Questionnaire Text

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7. Gender
[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

19. Is the individual in school?

[] 1 Yes, in Iran
[] 2 Yes (abroad)
[] 3 No

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21. Education and literacy, Columns 19 to 22
Fill out these columns for anyone age 6 and older, which means for anyone who was born before November 2000, and leave it blank for anyone born after this date.

21.1. Is the individual in school? Column 19
Anyone who is in school under the Islamic Republic of Iran's educational circumstances is considered a student. Students of theological schools, people in literacy schools and people who study abroad are also considered as in school students. Write down code 1 for students who study in the country at the time of enumeration, code 2 for students who study abroad and code 3 for those who are not students. Therefore, people studying at community colleges or certificate programs such as computers, foreign languages, painting, sewing, etc., are also considered as students.

- Consider students who have a semester/year off of school as in school students.
- Consider those who are accepted for a second semester at college, if they have registered, as students.

Note: on page 2 of Form no. 3, some spots are designed to record the number of household members, number of male, number of female, number of literate and number of illiterate. Do not fill these sections, since they will be filled out by a reviewer.