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For code 1 in column 20
[Questions 21-22 were asked of literate persons]

22. Field of study ________

For grade, course or degree.

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21.3. Grade, course or degree and the field of study, Columns 21 and 22
Fill columns 21 and 22 only for those who are literate (code 1, column 20) and leave it blank for others. Since the responses to questions about degree and the field of study will be coded based on standard international classification, it is necessary to write the answers accurately and precisely based on the following description:
Just a reminder: Iran's education system is as follows:
5 years of elementary school, 3 years of middle school, 3 years of high school, 1 year precollege, 2 years of community college and/or 4 years of college, 2 years of graduate school, 5 years of PhD (higher education duration can be different from one field of study to another)

21.3.2. Field of study, Column 22
Ask the respondent their field of study for the grade, course or degree mentioned in column 21 and write it down in this column. Note the following points:

- For those grades and levels which are not divided into different fields of study, write "general" in this column: elementary school, middle school, 1st grade high school, adult literacy programs, and in some cases 1st to 3rd grade of high school in the 6-years system.
- For those grades and levels which are divided into different fields of study, write down the complete name of the field: some cases of 1st to 3rd grade high school in the 6-years system, 4th to 6th years of high school in the 6-years system, 4-years high school system, 2nd and 3rd year of high school in the credit system, precollege and higher education. For instance:

- If the individual's degree is the 4-years high school system diploma, write the name of field, such as "math and physics", "natural science", etc.
- If the individual's degree is the 6-years high school system diploma, write the name of field, such as "literature", "natural science", etc.
- If an individual is studying in the technical field, write the details, such as "mechanics", "electronics", etc.
- If an individual's high school degree is in the work-study field, write the name of subordinates, such as "electronics", "carpentry", "establishments", etc.
- If an individual is studying chemical engineering or teaching chemistry, write down "chemical engineering" or "teaching chemistry".
- In theological science cases, if the individual declares a specific name, write down the name, otherwise write "theological science".
- For those literate individuals who do not have a transcript or official degree, leave this column blank.

For your convenience, in filling the columns related to "Grade, course and degree" and "Field of study", two tables have been provided for students and non-students.

Table A: guide to fill columns 21 and 22 for students
Education status: Elementary school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st to 5th grade and the word "elementary"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Middle school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st to 3rd grade and the word "middle school"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: High school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Grade, the word "high school", name of the subdivision, credit system
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Precollege
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "precollege"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Adult literacy program
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "Movement" or word "movement 5th"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Theological science
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Name of the level and word "theological science"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field or the word "theological science"
Education status: Higher education
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Name of the level
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Table B: guide to fill columns 21 and 22 for non-students
Education status: Has not finished elementary
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st to 4th grade elementary -- 5-years / 1st to 5th grade elementary -- 6-years
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Has finished elementary
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "End of elementary school"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Has not finished middle school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): 1st or 2nd grade middle school
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Has finished middle school
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "End of middle school"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: 1st grade high school-credit system
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "1st grade high school -- credit system"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: High school (excluding 1st grade credit system)
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Last level or highest degree, the word "high school", name of the subdivision and type of education system
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Precollege
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "precollege"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field
Education status: Adult literacy program
Grade, course, degree (column 21): "Movement" or "movement 5th"
Field of study (column 22): "general"
Education status: Theological science
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Name of the level and the word "theological science"
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field or the word "theological science"
Education status: Higher education
Grade, course, degree (column 21): Highest degree
Field of study (column 22): Name of the field