Questionnaire Text

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Section 2: Characteristics
[All persons]

10. Marital status:

[] Never married
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Legally separated
[] Not stated

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Section 2 - Characteristics

5.20 General
Question 7 to 14, which comprise Section 2, provide some basic characteristics about the individual and are to be answered for all members of the population except those exempted as special cases. Special Cases are always handled by Special Census Takers and instructions for identifying and handling these Special Cases are given in Part 6.

5.24 Question 10 - Marital status

[Image omitted here.]

Mark Never Married if the individual is less than 14 years old. For other persons, ask the question (where necessary) this way: For Respondent - "Have you ever been married?" If not Respondent then "Has (name of individual) ever been married?" Emphasis is placed here on the fact of the legal status of the association. Marital Status has been divided into five categories thus:

Married - Mark this position for all persons formally married, whether or not they are living with the partners to whom they are legally married. In those cases where East Indians have been married according to the Hindu Custom (that is, under the bamboo) or the Muslim rites, mark Married whether or not the marriage has been legally registered.

The remaining four categories, Never Married, Widowed, Divorced, Legally Separated, are self-explanatory.