Questionnaire Text

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Section II: Individual Form

[For persons in List A]

3. Citizenship

3.2 Have you had Italian citizenship since birth?

[] 1 Yes [skip to question 3.4]
[] 2 No [go to question 3.3]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

3 - Citizenship

Question 3.2
Italians who are citizens by birth should check box 1 ("Yes") even if they were born abroad.

Italians who became citizens after applying for and being granted citizenship by a competent authority, or who acquired Italian citizenship by marriage, ordinary or extraordinary naturalization or birth in Italy and with uninterrupted legal residency since the age of 18 should check box 2 ("No"). Box 2 should also be checked if Italian citizenship was acquired "automatically" - for example:

a) a minor who acquired Italian citizenship by being adopted by an Italian citizen, or through acknowledgement of maternity or paternity (or legal declaration of filiation) by an Italian parent;
b) a cohabitating child (minor) who acquired Italian citizenship.