Questionnaire Text

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Section 4: Education
[All ages]

21. Highest level of educational attainment (including persons still at school):

a) Type of school/university:

[] None
[] Nursery infant
[] Primary
[] Secondary
[] University
[] Other
[] JAMAL (Jamaican Movement for the Advancement of Literacy)
[] Not stated

b) Years of schooling:

[] 0
[] 1-2
[] 3-4
[] 5-6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11+
[] Not stated

c) Exam passed:

[] None
[] J.S.C. (5) or 3rd JLCL
[] G.C.E. (O) 3-4
[] G.C.E. (O) 5 S.C. OR G.C.E. (A) 1-2
[] G.C.E. (A) 3 or more or higher schooling
[] Dip
[] Degree
[] Other
[] Not stated

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Section 4 - Education

5.34 General
These questions are to be answered for every individual. For babies the answers to these questions will obviously be None or Not Applicable. This may also apply to very young children. Thus for children up to two years you need not ask the question at all but score in the appropriate boxes. For children over two years you should ask the question since it is possible that very young children, certainly from about three years old, are sometimes sent to school.

5.37 Question 21 - Highest Level of Educational Attainment
This question is divided into three parts and relates to the whole population. It therefore includes persons who are still attending school. It relates to education already received. In cases where the individual was educated abroad, try to determine the equivalent level to those identified in the questionnaire and score. For persons attending JAMAL classes, obtain the highest level attained before JAMAL, score JAMAL only if the person has not attended school before.

5.40 Question 21(c) - Examination Passed

[Image omitted here]

Ask the question this way:
"Have you (Has he/she) passed any public examinations?"
Since you can make only one mark in the row and since the individual may have passed more than one of the examinations specified on the questionnaire, make sure that you obtain the highest examination passed before scoring.
For the purpose of the Census, examinations have been ranked in the following order:

None, J.S.C. (5) or 3rd JLCL., G.C.E. (O) one to two subjects, and so on, up to University Degree. Mark None if the individuals have not passed any of the public examinations specified in these instructions.

J.S.C. 5 or 3rd JLCL. (abbreviations for Jamaica School Certificate - 5 subjects, and Third Jamaica. Local Examination) - Mark this if the individual has obtained the Jamaica School Certificate, the Jamaica Certificate of Education, Parts 1 and 2, or has passed the Third Jamaica local examination or the Junior Cambridge examination.


For the J.S.C. level include only those persons who have passed the combinations for which a certificate is given; that is, five subjects, of which three must be English, Mathematics and Civics. Persons who have not attained this level at the J.S.C. should be scored at "Other" as also persons who have passed the First and Second Jamaica Local Examination, and other lesser examinations.

G.C.E. (O) 1/2 (abbreviation for General Certificate of Education - O level - one or two subjects). Mark this for individuals who have obtained passes in one or two subjects in these examinations.

G.C.E. (O) 3/4 (abbreviation for General Certificate of Education - O level - three or four subjects). Mark this whether or not the individual has passed any of the examinations discussed previously but has passed no more than three or four subjects at the O level examinations for the General Certificate of Education.

G.C.E. (O) 5 or ScC. or G.C.E. (A) 1 (abbreviation for General Certificate of Education - O level - 5 subjects; School Certificate or General Certificate of Education - A level - one subject). Mark this if the individual has passed any of these examinations, whether or not he/she has passed any of the examinations discussed previously.

G.C.E. (A) 2 or more (abbreviation for General Certificate of Education - A level - 2 subjects or more). Mark this for individuals who whether or not they have passed any examination discussed before, have passed 2 or more subjects at G.C.E. "A" levels, or have obtained the Higher School Certificate of the Universities of London or Cambridge or the Intermediate Examination of the Bachelor's degree (i.e. Int. B.A. or Int. B.Sc.). This assumes that they have not obtained a Diploma, Degree etc. as discussed below.

Diploma - Mark this for individuals who have obtained a Diploma or Certificate (and not a Degree) from a University or Institute of Higher Learning.

Degree - Mark this for individuals who have obtained a Degree from a University or Institute of Higher Learning as a result of examinations taken in connection with the award.

Other - Mark this for individuals who have passed examinations not specified for any of the preceding response positions. Include here persons who have passed the Secondary School Certificate examination (SSCE).

Note, that in relation to passes in G.C.E. "O" level, only persons obtaining Grades A - C in a subject must be regarded as having passed that subject.


The Caribbean Examinations Council Examinations (CXC) have not been specifically identified on the questionnaire but this is to be treated as follows:
C.X.C. Basic Proficiency should be classified as J.S.C. 5 or 3rd Jamaica Local.
C.X.C. General Proficiency should be classified as G.C.E. Exams.