Questionnaire Text

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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

Questions 5.3 through 5.9 are asked for those persons ages 6 years or more

5.6 Did you complete any regional/provincial vocational training courses lasting 6 months or longer and requiring an upper secondary school diploma for admission? (level II programs, Higher Technical Education and Training courses)

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 5.9]
[] 2 No [skip to question 5.9]
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Question 5.6
This refers to regional/provincial vocational training courses that last 6 months or longer and that require an upper secondary school diploma for admission.

Level II programs are reserved for upper secondary diploma holders aged under 25 (the age limit is higher for degree holders, etc.) and/or unemployed individuals aged 25 or over with the appropriate educational or vocational credentials.

Higher Technical Education and Training Courses (IFTS) are programs financed by the European Social Fund and Regional government to train specialized Technicians and professional figures to a post-secondary level (e.g. Higher technical education for insurance claims management, for Telecommunications, for Organization and marketing of integrated tourism, etc.). The Regions award a Higher Technical Specialization qualification that is valid nationwide and equivalent to Level 4 in the ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) classification.