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Section 7: Fertility
[Females age 14 and older not attending school full-time]

34. Age of the mother at the birth of her first live-born child: _ _

[] Not applicable
[] Not stated

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Section 7 - Fertility

This section is comprised of Questions 32 to 38 and the information is to be completed only for females 14 years or older who are not attending school (not including a tertiary institution full time)

5.60 Question 34 - Age of Mother at Birth of First Child

[Image omitted here]

This question is obviously closely linked to the preceding Question 32. However, in the interest of reducing recall lapses, it is advisable to ask Question 34 and not assume the answer based on Question 32. You may also use the answers to this Question in arriving at a reliable estimate of a woman's age, when the answer at Question 9 appeared doubtful.
Introduce the question this way: "The next Census question is on the age of each woman at the time of her first live born child, does this apply to you (her)?" If the answer is yes then ask: "How old were you (was she) when you (she) had your (her) first live born baby?" Record the age in completed years. if the answer given is the date of birth of the child, then convert to age - Use conversion sheet in Appendix I.
In cases where the woman has had no live born children mark Not Applicable on the top line relating to this question.
In cases where it has not been possible after all efforts to obtain the information, make an estimate of her age based on the age of her first live birth and her age as recorded at Question 9.