Questionnaire Text

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2.15. Did anyone abroad come to live in this household in 1990?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 3.1)

2.16. How many persons? _ _

If not stated, record "99".

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5.34 Questions 2.12-2.17
These questions are not related to the characteristics of either the housing unit or the household but have been included in Section 2 because the information is required for the household only. These questions seek to obtain information which will allow for an accurate estimation of migration into and out of Jamaica.

Allowance is made for up to six persons leaving or entering a household. Where the number exceeds six (6) record the additional information in your Visitation Record.

5.36 Questions 2.15-2.17 Persons Entering to Reside in Jamaica
Record the Age and Sex of each person joining the household from abroad to reside in Jamaica, DURING 1990. For babies less than one year old, record "'00" and for persons 98 years and over record "98". The age to be recorded is the age at the time of migration.

Please note that the emphasis is on Permanent residence. Persons visiting on vacation are not to be included.