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G: Annual live births

[Questions H-10 and H-11 were asked of all households.]

H-10. How many live births occurred in this household between 24/08/2008 and 24/08/2009 (last 12 months)? _ _
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- Section G: Annual live births: This section covers column H10 and seeks information on all the live births that occurred within the household between 24/8/2008 and 24/8/2009 (last 12 months).

36. Section G: Annual live births

This section is about all births that occurred in the household in the last 12 months.
Ask: How many live births have occurred in this household between 24/8/2008 and 24/8/2009. Record the responses in column H10. Births will be captured in the households where they occurred i.e. if a woman gave birth to child while still staying with her parents but has since moved from the household; the birth should be captured in the parent's household and not where she has moved to. Regardless of where the birth occurred (bush or hospital), it should be captured in the household where the woman was staying at the time of birth. Women who gave birth while visiting, the births should be recorded with the household they were visiting.