Questionnaire Text

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Section I: Information about household and dwelling

3 Water and sanitation systems

3.1 Is water available inside the dwelling?

If yes, multiple responses are allowed

[] 1 Yes, drinkable water from the public water mains
[] 2 Yes, drinkable water from a well
[] 3 Yes, drinkable water from another source
[] 4 Yes, but it is not drinkable
[] 5 No, no water is available inside [skip to question 3.5]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section I - Information about household and dwelling

3 - Water and sanitation systems

Question 3.1
If yes, multiple responses are allowed.

Check box 3 if your drinking water does not come from public water utilities or a well, but instead from an indirect source such as a cistern that is refilled periodically. Check box 4 if the only water available inside the dwelling is not fit to drink.