Questionnaire Text

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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

4. Presence and prior dwelling

4.1 Where were you living as of the date of the census, October 9th, 2011?

[] 1 In this dwelling
[] 2 In this municipality, but in a different dwelling or cohabitation (e.g. at a friend's/relative's house, military barracks, hospital)
[] 3 In a different Italian municipality
[] 4 Abroad
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

Question 4.1
Check the box corresponding to your location as of the date of the Census.

Check box 1 ("In this dwelling") or 2 ("In this municipality, but in a different dwelling or residence") even if the individual was absent from his/her municipality on 09th October 2011, but returned on 10th October 2011 and did not complete the survey elsewhere.

Note that the term cohabitation refers, for example, to educational institutions (boarding schools, seminaries, etc.), welfare institutions (orphanages, family housing, rest homes for the disabled and senior citizens, etc.), healthcare institutions (hospitals, clinics, etc.), prisons, ecclesiastical housing, military centers (military hospitals, military prisons, barracks, etc.), hotels, boarding houses, rental properties and similar, merchant ships (cruise ships, etc.), and so on.