Questionnaire Text

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Questions 42-55 should be filled out for collective and normal settled households.

42. Main fuel type consumed by household

Providing hot water

[] Kerosene
[] Gas oil
[] Liquid gas
[] Natural gas (public network)
[] Electricity
[] Solid fuel (firewood, charcoal)
[] Other
[] None

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30. General explanation about questions 41 through 56
Fill question 41 only for normal settled households and leave it blank for other households. But fill questions 42 to 55 also for collective households in addition to normal settled ones.
Note: For those normal settled and collective households for which you filled more than one sheet of questionnaire, fill these questions along with question 56 only on the first sheet and leave them blank on other sheets.

32. Main fuel type consumed by household, Question 42
Ask the type of fuel that the household uses for cooking, heat and providing hot water separately. In each case, if the answer matches one of the predicted fuel types, mark the box; otherwise, mark the box for "Other" fuels.
If the household does not use any fuels to provide heat, mark "None" in the linked column.
Note that solid fuel means: firewood, charcoal, coal, animal waste and botanical waste (thorns and shavings, remaining or harvested cereal, etc.)
If the household uses several types of fuel for cooking, heat and hot water, consider the one they use the most in each case and only mark one of the boxes. For example, for a household who usually uses liquid gas and sometimes electricity for cooking, and often uses kerosene to provide heat and hot water, consider liquid gas as the consumed fuel for cooking and kerosene for heat and hot water.