Questionnaire Text

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To be filled by people age 12 and older
[Applies to questions 38-45]

[Questions 42 to 45 are for married, divorced and widowed women]

42. Duration of marriage

[] Less than one year
[] One year and more
Number of years ____

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42. The duration of marriage:
Means the length of time when the woman is married legally till the census day (except the years of divorce or being a widow) without recording the months. If the woman is married less than year till the census day indicated by (x) in the special square for that. In case if divorce happens the number of practical years is counted till the formal day of divorce. If the woman is divorced and after a time she got married the duration of marriage is counted (the total of the first marriage years added to it the years of the second marriage) except the time between the first divorce and the second marriage but if there is no divorce happen the time from the marriage till the census day is counted. For example if the woman is married for three years and four months after that she was widowed for a length of time then she got married for the second time for six years and five months till the census day the duration of her marriage life is (9) years only and the months are neglected.