Questionnaire Text

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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

6.1 Indicate whether, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), the person was

[] 01 Employed [skip to point 7]
[] 02 Looking for first employment
[] 03 Unemployed (looking for a new job)
[] 04 Waiting to begin a job already obtained
[] 05 Student
[] 06 Looking after home/household
[] 07 Retired
[] 08 On national military service or substitute civil service [skip to point 8]
[] 09 Disabled for work [skip to point 8]
[] 10 Other conditions

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Question 6.1
In order to properly answer this question, refer to the following definitions.
anyone who works on their own, or works for someone else in exchange for salary or some kind of profit (all kinds of retributions must be considered: salary, wage, fee, profit, reimbursement of expenses, payment in kind, room and board);
anyone collaborating with a household member who runs his own business, without a regular work contract or retribution (contributing family worker).
Any type of nominate work, with or without contract, is sufficient to be considered employed, just as long as the hours worked are paid for with money or in kind. The following persons must also be considered employed:

a) anyone who, during the week preceding the Census, did not work because they were on leave, sick, on maternity leave, on part time, in leave of absence, on income support, for lack of commissions, etc;
b) anyone who worked as a paid apprentice or trainee;
c) anyone hired with a specific work contract;
d) anyone participating in work stages as a paid intern.

Not considered employed (and therefore must not cross box 01):
anyone attending a university course for a Ph.D., doctors who attend specialization courses, winners of scholarships and anyone involved in unpaid volunteer activities;
anyone who is serving in the national military service or civil service, including those who maintain the right to their work place or are looking for employment, regardless of previous or future work status.

Looking for first employment:
a) anyone who has completed, terminated or abandoned a series of studies;
b) anyone who has never worked or has terminated self-employment;
c) anyone who has "voluntarily" stopped working for a certain period of time (at least 1 year); and is actually looking for a job and will accept one if offered.

Unemployed (looking for a new job): anyone who, having lost his/her previous job, is actually looking for employment and will accept it if offered.
Waiting to begin a job already obtained: anyone who has already found employment, or has made necessary preparations for self employment and will begin working within the next few weeks.
Student: anyone who dedicates their time mainly to study.
Looking after home/household: anyone whose main occupation is taking care of his/her household and home.
Retired: anyone who has stopped working because of age limitations, invalidity or other causes. A retired is not necessarily a pensioner because those who retire from work do not necessarily receive pension benefits.
On military service or substitute civil service: this category includes all those persons who, during the week preceding the Census (from 14 to 20 October 2001), were under military service or substitute civil service, regardless of previous or future work status or whether they maintained the right to their work place or are looking for employment.
Disabled to work: anyone whose level of physical or mental invalidity make it impossible for them to hold a job.
Other conditions: anyone in conditions other than those listed above (for example, wealthy, retired from work for other reasons, Holder of a social pension or invalidity pension).