Questionnaire Text

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For 10 years old and older

23. Working status

[] 1 Has worked at least 1 hour in the past 7 days
[] 2 Has a job, but hasn't worked for some reason in the past 7 days
[] 3 Has been seeking for a job in the past 30 days and is available to work
[] 4 Waiting for the new job to begin or to return to the old job and is available to work
[] 5 Student
[] 6 Has income, without a job
[] 7 House keeper
[] 8 Other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Note: on page 2 of Form no. 3, some spots are designed to record the number of household members, number of male, number of female, number of literate and number of illiterate. Do not fill these sections, since they will be filled out by a reviewer.