Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 35-39 were asked of ever married women between 10 and 54 years old]

For code 1 in column 35
[Questions 36-39 were asked of ever married women between 10 and 54 years old who gave birth in the past 365 days]

Number of children born alive in the past 365 days


36. Boy _ _

37. Girl _ _
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28.1. Number of children born alive in the past 365 days, Columns 36 to 39

28.1.1. Total, Columns 36 and 37
Fill these columns only for those women between 10 and 54 who have been married at least once (codes 1, 2, and 3 in column 28) and who have a code 1 in column 35, and leave it blank for others. Ask their total number of live-born children in the past 365 days (whether the children are living at present or not) and based on their gender put it down in columns 36 and 37.

- For those women who have given birth only to boys or girls, write the number in one of the columns 36 or 37 and mark the other column with "--".