Questionnaire Text

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Section 5: Vocational training
[All persons age 14 and older]

22. Occupation for which trained or being trained: _______

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Section 5 - Vocational Training

5.41 General
Up to this point on the questionnaire the questions related to all individuals except for Question 18 which refers to foreign born only. This Section and the one following applies to persons 14 years and over. There are three questions in this Section, Questions 22 to 24 and these cover training intended specifically to fit the individual for a given type of occupation or vocation.

5.42 Question 22 - Occupation for which Trained or Being Trained

[Image omitted here]

This is one of the instances in which the response is to be written in. Note the dark brown area. Write always to the right and not within this area.
You are required to record here the vocation for which the individual is being trained or has received training.

Ask the following questions:

(1) "Have you (Has he/she) had any special training to fit you (him/her) for employment?"

If the answer is 'No' then ask:

(2) "Are you (Is he/she) now undergoing any such special training?"

If the answer to this question is also 'No', then write 'None', and ask no more questions in this Section.
If the respondent answers 'Yes' to either Question (1) or (2) above, you will then ask:

(3) "In what field have you (has he/she) been trained or is being trained?"

If more than one field is mentioned, find out which is the field with the highest level of skill and record this.
Write in the name of the occupation/vocation as stated. You may use a descriptive phrase if the occupational name is not clear.


Be as specific as possible; e.g. enter Mechanical Engineer rather than Engineer. If the individual has not been trained for any occupation, write 'None'. In this case, skip to Question 25.