Questionnaire Text

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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

5. Education and training

5.1 The child attends

[Question 5.1 is asked for children ages 6 years and under]

[] 1 Daycare, micro crèches, drop-in/ short-term child care, etc. (3-36 months) (go to question 5.2)
[] 2 Nursery school (go to question 7.1)
[] 3 First year (go to question 7.1)
[] 4 Neither daycare nor nursery school nor first year (If this is selected, section is done)
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Questions 5.1 and 5.2
For ages 6 and under.

The head of household on the Household form or reference person (person 01 from List A) need not answer these questions.

Children under the age of 6 who do not attend daycare or nursery school (scuola dell?infanzia, formerly scuola materna) and are already in first grade (primary school) - children born between 10th October and 31st December 2005, for instance - should answer question 5.1 by checking box 3 ("Elementary school").

Children under the age of 6 who do not attend daycare, nursery school (scuola dell?infanzia, formerly scuola materna) or first grade (primary school) should answer question 5.1 by checking box 4 and finish by filling in the individual Form.