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Section 7: Fertility
[Females age 14 and older not attending school full-time]

38. Duration of the union (completed years): _ _

[] Not applicable
[] Not stated

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Section 7 - Fertility

This section is comprised of Questions 32 to 38 and the information is to be completed only for females 14 years or older who are not attending school (not including a tertiary institution full time)

5.67 Question 38 - Duration of Union

[Image omitted here]

In this question also, females are divided into the two age groups, under 45 years and 45 years and over. Information at Questions 9 and 37 should be referred to here.
For all women under 45 scored as either Married or Common Law at Question 37, score at Question 38 the number of completed years that the woman has been in either of these unions. For all women 45 years and over, who at Question 37, were scored as either Married or Common Law, score the number of completed years which had elapsed between the woman's marriage and her 45th birthday or the beginning of that common-law union and her 45th birthday. For all other women, that is women who at Question 37 were scored as Visiting, No Longer Living with Husband, No Longer Living with C.L. Partner, Never had Husband or Partner, score Not Applicable.