Questionnaire Text

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For persons under 6 years of age
[Question 5.1 was asked for persons under 6 years of age.]

5.1 Indicate whether the child goes to
[] 1 Day nurseries (go to point 8)
[] 2 Nursery School (go to point 8)
[] 3 Neither one (the questionnaire ends here)

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Question 5.1
Children who attend day nurseries or nursery school (for whom boxes 1 or 2 have been crossed), go to 8.
Children who are less than 6 years old and do not go to day nurseries nor to nursery school, but are already in first grade of primary school (for example, children born between 22 October and 31 December 1995), answer question 5.2 (cross box 02).
Children who are less than 6 years old and do not attend day nurseries, nor nursery school, nor the first grade of primary school, the questionnaire terminates here.

Questions 5.2 and 5.3
Question 5.2 must be answered by those who are over 6 years of age, and those who are less than 6 years old and are in first grade of elementary school (for example children born between 22 October and 31 December 1995).
Only those who crossed one of the boxes from 09 to 11 of Question 5.2 must answer Question 5.3.
Educational degree refers to the official title attributed after successfully completing an educational course.
In order to properly answer questions 5.2 and 5.3, the following instructions must be observed:
Any person with two or more educational degrees at the same level, must indicate only the one considered to be the most important, in relationship with the profession practiced.
Students in first grade of primary school must cross box 02.
Any person with a discharge certificate (3rd grade primary school) must cross: box 01 if they cannot read nor write ("No educational degree and cannot read nor write"); box 02 if they can read and write ("No educational degree but can read and write");
Any person (in particular foreign citizens) who obtained their highest degree abroad must cross the box relative to the corresponding Italian educational degree
Foreign citizens who have not obtained any type of educational degree must chose between 01 ("No educational degree and cannot read nor write") and 02 ("No educational degree but can read and write") with reference to their mother tongue.
Primary school certificate: corresponds to completion of the first level of basic education.
Lower Secondary School Certificate: corresponds to the completion of second level basic education. A primary school diploma is required in order to be admitted to these courses.
Secondary school certificate obtained from a Classics, Scientific, Linguistic or Artistic Secondary school: obtained upon completion of a 4 or 5 years secondary school course and needed to enroll in University. A Lower Secondary School Certificate is required in order to be admitted to this course. At question 5.2, those whose highest level of education is the School Leaving Certificate (or state exams) held at a Classics, Scientific, Linguistic or Artistic Secondary School, must cross one of the boxes between 05 and 08.
Secondary school certificate obtained from a Professional Institute, a Teaching School, a Fine Arts Institute, a Technical Institute or a Teachers College. It is broken down into:

a) Professional Institute, Institute of Fine Arts or Teaching School certificate: an educational degree obtained upon completion of secondary school studies with a duration of less than 4 years (2-3 year courses) which does not allow enrollment into University. A Lower Secondary School Certificate is required to be admitted to these courses. Those whose highest degree of education is a diploma from the Professional Institute, Institute of Fine Arts or Teaching School must cross one of the boxes between 09 and 11 in question 5.2, and box 1 in question 5.3;
b) School Leaving Certificate (State exams): obtained after completing secondary school studies with a duration of 4 or 5 years and enables enrollment into University. A Lower Secondary School Certificate is required to be admitted to these courses. Those whose highest degree of education is a secondary school certificate (or state exam) obtained from a Professional Institute, Teaching School, Fine Arts Institute, Technical Institute or Teaching College must cross one of the boxes between 09 and 13 in question 5.2. If the secondary school certificate (or state exam) was obtained from a Professional Institute, Teaching School, Fine Arts Institute cross box 2 in question 5.3;

Post School Leaving non-University Diploma: obtained after completing non-university studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, School of Artistic Industries, National Dramatics Academy, National Dance Academy (3-year specialization course), Academy of Music or Recognized School of Music (2-3 year specialization course), School for Interpreters and Translators or the School for Filing, Paleography and Diplomacy. The duration varies depending on the course selected. A secondary school certificate (4-5 year course) is needed in order to be admitted to these courses. Post-secondary school professional training courses are excluded.
University certificate (Special direct or para-university schools, and short degrees): obtained after completing a university certificate or special direct school course. This certificate is obtained after attending a course of no less than 2 years and no more than 3 (statistics diploma, elementary school surveillance, ISEF diploma, diploma in paleography and musical philology, etc.). The University certificate or short degree internationally corresponds to the first step of the first series of university studies (e.g. bachelor's degree - or first degree - English). A secondary school certificate (4-5 year course) is needed in order to be admitted to these courses.
Degree: obtained after having completed a university course of studies with a duration of no less than 4 years and no more than 6. A degree course aimed at providing students with adequate knowledge on cultural, scientific and professional methods and contents at a higher level. A secondary school certificate (4-5 year course) is needed in order to be admitted to these courses. Internationally, a degree corresponds to the second step of the first series of university studies (e.g. French maitrise).