Questionnaire Text

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225. Did [name] work during the week that ended in October 1st 2004 even for one hour?
- In any paid work
- In a business completely or partially owned
- In a business owned by the household without payment
- In any other business
[Question 225 was asked of persons age 15+ about their employment during the week ended in October 1st 2004.]
[] 1 Yes (skip to 227)
[] 2 No

226. Had [name] any job, but he did not practice it (was temporarily absent) due to illness, vacation, holiday, travel, reduction in economic activity, temporary breakdown in the establishment during the week ended in October 1st 2004?

[Question 226 was asked of persons age 15+ who did not work during the week ended in October 1st 2004, per Question 225.]
[] 1 Yes [skip to 228]
[] 2 No [skip to 232]

233. Did [name] actively search for work during the 4 weeks ended in October 1st 2004?

[Question 233 was asked of persons age 15+ who did not work and were also not temporarily absent from work, but were prepared to start a job if offered one during the 7 days ended in October 1st 2004 or in the next 15 days, per Questions 225, 226 and 232.]
[] 1 Yes [next person]
[] 2 No

234. The relationship of [name] with major economic activity during the 7 days ended in October 1st 2004

[Question 233 was asked of persons age 15+ who did not work, were also not temporarily absent from work, were not actively searching for work and were not prepared to start a job if offered one during the 7 days ended in October 1st 2004 or in the next 15 days, per Questions 225, 226, 232 and 233.]
[] 1 Student
[] 2 Housemaker
[] 3 With means
[] 4 Disabled
[] 5 Other (specify) ____