, and "26" if the person has completed madrassa/duksi. If P39=3 or 9 then write 97. If a person completed for example form four and enrolled in four three, code level of education reached as form four and current level as four three.