Questionnaire Text

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1.2 Indicate whether the owner of the dwelling is
[] 1 A physical person (or more than one person in co-property
[] 2 A firm or company (insurance, bank, real-estate, building society, commercial, etc.)
[] 3 A residential building cooperative
[] 4 The state, region, province
[] 5 The municipality
[] 6 A Social Security Organization (INPS, INPDAP, etc.)
[] 7 An Independent Institute for Settlement Homes (IACP) or Territorial Enterprise (ATER) or similar
[] 8 Other

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Question 1.2
Regardless of the answer provided for question 1 indicate who, amongst those listed, is the owner of the dwelling. If none of these is the owner, cross box 8. If ownership is shared amongst various persons (private persons, companies, etc.) indicate the owner with the largest percentage of ownership. In case of bare ownership, refer to the owner of the bare property.