Questionnaire Text

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20. Literacy status
[] 1 Literate
[] 2 Illiterate

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21. Education and literacy, Columns 19 to 22
Fill out these columns for anyone age 6 and older, which means for anyone who was born before November 2000, and leave it blank for anyone born after this date.

21.2. Literacy status, Column 20
Define literacy status for every 6 year old and above and write down the proper code in column 20.
[] 1 Literate: consider everyone who can read and write a simple text in Farsi or any other language a literate person, whether they have an official document or not. All the students (codes 1 and 2 in column 19) are in this category.
[] 2 Illiterate: put down code 2 for those illiterate people. Consider people who can read but cannot write as illiterate. Note not to consider them illiterate only because they are deaf or blind or have speaking disorders; write down code 1 for them if they can read and write.

Note: on page 2 of Form no. 3, some spots are designed to record the number of household members, number of male, number of female, number of literate and number of illiterate. Do not fill these sections, since they will be filled out by a reviewer.